Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 215 Su Chen's First Demonstration of Strength\r

"Get up.

Su Chen glanced at Wan Shihua, who was kneeling on the ground, and then looked down at the memorial in his hand.

But there is still a need for some reassurance.

"Between you and me, there is no need for such a big gift to meet in private. 35

"Thank you, Your Majesty Ron.""

It seems that Su Chen's reassurance played a role, and he really relaxed a lot after standing up.

Only in this way, the tiredness in the words could not be concealed.

Su Chen also heard the tiredness in the words of the Minister of War, and looked up at him carefully.

The real meaning is that although he is a civil official as a minister of military affairs, he still has a cultivation base.

Now he is so tired and looks a lot older.

"Huang Aiqing, you look very tired."

"Originally, the affairs of the Ministry of War were all controlled by the stars of all ages. Now that the stars of all ages are subdued, the minister can again preside over the "770" of the Ministry of War. It's too late for the minister to be happy, a little tired, nothing.

Shiyi hurriedly bowed, for fear that Su Chen felt that his virtue was not suitable, so he wanted to change to a minister of war.

"So that's the case. I want to come to Wanshixingchen to control the official affairs of the Ministry of War and can't handle it properly, but it has been hard for Huang Aiqing to stack up so far. Come here, give me a seat."

The real panic Su Chen could hear, but he had no idea of ​​changing the Minister of War for the time being.

So still to be appeased.

The guard next to him brought a chair.

Sincerely, thank you so much, I sat down.

It was just that he didn't dare to sit down, and half of his butt was stuck on the chair, and he didn't forget to swear at the stars of the world.

"The end of the eternal stars is the extreme of Damn it, and the Ministry of War was messed up by him."

"Okay, Wan Shixingchen has been imprisoned, since the Ministry of War is back in your hands, you have to work diligently and don't let me down.

Shi Yi hurriedly stood up again, bowed and said solemnly:

"I will not let you betray Your Majesty's trust."

"Okay, okay, I know your sincerity and diligence, I called you this time because of other things. 35

After hearing this, I knew it was time to get down to business.

Sitting back straightened a bit.

"The defenders of Blue Star's various divisions have sufficient soldiers, but there is a lack of generals who can stand alone. We cannot afford to be without generals for a day, and it is time to fill up the generals of all divisions.

Hearing this sentence, his heart moved, and he secretly secretly rejoiced, it seems that he can still understand His Majesty's thoughts, and this minister's work is quite qualified.

"Your Majesty, this minister is also worrying about this today. 35

The truth stood up again.

He didn't have the courage to sit down and talk to Su Chen.

"That sinner Wan Shixingchen controls the military department, steals military power, and the world's resources are monopolized by him alone, and all the resources that can be allocated to places are low-level resources, and even these low-level resources are very few.

"I checked the accounts the day before yesterday, and even the practical spiritual rice that the soldiers needed after their daily practice was replaced by him, making it extremely difficult for the strong men in the army to be born. It is not that they are not talented enough, but There are really no resources."

"There are even many generals with extremely high talents, because the cultivation resources are really insufficient, they have left their seals, and they have defected to the four schools of the academy.

"However, this minister believes that this matter can be salvaged. My Blue Star has vast resources, and there is always no shortage of talented generals. I select high-talented generals from various military departments and concentrate resources to cultivate them. , must be able to solve the problem of the lack of generals."5

"As long as the first batch of generals succeeds, the rest of the talented people will naturally work hard and have enough resources to support them, and the generals will surely spring up like mushrooms after a rain in the future.

"I dare to assert that within 20 years, my Blue Star army will still be the strongest army on this continent.

After speaking the truth, he bowed and didn't move, waiting for Su Chen's answer.

After the catastrophe, talents withered away, and the strength of an army like Xiang Lanxing also plummeted.

Getting back to the top is not something that happens overnight.

Su Chen looked at the true meaning of bowing below.

The fingers tapped on the desk, becoming the only sound in the hall.

"What Huang Aiqing said is very true, but I can't wait. Twenty years is too long, I don't want to wait."9

The actual suggestion is quite satisfactory, but it is also in line with the current situation of Blue Star.

If he followed his advice, Su Chen believed that he would indeed have a strong army in twenty years.

However, twenty years was still too long, and he didn't want to wait.

Su Chen's words made waves in Shiyi's heart.

He looked up at Su Chen in surprise, even forgetting that it was rude.

Without waiting for Su Chen to continue speaking, he came back to his senses and fell to his knees. 0

"Your Majesty, the defending generals of the various ministries must at least be able to serve at the pinnacle of the foundation, and some important passes require Jindan to take up this important task. The local forces where the ministries are stationed are mixed, and the strength of the guards is insufficient. I am afraid that it will damage the prestige of my Blue Star. I also hope that Your Majesty will think twice, you can't let the lowly able to make up your money, five years, no, three years, Your Majesty will wait for another three years.

Su Chen couldn't help but smile when he saw the real intention kneeling on the ground.

Even though his body was shaking like a sieve, he still dared to speak, and he was a good minister.

"Huang Aiqing, get up, I naturally have my own way to do this, if you are worried, I will ask you to look at my background.

Shiyi stopped shaking, looked up at Su Chen, but didn't dare to get up.

"Huang Aiqing, what do you think of this person, can he be a defender?

Su Chen beckoned, and a person came in from outside the hall, who was one of the six hundred golden pills.

He didn't let them all out.

Six hundred people came together, and with their breath entangled, Su Chen and the others, who were also Jindan, felt that there were two wars.

What's more, the Ministry of War ministers with low cultivation base.

Shiyi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Su Chen's fingers.

The man at the entrance of the hall had tough eyes and a straight posture.

The tiger's eyes were wide open, so that he was a little afraid to look at each other.

Endured the fear in my heart, I felt it carefully.

I just feel that the person's breath is deep like the sea, and I don't know how to lower it.

He has only seen this situation in Wan Shixing and his five generals and the master who captured Wan Shixing that day.

"Your Majesty, this person's cultivation is quite deep, and I can't sense it, but I think he is not under the five generals of Su Chen. I'm afraid that only the sinful officials Wan Shixingchen and Marshal Zhao can stabilize this person. 35

While answering Su Chen's question, he felt strange in his heart.

The temperament of the master is obviously the style of the military, but how is the membership of the master in the military unknown.

Even he, the Minister of War, doesn't know.

Su Chen nodded and stood up.

He walked down the steps to help up Shiyi, who had been kneeling and didn't dare to get up, and grabbed his finger and pointed at the man.

"Huang Aiqing, if I tell you that I am not weaker than him, I have 600 people, you say, can these 600 people support my Blue Star army? Can I make my Blue Star army invincible?"

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