Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 1646 You don't know anything about medicine\r

"It happens that I know the Taoist priest Qingxu of Baiyun Temple. If Director Lin really wants to retreat to the mountains and forests, study the elixir of life, and gain immortality, I can introduce Director Lin to him."

Qiu Fuzhi said seriously, but anyone could hear the sarcasm in his words.

The depressing atmosphere created by the angry Fan Lifu suddenly disappeared, because everyone in the audience burst into laughter.

What they had heard before, they thought that what Su Chen was talking about was very profound. It turned out that he was talking about Taoist alchemy.

They have been scientifically educated since childhood, so how could they believe in Taoist legends such as medicinal pills?

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard. In front of our students from the medical department of Beijing University, he even taught us the Taoist alchemy technique. This director Lin's brain circuit is too strange."

"It's ridiculous, I originally thought that Su Chen's medical level was high, and even I, a medical doctor, couldn't understand what Su Chen was talking about.

No matter how old it is, people still believe in medicine pills. Even middle school students know that the elixir claimed by Taoism contains a lot of toxic ingredients, not to mention healing and saving people. There is only one outcome after taking it for a long time: lead and mercury poisoning. ""

"This kid surnamed Lin doesn't even have any scientific knowledge, he's too watery, I'm afraid he can't even compete with junior high school students, how can such a person be the deputy director of our medical department? Isn't this a joke? "

The students who can enter the medical department of Jingcheng University are all the top 10 candidates in the college entrance examination of each province. I was insulted by Su Chen.

"This person surnamed Lin is really a Xibei goods, the surface of donkey dung eggs is shiny, and it is not useful.

"No, no, Director Lin, he..."

A girl defended Su Chen, and in the blink of an eye, she was drowned in the clamor of condemnation, without even a single splash.

Hu Yao looked at Su Chen on the podium suspiciously, and wailed: "No way, my dear Director Lin has a stinky skin and doesn't even know basic common sense questions? Could he be just an embroidered pillow? ? It's not worth the money."

Qin Ruoxi couldn't help clenching her little pink fist, biting her moist lips, looking at Su Chen who was ridiculed and questioned by everyone, a worried expression appeared on her face.

With a look of disappointment on Wang Rong's face, she murmured, "Could it be that Su Chen is really the kind of ignorant and ignorant son of a powerful man who came to gild himself?"

Yin Feng looked at Su Chen nervously, a look of worry appeared on her pretty face.

Kou Guanglin kept his head down from the beginning to the end, looking at the blank notebook on the desk with an embarrassed look on his face, obviously he had already anticipated the current situation.

"Su Chen get out of Jingcheng University!"

"Su Chen get out of Beijing University `||!

"Su Chen get out of Jingcheng University! 99

I don't know if someone deliberately arranged it or what. At this moment, seven or eight students suddenly stood up in the crowd, holding a banner that read "Su Chen get out of Jingcheng University", and shouted indignantly.

The corner of Qiu Fuzhi's eyes swept across this scene, and there was a hint of pride in his eyes.

Su Chen stood on the podium and had a panoramic view of the situation below. He saw Hu Yao and Wang Rong who were disappointed, Qin Ruoxi and Yin Feng who were worried, Kou Guanglin who bowed his head and said nothing, Qiu Fuzhi who was proud, and Fan Lifu who glared at him. , There are also many students who have a strange vision of themselves.

His face was indifferent, neither sad nor happy, as if it was not himself but others who were questioned and ridiculed by everyone, and even the corner of his mouth pursed, revealing an indifferent smile.

"why are you laughing?"

Qiu Fuzhi said in surprise, he didn't expect Su Chen to be able to laugh under such circumstances.

Su Chen didn't answer him, but looked at the elderly Fan Lifu and asked indifferently: "Do you think the idea of ​​medicinal pills is nonsense? 35

"Hmph, of course it's nonsense! It is undeniable that some Taoist elixirs for external use are indeed effective for some skin diseases. But the elixir you mentioned is made of various medicinal materials and minerals. , Refined from heavy metals, this is where it is to cure diseases and save people, it is simply harmful!

From ancient times to the present, many emperors have died under the so-called elixir. Qin Shihuang, Tang Taizong, Emperor Kangxi, Emperor Yongzheng, etc., all died of heavy metal poisoning in their later years because of taking elixir refined by Taoist priests.

After scientific research, it has long been discovered that the so-called medicinal pills are nothing but heavy metals and minerals condensed together. They are not medicines at all, but poisons!

In front of so many students from the Medical Department of Jingcheng University, you dare to speak out such cultural dregs and scientific rubbish.

Fan Lifu was very emotional, and almost yelled at Su Chen. After speaking, he was out of breath and coughed violently.

