Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 222 Going to the Qin Army's Camp\r

"Damn you, you are destroying the foundation of my Great Qin, how can you bear it!"

A wad board hit Ouyang Wuji, and he didn't even dare to bounce it off with his infuriating energy.

The generals began to long for the position where their weapons were usually hung, but they forgot that their weapons were not around.

The voices of accusations and scolding were endless, and Ouyang Wuji seemed to be unable to hear them.

He has no time to deal with these people now, he has just been injured by Lin Xiao and is being treated.

He wants to escape, as long as he escapes, no one can do anything to him.

Suppressing the injuries on his consciousness, Ouyang Wuji activated his infuriating energy, jumped up, and charged towards the top of the hall.

Lin Xiao raised his head and saw that Ouyang Wuji wanted to escape without drawing his sword, but stretched out his right hand.

True Qi appeared from Lin Xiao's hand, turned into a palm, and slapped Ouyang Wuji back to the ground.

The palm pressed down again, Ouyang Wuji couldn't hold it any longer and spurted a mouthful of blood.

Two o’clock cold light hit Ouyang Wuji’s legs, and with a plop, Ouyang Wuji knelt in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen stood up and looked down at Ouyang Wuji.

"Ouyang Wuji, Ouyang Aiqing, I stand side by side with the king and the military marshal!

"I treat your Ouyang family well, why would you do such a thing?"

"Do you know that I can't wait to kill your nine clans now!"

With no hope of escape, Ouyang Wuji finally accepted his fate.

He kept kowtow to Su Chen.

"It was the minister who was confused and did the wrong thing to Da Qin for his own selfish desires.

"These officials are responsible for these crimes alone, and I hope Your Majesty will spare me the Ouyang family for the sake of my Ouyang family's dedication and dedication."

"I am willing to apologize with death.""

Ouyang Wuji knocked his head on the ground, tears streaming down his face.

Su Chen looked at Ouyang Wuji kneeling under the steps, and felt disgusted in his heart.

He turned around, not to look at Ouyang Wuji's humble appearance.

"Your Ouyang family has been loyal and good for generations, and I can't bear to have them die because of you alone."

"Let's do this, you go away to cultivate, and then stay in Daqin Purgatory to provide Daqin with luck.

"Also, in the future, people from your Ouyang family will not enter the court as officials.

"The minister obeys the order."

Ouyang Wuji bowed again.

He knew where the Daqin Purgatory was. He had dominated the government for so many years, and he had sent people into it countless times.

On this continent, there is a saying of luck.

Every person with a high cultivation base is a person who is born with luck, and a country also has a country's luck.

Daqin Purgatory is a special prison, it will extract the luck of the prisoners to supplement the luck of the country.

And the feeling of being drawn out of luck is not very good.

"Your Majesty Shengming"."

The ministers listened to Su Chen's verdict and knew where the Daqin Purgatory was, but no one objected.

Ouyang Wuji was suppressed, and the meeting would continue.

What the ministers are most curious about now is the identity of the young general in white robes. They all saw him suppress Ouyang Wuji with one hand.

"The position of the military marshal can't be left empty. Can Zhong Aiqing have a suitable candidate?"

Su Chen sat back on the dragon chair and glanced at the ministers who had not calmed down.

"I think this young general in white robe is suitable.

The officials in the courtroom are all talented people, so they naturally know that this is not really asking them if they have candidates.

This white-robed teenager is obviously Su Chen's candidate to replace Ouyang Wuji.

At this time, no one was willing to touch Su Chen's bad head.

"Also, this is Lin Xiao and Zhao Aiqing. He is a suitable candidate for his cultivation to reach the Divine Realm."

Su Chen nodded.

The ministers couldn't think of anything else in their hearts, there was only one word in their hearts.

"Distraction! 35

Everyone finally understood that Ouyang Wuji was indeed not wronged.

In other words, Ouyang Wuji wanted to escape in front of distraction, but he was too confident.

"Pretend it."

Su Chen summoned the waiting eunuch.

An important position like a military marshal still needs a formal purpose.

The decree was drawn up on the spot, read out, and Lin Xiao became the military marshal of Daqin.

The court retreated without any risk, and Lin Xiao's name became known to the whole country along with this great court meeting.

After the ministers withdrew, Su Chen did not leave the hall.

He sat on the dragon chair, waved back left and right, and stayed in the hall alone.

Ouyang Wuji has finished dealing with it, but the mess he left behind is not there yet.

Ouyang Wuji controls the military department, and not all resources are used for him alone.

With so many troops in the Daqin Empire, he couldn't use up the resources alone.

However, he has cultivated many confidants, and these confidants are scattered in various departments of the Daqin army, which is not a small trouble.

It is not so easy to replace them. Anyone who can lead an army alone needs at least the strength of Jindan. Where did he come from so many Jindan?

Suddenly he thought of something.

"Open the summoning system."


"system to open"

"Open the options panel."


At this time, a row of options appeared in his mind.

At the bottom of the options there is [Daqin Barracks]

"Open [Daqin Barracks]"


After opening it, Su Chen was overjoyed.

When the summoning system was turned on, he just glanced at this option and didn't care at the time.

When Daqin Zhengque was loyal to him and his cultivation was high, he suddenly thought of this option, and when he came in, he didn't disappoint.

At this time, the [Barracks function] appeared in his mind: According to the health of the Daqin human race and the demon race, the troops can be created in the barracks, and the current arms can be divided into the human race and the demon race.

""'Choose Human Race'


The row options appear again:

[Human Acquired Cultivator] Manufacturing requires 2 HP

[Human Innate Cultivator] Manufacturing requires 6 HP

[Human Qi Refining Cultivator] It takes 10 HP to manufacture

【Human Foundation Establishment Monk】It takes 20 HP to manufacture

[Human Jindan cultivator] It takes 100 HP to manufacture

The Blue Star Continent had countless lives. According to the introduction on the panel, the entire Blue Star Continent was ruled by the First Court and the Four Sects, and all other life points belonged to the Great Qin Dynasty.

Judging from the system feedback, the Daqin Dynasty has 80,000 health points.

In other words, it can be exchanged for 40,000 acquired monks, 13,333 innate monks, 600 Qi-refining monks, 4,000 foundation-building monks, and 600 Jindan monks.

Of course, the monks created are all flesh and blood and have feelings.

Just like normal people, it's just that they (Zhao Nuohao) are completely loyal only to Su Chen.

And the cultivator is directly at its peak when it is made.

For example, the Jindan cultivator produced is directly in the peak period of Jindan, rather than in the early or middle stage.

Judging from the current situation, Su Chen can only choose to create six hundred Jindan cultivators.

As for the acquired cultivator, the innate cultivator, the qi refining cultivator, and the foundation-building cultivator, there is no need for time.

"Six hundred golden pills were made by cultivators at their peak, and some of them were assigned to the army, and then distributed to all parts of Daqin to maintain local order. It is estimated that there are some left, and the rest can guard the palace."5

Su Chen thought so in his heart.

And this kind of manufacturing is not a one-off, as long as the Qin Dynasty is not destroyed, it will continue to be manufactured.

This month's health is exhausted, and he will recover next month. If the first courtyard and the four sects are destroyed, the monthly health will be more.

The only thing Su Chen regrets is playing,

The monks produced must be two different realms from the realm that appeared in the region at that time.

That is to say, he can only create Jindan stage cultivators now.

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