Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 1689 A Sword of Light and Cold Nineteen States\r

"It's General Lin!

The people in Tianluo on the deck of the passenger ship immediately recognized Su Chen as coming, and immediately smiled.

"Great, General Lin is still alive, now we are saved."

Now they don't have the time to think about how Su Chen is still alive, they only have one thought in their hearts now.

That is, they are now temporarily safe.

Xue Han looked at the young man walking in the void, tears flickering in her eyes, and the long-suppressed longing was like a flood that burst a dyke, constantly impacting her sanity and almost collapsed.

"I knew that no one could take your life, and you will definitely come back alive.

Duan Tianya lying on the ground originally had a hint of hope in his eyes, but when he saw Su Chen, he was stunned, and a very complicated expression flashed on his face.

He wants to live, but he doesn't want Su Chen to save himself, especially at this time.

During this period of time, although he was carrying out secret missions outside, he was well aware of the situation in the domestic martial arts world, especially Su Chen's unstoppable and rising new heart, it was hard not to notice.

Seeing someone compare Su Chen with him, he felt very uncomfortable.

Su Chen is just a junior with some talent, how can he be compared with him, the "five and ninety" military god who has shaken China's martial arts world for hundreds of years?

After returning to China from the mission, he originally wanted to find Su Chen to have a good discussion and see who is the real China's top player.

But unexpectedly, Su Chen was killed by a nuclear bomb in the Caspian Sea, leaving no bones.

Hearing this news, he was quite a pity, feeling that he had lost a chance to prove himself.

But I didn't expect that Su Chen would come back when he was the most dejected and humiliating.

When Tianluo's people saw Su Chen's expression, he had a panoramic view, and they resented Su Chen in their hearts, and an evil thought rose in their hearts.

"Why didn't he die in the Caspian Sea?

"Humph! Let's not be too happy too soon, didn't you see that even General Duan was beaten like this just now?"

Someone in the crowd snorted coldly and poured a basin of cold water on everyone's head.

"Yeah, even the return of General Lin, I'm afraid he is not the opponent of the Heipao people, they are too powerful. 35

"What can we do? Are we going to wait until we die?"

Everyone suddenly felt mourning, and the joy just now was swept away.

In their eyes, Su Chen's strength is almost the same as that of Duan Tianya. Some people even think that his strength is not as good as Duan Tianya's. Even Duan Tianya was beaten by a black robe without fighting back. In the end, he was like a dead dog. What can be changed?

I'm afraid that in the end, I will take my own life in vain.

After Duan Tianya, who had resented Su Chen at first, heard these words, the resentment in his heart dissipated a lot.

Anyway, everyone is going to die in the end, what's not ashamed of, maybe Su Chen is not as good as him?

Thinking of this, he looked at Su Chen with a little more sympathy.

Xue Han, who was originally happy, was also full of worry, and a heart suddenly raised in his throat.

Su Chen stepped in the void, not in a hurry, looked at the remaining four men in black robes, and said indifferently: "The person in this world who can kill me has not yet been born. 35

"Humph! Shameless!" The black-robed man at the head also reacted at this time, and said coldly, "Since you didn't die in the Caspian Sea, then we will help you go to hell today! 99


As soon as the words fell, the four men in black robes burst out, like ancient monsters, exuding fierce aura, and powerful energy fluctuations, far exceeding the ordinary masters of the gods, and attacked him.

"act recklessly!"

Su Chen used his mana and pinched a sword trick. With a swoosh, the Longquan Sword flew out from the forehead of the black-robed man on the deck, turning into a streamer, and divided into four sword shadows in the middle, exuding a fierce sword energy. Slash at the four men in black robes!

Pian Ruo Jinghong, Wan Ruolong.

The sun and the moon can be cut from the top, and the dragon can be cut from the bottom!




The three black-robed men were cut in half directly, and there was no time to resist.

As for the black-robed man at the head, he was mainly taken care of by Su Chen. Although he finally reacted, he was still decapitated by Su Chen with a sword.

The face of the head that flew out was full of incredible and unbelievable.

'We actually lost?

With a bang, the head fell on the deck, and the bodies of the other three also fell on the deck.

Deathly silence, the needle drop can be heard.

Tianluo's people were dumbfounded, and their eyes almost popped out.

Duan Tianya was also stunned, his chin almost dropped to the ground, no, it had already fallen to the ground.

Xue Han also had a shocked expression on his face.

When Heipao and Duan Tianya were fighting just now, they all saw it with their own eyes.

But when the current black-robed man faced Su Chen, he was like a chicken and a dog.