"Old Fan, how are you? Are you alright? You said that you are angry with this ignorant and ignorant son of the powerful, and you are so angry that it is not only your loss, but also the country's loss.

Qiu Fuzhi comforted Fan Lifu while patting Fan Lifu's back to help him go smoothly.

However, everyone could hear what his words meant.

Kou Guanglin quickly raised his head and frantically gave Su Chen a wink and a mouth shape, telling him to hurry down and stop talking.

If Su Chen made Fan Lifu mad in front of so many people today, he wouldn't have to do it as a director.

"Hey, I knew that things would turn out like this, and I couldn't agree with Su Chen to hold this bullshit academic report meeting. Now the medical department has lost all face.

Su Chen was unmoved, and said indifferently: "What if I can prove that the medicine pill is not fake?"

Fan Lifu didn't have time to speak, but Qiu Fuzhi's disciple Feng Hongjun jumped out, pointed at Su Chen, and said coldly and sarcastically:

"How do you prove it? Is it a critically ill patient who eats your medicinal pill and becomes alive and kicking, or is it for an ordinary person who eats your medicinal pill and becomes a flying immortal? Soaring to the Immortal Realm?"

The audience burst into laughter, looking at Su Chen, as if looking at a lunatic, a fool.

"Hahaha, I laughed so hard, this guy surnamed Lin doesn't read a lot on the Internet, right? There's something wrong with his brain!

"This kind of person can also become the deputy director of our medical department. It is simply unreasonable. It is a shame for my generation, Jing-sama."

"Get out of Beijing University! 35

"Get out of Beijing University!""

Hearing these voices, Qiu Fuzhi's face became even more proud.

"Now, how can you still have the face to stay in the medical department of Jingcheng University?

"Oh, this Su Chen is such an ignorant scumbag, he doesn't even know these common-sense questions, even junior high school students can't compare, and I wasted my time in vain.

Hu Yao said disappointedly.

Qin Ruoxi nervously looked at Su Chen on the stage, with an inexplicable hope in her heart, eager for Su Chen to come up with evidence to prove that what she said was right.

Although she knew it was impossible.

"Alas!" Yin Feng sighed with disappointment on his face.

No one in the audience believed that what Su Chen said was true, and most of them even shouted to get him out of Beijing University.

If it is a normal person, at this time, I am afraid that I would have fled long ago.

But Su Chen was unmoved in the face of these doubts, and there was still a faint smile on his face.

Standing behind the lectern, everyone didn't see clearly, and saw him carrying a white rabbit on the lectern.

There was a wound of about four centimeters on the right front leg of the rabbit, which was 2 centimeters deep. It almost cut off its leg, and only some flesh was left, and the white rabbit itself was dying. The feeling of dying.

"What does he want to do?"

Everyone was stunned.

Su Chen took out a peanut-sized white pill that was as crystal clear as jade, with a faint medicinal fragrance wafting, and stuffed it into the rabbit's mouth.

"This is?"

one second.

ten seconds.

Thirty seconds.

One minute.

two minutes.

Three minutes passed, and the rabbit on the lecture table was still half-dead.

"Humph! Grandstanding!"

Seeing Su Chen so calm, I thought something would happen, but nothing happened.

Fan Lifu snorted coldly, got up on crutches and walked out.

"Let's go, what are you doing sitting here, this drama Su Chen is completely screwed up."

Hu Yao got up and said to Qin Ruoxi.

At the same time, almost everyone in the audience got up one after another and prepared to leave.

As for Su Chen on the podium, no one ( Zhao Zhao ) gave him another look at all.

There is no doubt that Su Chen does not have the slightest level of scientific research at all, but is a magic stick with his mouth full of trains.

Looking at the half-dead rabbit on the lecture table, Qin Ruoxi's eyes became darker and darker, and finally sighed lightly.

"Am I thinking too much?"

Just when she was about to get up and leave, she suddenly found that the white rabbit lying on the lecture table suddenly brightened up, and at the same time, the wound on her leg healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even The granulation can be seen growing like crazy.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the wound on the rabbit's leg had completely healed, but even the hair had grown back.

"This this……"

Fan Lifu, who had already walked to the door, suddenly heard a huge cry of exclamation behind him.

He turned around slowly, and immediately stood on the ground, his face full of incredulity.

I saw a white rabbit jumping around on the lecture table, in good spirits, and there was no wound on the leg at all, and playfully pulled out a few pieces of shit on the blackboard eraser.

"This, this, how is this possible?"

Qiu Fuzhi also widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief, like seeing a ghost.

Su Chen stroked the rabbit's head with one hand, looked at Qiu Fuzhi coldly, and said, "Actually, you all know nothing about real medicine!

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