Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 217 Su Chen's first show of strength\r

At that time, how could his head be chopped up and down in the hall?

There is really no other way, he can only come to ask the saint to make up his mind.

"It is true. 35

Nodding earnestly, he also knew that the water was deep inside, and he really couldn't grasp it with Shizhang drama alone.

There are four schools in one hospital, and for so many years, they have been committed to making themselves detached from the world.

But to be honest, they do really well.

At least from the point of view of the folks, the four schools in one hospital are already immortal and legendary existences.

The monks of the four schools of the first house are always regarded as high-ranking.

They even advertised themselves as orthodox and acted arrogantly.

Except for the sect recognized by them, the monks from other places are called "Ye Xiu" by them


The words are quite contemptuous, but the monks in the world are afraid of their sect power and swallow their anger.

This is no longer something they can easily make a decision. In today's Blue Star, there is no one else qualified to deal with this matter except the Sage.

This also made the two feel ashamed and resentful. If it was before the cataclysm, who would dare to cause trouble on the land of Blue Star?

The Blue Star Army is not just looking at it, the sects are all level with you!

Genuinely patted Shi Zhangju on the shoulder and gave a few words of encouragement.

He remembered the six hundred golden pills that Su Chen had promised him, and his mood improved a lot. He just wanted to go back and make arrangements.

Shi Zhangju was not so nervous anymore, but being interrupted by the truth, he remembered the white-robed general that day.

With the white-robed general in charge, it would be easier to deal with this matter, as long as the sage speaks.

"Master Liu, hurry up."

Seeing that the two of them were almost talking, Junior General Jin Wuwei urged him at the right time.

"Hey." Shi Zhangju agreed, clenching his fists at Shi Yi.

"Master Shang Shu, I will go first.

"go quickly."

He smiled sincerely and waved his hand.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Chen finally dealt with the memorial in his hand, and just wanted to open the system to take a look.

However, Jin Wuwei outside the hall came in to ask for instructions, saying that it was Zhang Ju, the prefect of the municipal yamen, who asked to see him.

Su Chen is a little strange. Although Zhang Ju is the prefect of the municipal yamen, he has no qualifications to meet him.

Thinking about something important, Su Chen thought to himself.

The matter that decides the system should be put aside first, see this drama first.

"Let him in".

After listening to Su Chen's order, someone outside the hall immediately shouted.

"Xuan, Zhang Ju, the prefect of the Municipal Yamen, has an audience.

Shi Zhang Ju was busy drying the sweat on his forehead and trotted to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Before seeing Su Chen, Shi Zhangju thumped and knelt down.

He shouted: "Zhang Ju, the prefect of the city and the city, greets His Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live.""

"Liu Aiqing is dead, what's the matter with you coming to see me?

Hearing Su Chen asked, Shi Zhangju didn't get up either, and started crying uncontrollably.

Seeing Tai Si Hengliu, he knelt down and walked a few steps forward, and only started to speak when he reached the bottom of the steps.

"Sorry sir.

Su Chen was taken aback by Shizhangju, and he didn't know what grievances this Shizhangju had, so he came here to cry.

"What is your grievance, Liu Aiqing, tell me, and I will decide for you."

Shizhang Opera did not wipe away her tears, let it flow through her clothes, and choked up.

"There are many thieves in the imperial city, disturbing the order, despising the imperial power, insulting the ministers, and ignoring my Blue Star."

"I feel that my Blue Star's national prestige is weak, and my heart is depressed. Today, when I see Tianyan, the depression in my heart erupts for a while, and I have lost my demeanor. I hope Your Majesty will forgive me.

Undoubtedly, the performance of Shizhang Opera was a success, Su Chen's heart burst into flames when he heard the words.

"Tell me, I forgive you for the crime of disobedience in front of you, where did the thief come from, what crime did you commit, and how you insulted you, I will seek justice for you."

Who is Shizhang Drama?

Municipal yamen prefect.

Where is the Municipal Yamen?

The location of the Blue Star Imperial Capital.

What is the difference between humiliating the prefect of the municipal government and slapping Blue Star in the face of Su Chen, the Blue Star Emperor?

Not to mention anything else, Su Chen now only feels that his face is hot, probably angry.

Shi Zhang's script is a wonderful person. Seeing Su Chen's anger, he knew that he had achieved the effect he wanted. He immediately talked about what the Xuantianmen cultivators had done in the imperial capital.


Su Chen hammered the table heavily, and everyone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation knelt down.

"Shi Zhang Ju, I ask you, according to my Blue Star Law, what should these people do?

"Go to prison, put in prison, try and convict, and those who make troubles will have their cultivation deactivated and be whipped for forty. Killing means beheading those who insult officials, and those who offend the royal family will be beheaded and their corpses exposed."

"That's good, it's how it should be, there is only one person missing, I only ask you."

"The minister obeys.

Su Chen nodded, but seeing Shi Zhangju still kneeling under the steps, he couldn't help but get angry again.

"Shizhang drama, won't you do it even if you get my will? Do you want me to invite you to go?"

"Your Majesty, the troublemaker is sheltered by the old monster Jindan of the Xuantian Academy, and the prefect's yamen is unable to detain him. Although this minister is willing to die, he does not want to miss the matter of Your Majesty.

The implication is to ask Su Chen for someone, and the director of the drama is that, although he may not necessarily invite the white-robed general, he knows the five generals of the Yancheng army.

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, most of the fire in his heart was extinguished, but he was negligent.

`You go back first, tomorrow I will send someone to your prefect's mansion, they will obey you, I want you to stay in custody and be brought to justice.

"I will live up to your majesty's request.

Shi Zhangju kowtowed again, stood up and stepped back and left, but this time he left simply, without even asking anyone Su Chen wanted to send.

Thinking about it too, he has already made the opposite power clear, so Su Chen will naturally not send someone with low strength.

Su Chen sat back on the dragon chair behind the desk and beckoned to Junior General Jin Wuwei next to him.

"Tomorrow, after Jindan enters the camp, they will be sent to assist Shizhang Opera, be careful not to hurt the people. 55


The young general knelt down on one knee and sang the promise before leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Su Chen sat on the dragon chair, thinking with arms propped up.

"Heh, Wan Shixingchen, you have such a big face, you can let Xuantianyuan do this for you (Zhao Zhaozhao).

Want to know, this is the follow-up of the events of Wan Shixingchen, Wan Shixing's grandson Lonely Cloud was sent out by him after all.

Hearing that the talent is extremely high, this is probably because the Xuantian Academy is putting pressure on him.

As for why he didn't come to ask for someone, it was probably because he was afraid of Li Zhong.

"Heh, the four schools in the first hospital, you are just taking advantage of the cataclysm to take advantage of the rise of my Blue Star's national power. You have taken it from my Blue Star for so many years, and it's time to return it."

Su Chen, who has calmed down, also knows that this is not easy to deal with.

For such a long time, the first four schools have been lying on the Blue Star Empire to suck blood, fearing that they already have their own distraction powerhouses.

Even if Blue Star had him and Li Zhong distracted, it was still not secure enough, but there was no problem in charging some interest.

And he is not in a hurry. It has only been a month since he came here, so there is no rush.

He can take it slow, when the four schools of the first courtyard turn into ants in front of Blue Star, it is not up to him to decide whether to run over them or not.

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