Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 219 Su Chen's Past Life Before the Crisis\r

"My paperwork has been written, and the rest should be similar."

"General Han, come with me. We are going to deliver the documents soon. General Han can meet with the future Beiyang gatekeeper."

Xia Cancan followed the clerk and saw that he handed over all the documents. Shen Tianyu checked them one by one and sealed them.

The six hundred books and seals were all loaded into the cart, and Shen Tianyu led the officials to the Hu~ya army camp.

Seeing Xia Cancan standing at the door, Shen Tianyu said to him.

"General Han, come with us. You can just talk to the guard directly when that time comes."

In the Huya army barracks, six hundred golden pills had already been prepared.

The news issued by the document seal today has already been told to them, and they also sat early on the school grounds and waited.

When Xia Lan and the other five saw the scene in front of them, they were once again shocked.

Back then, when they knew that they were about to become the generals of the Huya Army, they were elated, how could these people have the slightest composure.

"Aren't they all emotional?"

Xia Lan pointed to the six hundred golden pills who were sitting cross-legged on the school grounds with their eyes closed and said to the others.

"I don't know where Your Majesty got these perverts. I will never say that they have high strength.

Wang Shitian agreed.

Outside the barracks, the carriage of the Ministry of War had arrived.

The six hundred golden pills opened their eyes in unison, and their breath rushed straight to Xiao Han.

The horse pulling the cart was just an ordinary horse, and was a little out of control by the breath.

The groom is even more unbearable, and he has no time to appease the horses.

It seems that he sensed the unbearableness of the military convoy, and the breath was only released and closed, and the horses were calmed down.

The military officials led the carriage into the barracks tremblingly, and saw the six hundred golden pills sitting on the school grounds at a glance.

Six hundred pairs of eyes looked at it oddly, their gazes like electricity.

The leading military officer was shocked by the look in his eyes, and sat on the ground as his legs softened.

Shen Tianyu secretly rejoiced in the back of the convoy, fortunately he didn't walk in the front, otherwise it would be himself who made a fool of himself.

Xia Cancan, who was following behind Shen Tianyu, was even more surprised.

His cultivation was much higher than that of the military officials, so he could clearly feel the cultivation of the six hundred people on the school grounds.


It's all Jindan!

The doubts in my heart were swept away, replaced by surprise and peace of mind.

Beiyangguan is saved, not only is it saved now, but there will also be a golden pill in charge in the future, so there will be no worries.

One of the 600 people got up and took over the carriage of the Ministry of War, took the paperwork and started to sign up.

The person whose name was reported got up and took his paperwork, then left the barracks and went directly to the place where he took office.

Xia Cancan was also listening carefully, and finally he heard what he wanted to hear.

"Beiyangguan, Jiusheng!"

One person got up, took the document seal and went out.

Xia Cancan immediately followed.

"Jiusheng, General Kou.

Jiusheng walked very fast, and Xia Cancan trotted to catch up.

Jiusheng frowned when he heard someone calling him.

Taking office is his first task, whoever stops it will die.

"Who are you and what is your name Kou?

Seeing that the person who came was also dressed in armor and his cultivation was not weak, Jiusheng decided to give him a chance to explain.

"General Kou, I'm Xia Cancan, deputy general of Beiyang Guanshou. I'm here to ask for help."

Jiusheng frowned even deeper. Beiyangguan was the place where he was going to take office. If he lost it, it would be his fault.

"Speak quickly.

Jiusheng grabbed Xia Cancan's wrist and said.

Xia Cancan informed Jiusheng about the return of the poisonous scorpion in the desert outside Beiyangguan.

Jiusheng nodded after listening, and then he asked again.

"How did you get back, and how long did it take?"

"The last will come back after riding a thousand miles of horses day and night for three days. Now, it is better to have a faster flying mount."

Beiyang Pass is the first pass in the desert outside the pass, a real border of the empire, with a long way to go.

In order to rush back, Xia Cancan did not take any rest along the way.

The Maxima almost ran to death, and now resting at the post, the station with its soft hooves could not stand up.

The groom said that it would no longer be a Maxima.

In order to get back to Beiyangguan as soon as possible, it is better to have a flying mount.

You can cross the territory and rush to Beiyangguan at the fastest speed.

"It's okay, I can fly you over there."

Jiu let go of Xia Cancan's hand, grabbed his clothes at the back, and jumped up.

Xia Cancan was startled, but did not forget to speak.

"The end general thinks it's better to have a flying mount. The general's physical flight is fast, but it is very dangerous. 35

・・0 flowers 0....

A cultivator can fly through the sky after cultivating a golden core, but this is a very labor-intensive thing.

After all, it is not a flying beast that can fly innately. Humans can only rely on their own strength to fly.

It's like using one's infuriating energy to form a big hand to hold oneself in the air, which is very energy-consuming.

In the early stage of Jindan, it could barely fly, but it would lose its strength before flying far.

Jindan Dacheng may be able to fly from the imperial capital to Beiyangguan, but it is very reluctant, not to mention taking him with him.

The pinnacle of Jindan!

Xia Cancan can only think of this possibility, the Jiusheng General who is carrying him has not yet reached the realm of distraction.

Carrying oneself all the way to Beiyang Pass with confidence, only the cultivation base of the peak of Jindan can do it.


However, even if the peak of Jindan flew to Beiyang Pass, the infuriating energy was almost consumed.

The lion calamity beast was dormant outside Beiyang Pass.

If he attacked while General Jiusheng's true qi was not much left, I'm afraid that Beiyangguan's wandering Jindan master would not have time to rescue him.

Xia Cancan told Jiusheng about his worries, and Jiusheng also thought about it seriously.

The map of the Daqin Empire was imprinted in his mind, and he had already determined the location of Beiyang Pass when he received the document.

Calculated the distance, and then felt the consumption of infuriating energy.

"It's okay."

Jiusheng's voice was steady and firm, and the confidence contained in it made Xia Cancan overwhelmed.

Hearing Jiusheng say "It's okay", Xia Cancan's heart gradually calmed down.

He used his infuriating qi to let it also support himself below.

Although he can't fly in the flesh yet, as a cultivation base at the pinnacle of Foundation Establishment, he can still lift himself up with infuriating energy and lighten Jiusheng's burden.

Jiusheng glanced at Xia Cancan admiringly, and said.

"When everything settles down at Beiyang Pass, you can follow me to practice. I think you are already at the pinnacle of foundation building. I'm afraid you are just a step away."

Xia Cancan showed a look of surprise in his eyes, he had been stuck at the peak of Foundation Establishment for a long time.

At the moment when resources are scarce, those who can cultivate to the foundation building by themselves are not bad in talent.

He just lacks a good leader, and now there is Jiusheng, the golden core peak, to lead the way, and his advanced golden core is just around the corner.

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