Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 1656: Internal and External Troubles\r

With a bang, the door was closed, and Yin Feng walked out.

At this moment, the bedroom door slowly opened, and a heroic figure came out from inside.

"Mr. Lin is really handsome and handsome. Yushu is close to the wind, people love it, and flowers are blooming. No matter where he goes, he will attract bees and butterflies."35

Hearing Xue Han's yin and yang strange words, Su Chen's muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, sitting on the sofa, pretending to be angry: "What nonsense are you talking about?

"Oh, I'm not talking nonsense.

You let me count, high school classmate Lu Man, Tiezhimen Cheng Wanqing, Long family widow Tang Yueru, Qingcheng Li family Li Yanran, Fudan University teacher Lu Xinyao, and her little cousin Shi Xinyue, Hong Kong Island Liu Andy Liu, Tang Siyuan from the Tang family in Jinmen, the mother and daughter of Meidai Sakai in Japan, and His Royal Highness Prince Zhenzi, Kim Eun Hee from South Korea, and Yin Feng just now

How many are there?"

Xue Han said a little sour, but she deliberately omitted two names, one was herself, and the other was Qin Zhixi.

How could she say in front of Su Chen that she likes Su Chen, it's too embarrassing, although she usually looks a little carefree, quite atmospheric, like a boy.

As for Qin Zhixi's name, she was more afraid to mention it. She knew that the woman's important position in Su Chen's heart was not something that she and others could compare.

If it is true, the names of the women she just mentioned are not her real opponents, and Qin Zhixi is the common enemy of all of them.

"If I wasn't there just now, who knows what would have happened? Humph."

Hearing Xue Han's ridicule, Su Chen didn't have any embarrassment on his face, but showed a memory expression, and then shook his head with a chuckle.

"Okay, this time you came to me, not just to make fun of me. 99

Xue Han is not the kind of willful and unreasonable little girl. Just now, she was just jealous for a while and couldn't hold back her temper. After listening to Su Chen's words, she quickly controlled the small emotions in her heart. .

She looked around carefully, and said cautiously: "Here?""

"Don't worry, no one in this world can eavesdrop on my eyes.

His spiritual sense was originally much stronger than that of the monks in the realm. When he was at the seventh level of Qi refining, it was equivalent to the spiritual sense of a monk in the foundation-building stage. Now that he has broken through to the foundation-building stage, he can even be compared to a cultivator in the Jindan stage to a certain extent. .

With the current level of spiritual energy on the earth, at most, it can support the cultivation to the realm of the Golden Core Stage.

And ordinary Jindan cultivators who want to spy on him cannot escape Su Chen's perception at all.

At the same time, he had searched around the room for a long time, and found no suspicious persons or surveillance electronic devices.

"In the few days after you disappeared, according to our plan, we carried out a large-scale publicity of the research and development results of anti-cancer drugs, which not only caused a huge sensation in our country, but also caused a great response in the international community.

At the same time, the mysterious organization finally couldn't hold it in any longer and started to take action. We have pulled out a few secrets left in the government by this organization. These secrets are high-ranking people, and two of them are at the core. If they are not discovered in time, I am afraid of the consequences. Unpredictable `||.

Su Chen is not surprised by this result. The depth of the hidden power of this mysterious organization is shocking and appalling. Even the prime minister of Japan is a member of this organization, not to mention several senior officials in the Chinese government.

Now he is more and more curious about this organization, who are these people, and what is the real purpose of their gathering?

They manipulated the food all over the world and laid down a poison that is almost insoluble. Do they just want to exterminate human beings?

What would human extinction do to them?

Xue Han saw that Su Chen was thinking, and after a while, he continued:

"This is what we have achieved so far. In addition, our specially held press conference this time has also attracted many members of this mysterious organization. It's just that we don't know much about this organization, so only 3 people can be identified.""

"3 people?"

Su Chen was a little surprised. Just now, when his consciousness hurriedly swept through the lecture hall, he found at least 20 or 30 people. With those who were more hidden, this number was probably more than doubled.

A look of embarrassment flashed across Xue Han's pretty face, and said: "The number is indeed a little small, but the comrades are quickly investigating the identities of these people, hoping to find some clues.

In addition, tonight we will hold a banquet in the name of Jingcheng University, specially for experts and scholars from various countries, executives of pharmaceutical companies, celebrities and well-known journalists who attended the press conference.

At that time, I hope you can also participate to help us confirm the list of personnel. After all, only you and the mysterious organization have faced each other. "

When he said the last sentence, Xue Han was quite careful, even in a pleading tone, for fear of making Su Chen angry.


