Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 122 Encounter with Zhu Jinyu (please complete order)\r

Room 024.

Su Chen sat cross-legged on the bed, eyes closed, expression indifferent.

But in his spiritual sea, it is a turbulent!

The spiritual sea of ​​nothingness, centered on liquid magic energy, was divided into two parts.

On the left, under the control of the magic energy puppet, the dense magic energy light spots are constantly building a magic circle.

After each magic circle is constructed, it will dissipate with a bang, and then torn down again!

On the right, under the control of the main spiritual force, the magic energy light spot is constructing the magic energy symbol.

One, two...twenty, twenty-one!

In the area on the right, a total of twenty-one magic symbols have been constructed!

And, still trying to build the twenty-second!

These magic energy symbols have different shapes, and the further back they go, the more complicated and mysterious they are!


With a dull sound, all the magic symbols on the right collapsed!

However, the magic circle construction training of the magic puppet on the left was not affected at all.

"Still failed. 35

Su Chen opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

The release of thunder spells, in addition to the fact that the mage needs to have an affinity with the thunder element.

In the construction of the magic circle, it is also necessary to use the magic energy symbol that can resonate with the thunder element.

After this period of study, he already knew that there were a total of 64 magic energy symbols that could resonate with the thunder element.

Among them, there are a total of 24 magical energy symbols that can be constructed by mages below the fourth level.

For the past five days, he has been training on the construction of magical energy symbols every day.

Now, 21 of the 24 magic symbols have been successfully constructed.

There are still three remaining, which are extremely difficult and require extremely high magical energy and spiritual power.

Right now, he can't build it yet.

"Now I know how perverted Teacher Yao's Heavenly Thunder Technique is. 35

Su Chen said with emotion.

There are a total of 10 magic energy symbols in the sky thunder technique.

These 10 magic symbols have different effects.

Combined together, with the hexagram as the base, it has the effect of arousing the power of heaven and earth.

The knowledge of spells and magic energy involved is beyond his reach at present.

"But sooner or later, I will reach that level!

Su Chen clenched his fists.

As long as he follows this rhythm and keeps learning knowledge, sooner or later, he will reach the level of Teacher Yao!

"It's already seven o'clock in the afternoon, it's time to go eat." 99

Glancing at the time on the phone, Su Chen walked out of the room door.

When walking down the stairs, he encountered a foreign man with a strong breath.

Behind him, there was a foreign girl with reddish brown hair who looked to be in her twenties.

Perhaps because Su Chen's body and appearance are outstanding, the girl couldn't help but glance at him a few more times.

Under the warning of the foreign man's staring eyes, he smiled and retracted his gaze.

"Are foreign girls so bold?

Su Chen shook his head slightly, asked at the front desk of the lobby on the first floor where to eat, and walked straight over.

The dining place is not far from the location of the hall, and it took a few steps and turned a corner.

With the smell of meat, a resplendent dining hall appeared in front of him.

In the hall, a waiter in a lady's dress walked through it with a plate.

Arrange delicious dishes with bursts of meaty aroma on the exquisite round table.

At the round table, there are already many people dining.

Before Su Chen could take a closer look, he heard a surprised voice:

"Su Chen?"

Following the voice, he saw a familiar and beautiful face among the group of teenagers and girls beside the exquisite round table.

At the corner of her eye, there is an attractive tear mole.

"Zhu Jinyu?

Su Chen was taken aback.

This girl is, astonishingly, Zhu Jinyu, a girl with tear moles who has the same affinity with Lei Element!

"Teacher Tang, let me go."

Zhu Jinyu said to the glamorous young woman, then stood up and trotted towards Su Chen with slender steps.

"Zhu Jinyu saw his little lover? So happy?"

"Well, it's very possible! When we were in the Anyang Nurturer Association, she never did this to other boys!"

"I didn't expect sister Jin Yu to have a little lover. I wanted to introduce her to her."

Looking at Zhu Jinyu who was leaving with brisk steps, the teenagers and girls at the exquisite round table were joking and teasing.

Zhu Jinyu joined the branch of the Anyang Cultivator Association only a month ago.

Because of his outstanding performance, he was brought out by the branch president to participate in the Zhang family's Fierce Dark Night Tiger Warcraft Egg Incubation Day.

On the other side, Zhu Jinyu, who was in a happy mood, also walked in front of Su Chen:

"Su Chen, I didn't expect to meet you here."9

After meeting Su Chen at Teacher Yao's place for the first time, and the other party showed her proficiency in the Sky Thunder Technique, she became the other party's little fan girl.

So, even though the other party already has a girlfriend.

But she couldn't help but go to Su Chen to ask some questions about her practice.

At this time, when she met by chance, she was even more pleasantly surprised.

"I didn't expect to meet you here.

Su Chen smiled and asked, "You came to the Bauhinia Chamber of Commerce to handle things?

"That's it."

Zhu Jinyu smiled and looked very cute:

"I followed my teacher to participate in the Fierce Dark Night Tiger Warcraft Egg Incubation Day.

"Oh? It seems that we have the same goal.

Su Chen frowned.

Does Zhu Jinyu still have the means of a trainer?

I didn't see it.


Zhu Jinyu was surprised.

Subconsciously, she thought that the other party was just like her, waiting to watch the various methods of the top breeder on the hatching day of the Fierce Dark Night Tiger Warcraft Egg.

"By the way, which cultivator did you follow?"

Zhu Jinyu looked behind Su Chen, but did not see anyone else.

"'I was brought here by Zhang Chuyou, but she left first.

Su Chen replied.

"Is that Zhang Chuyou from our school?"

Zhu Jinyu immediately reacted, feeling a little unhappy.

Zhang Chuyou, the sophomore's water department flower, has also heard a little about it.

But I didn't expect that Su Chen could be brought over by the other party alone to participate in the incubation day activities.

But fortunately, Zhang Chuyou was not by his side, indicating that their relationship was not very good.

Zhu Jinyu comforted himself in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face again:

"Since you are alone, I will take you to meet my teachers and companions.

Zhu Jinyu took Su Chen, walked back to Teacher Tang, and introduced:

"This is my classmate at Jiangnan Mage University, Su Chen, he is also a Lei Mage like me.

But he is much stronger than me.

"Wow, so handsome!

"Tsk tsk, as expected of sister Jin Yu, her eyes are good!"

After seeing Su Chen, the two girls among the young people all lit up, exclaimed in amazement, and then introduced themselves:

"Hello, I'm the party key. 35

"I'm Sun Rui.

The other two boys, introduced by Zhu Jinyu, Su Chen also knew their names.

The one with short hair was named Fu Yi, and the one with taller hair was named Xu Jun.


Su Chen greeted with a smile, and everyone nodded.

"And the heavyweight who brought us here this time - Tang Shu, Teacher Tang."

The glamorous young woman Zhu Jinyu introduced at the end.

"Hello Mr. Tang.

Su Chen glanced at the glamorous young woman and said respectfully.

It can be felt that the breath exuding from the other party is at least sixth-order!


The glamorous young woman Tang Shu nodded slightly, and at this moment, Zhu Jinyu's voice came:

"Mr. Tang, Su Chen is also here to participate in the Fierce Dark Night Tiger Warcraft Egg Incubation Day.

But he is alone now, or let him be with us these two days? 35

She opened her beautiful big eyes and looked at Tang Shuzhan with a very cute expression.

ps: Ask for a little flower ticket~~Thank you for your support~~.

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