It's not that Heipaoren is too weak, but Su Chen is too strong.

"I'm afraid he's more terrifying than before."

Xue Han sighed in his heart.

After Su Chen collected the souls of the five black-robed men, he looked at Xue Han and said lightly, "I still have something to deal with, I'll talk when I get back."

He looked at the river and let out a loud drink.

"Naughty beast! When you see this deity, don't show up soon!"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. The next second, the calm water surface was broken, and the river water surged. The black flood dragon that was severely injured just now appeared from the river water. It looked like a well-behaved and aggrieved person. It didn't look like it only devoured humans. Evil Jiao, on the contrary, is like a domestic cat and dog.

Su Chen landed on the car-sized head, and ordered: "Let's go quickly.


Under everyone's unbelievable gazes, the black flood dragon flew straight into the air and flew towards the south.

Everyone was stunned in place, if it wasn't for the corpses of five black-robed men on the deck, they would have felt that they were dreaming, a very unreal feeling.

From the beginning to the end, it took no more than three minutes for Su Chen to appear. The black-robed people who were arrogant and arrogant were all dead, and the last black Jiao, who had left them helpless for more than three months, also listened to him obediently, like a loyal dog.

Duan Tianya lay on the ground, closed his eyes, and sighed.

Looking at Su Chen who was leaving by the flood, Xue Han's adoring eyes revealed a hint of doubt.

"What does he want to do?"

At this moment, a Tianluo man with a satellite phone ran out of the cabin.

"Commander Xue, the phone number from the headquarters."

"Commander Xue! It's not good, something happened!"

The first sentence in the receiver made Xue Han put his heart in his throat and became nervous.

"What's the matter? What's the situation?"

"I just got the news that three hours ago, the antelope king on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the antelope herd all died..0"

"The Antelope King is dead?"

In addition to the black flooded waterways, other parts of China also have spooky spirits that have opened up their minds. Among them, the Antelope King on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a difficult character to deal with.

Its strength is only slightly worse than that of the Heijiao, and with the assistance of the antelope group, Tianluo spent a lot of money and did not take it down.

Unexpectedly, he died suddenly.

"Isn't it a good thing to die? What are you doing so nervously? It scared me to death. I thought something happened again."

"It's good to be dead, it solves our big trouble. But the staff stationed in Gu said that it was only one person who killed the Antelope King. You say it's not unusual.

We Tianluo dispatched so many people, even the experts in the realm of the gods went, and even the armed helicopters were used, and there was nothing to do about the antelope king, but now the antelope king was killed by one person !

Isn't that suspicious? Isn't that weird?'

"By the way, two and a half hours ago, the Silver Moon Wolf King on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia and the thousands of wolves in the wolf pack also died, and they were also killed by one person.

And the demon tiger who was making waves in Chang/Bai/Mountain was also killed two hours ago.

and also………

Listening to the news one after another, Xue Han, who was shocked, suddenly thought of something, and looked at the direction of Su Chen's departure for a long time without speaking.


"Commander Xue, wait for a while, there is more news here. 35

"The news just came that the flying silver zombie in the western Hunan area was also killed.

You wait, it seems that there is news coming.

The giant centipede in the southeastern region was also killed.

Another news came, from the Southeast...

Listening to the news one after another, Xue Han was not only shocked or shocked, but even a little numb in the end.

The person on the other end of the phone was also shocked.

"Commander Xue, it seems that all the spirits we found have been killed, except for the black dragon you are dealing with?

Who the hell did this? This is too fierce.

It would be incredible if all 0.9 things were done by the same person.

What do we do now? Do we need to investigate who did it?"

Xue Han took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, and said, "No need, I already know who he is. 39

"What? You already know who he is? Who the hell is he? He actually killed all the spirits and monsters in China by himself. He is simply a peerless warrior in ancient legends.

"You know this person too."

"I know? Oh, I know, is it General Duan? I know it must be him, only he has this strength."

"He is also a general, but his surname is not Duan, but Lin. 95

"General Lin? Which General Lin? Could it be? He's not..."

Ignoring the other party's shock and questions, Xue Han said sternly: "You were wrong just now, it shouldn't be to kill one person in ten steps and not stay for a thousand miles."

"Wrong? That's right, that's how the poem was written. 35

"It should be the sword qi that is 30,000 miles across, and the sword light is cold in the nineteen states!"

In July 2017, Su Chen returned from Europe. In one day, he traveled 90,000 miles across China, beheading all innate spirits, and destroying the five masters of the Omniscient Sect. When the news came out, the whole world fell silent!

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