Su Chen didn't expect such a thing to happen. If Xue Han's previous work method was followed, the plan was too slow. This banquet would be a good idea.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded and agreed.

"Alright, I'll go meet them for a while tonight. 35

Hearing his agreement, Xue Han showed a hint of joy, and then he didn't know what to think, his face became quite heavy, and said: "Instructor Lin, look at this?

Taking the laptop that Xue Han handed over, and looking at the photo above, Su Chen couldn't help but look solemn.

I saw a toad the size of a car crawling on a wide river. It was the same as an ordinary toad one meter, but it was countless times larger, and a pair of fist-sized eyes exuded bloodthirsty light, and there was a faint hint in the mouth. There is a human foot, and not far away is a small fishing boat that has been destroyed, still smoking black smoke.

"This was found on a remote tributary in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It was too late when the alarm was received. All 13 fishermen on board were killed and eaten by this monster.

Later, when the law enforcement ship rushed over, there was a fierce exchange of fire with the monster, but ordinary bullets could not hurt it at all. In the end, the monster was killed by a few gunships transferred from nearby cities. die.

The photos on the computer screen kept flipping, and even though there was a layer of screen, Su Chen could still feel the fierce battle situation at that time.

The last photo is of the giant toad being salvaged.

Su Chen's face was solemn, and the problem he was most worried about had happened.

The heaven and the earth are gradually changing, the speed of the recovery of spiritual energy is getting faster and faster, and the changes of animals are much faster than that of human beings.

Obviously, the toad in the photo has absorbed the spiritual energy of the scrutiny according to instinct, or ingested some heavenly material and earthly treasure, which has produced a mutation and evolved in the direction of the monster.

It can't be called a monster now, because the monster has opened up the intelligence and has wisdom. It is still at the stage of acting on instinct, just a monster.

But if it is allowed to evolve, it will only be a matter of time before it will open its mind.

Once they become monsters, they not only possess the wisdom of human beings, but what is even more terrifying is that they possess all kinds of supernatural powers that seem incredible, such as envoys of thunder, swallowing flames, invulnerable to swords and guns, invulnerable to fire and water, and ordinary masters of energy transformation are not their opponents. Firearms can't hurt them at all.

There are only billions of human beings on the earth, but the number of animals and plants far exceeds that of human beings. Even if only a small part begins to evolve into spirits or even monsters, it will be a huge disaster for human beings.

In the future, the owner of the earth may be replaced.

Xue Han continued to introduce.

During this period of time, there have been dozens of such cases across the country. In addition to toad spirits, there are all kinds of strange creatures such as crocodile spirits, python monsters, mouse spirits, and so on.

Compared with the original species, these creatures are larger, and their fur is as tough as steel, with infinite strength, and some even have the ability to manipulate spells.

Fortunately, Xue Han and the others found out in time, controlled the gaffe, and did not let the disappearance spread out, otherwise it would definitely cause a huge panic.

This is just the beginning, and it can be expected that this will happen more and more.

It's better on land. After all, humans have almost occupied the habitats of animals, and there are not many wild animals. What is really scary is the sea.

No one knows how many creatures there are in the deep and vast ocean, no one knows how many animals in it have begun to mutate, and no one knows how many creatures in it have evolved to the level of spirits or monsters.

This is really (Li Dezhao) an internal and external trouble. Some people in the human race want to exterminate human beings, and there are still unknown species that have begun to secretly evolve and are surpassing human beings bit by bit.

Where is the destiny of mankind heading?

Su Chen didn't know either.

Now he can only implement the policy of pacifying the inside first.

Xue Han just briefly introduced the recent situation, and did not want to get a solution from Su Chen. After all, no matter how powerful he is, he is just a person, and it is impossible to kill all these monsters.

Such issues concerning the survival of the race still have to rely on collective power, that is, the state and the government.

The power of the individual is too small.

"'By the way, the evening banquet is actually a dance party, and you need to bring a dance partner. You are so good, so I don't need to find it for you.

Leaving a sour sentence, Xia Xuan hurriedly left Yu.

Su Chen was taken aback.

"Dance partner?"

He didn't know many people in the capital, and even fewer women, so Xue Han was familiar with it.

Listening to Xue Han's tone, she would not go to the dance with her and be her dance partner.

After all, this is the capital, if she goes to a dance with a man, doesn't that make it public that she has a boyfriend?

Su Chen was a little worried for a while, and said, "Who should I invite to go with you?"

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