Su Chen's army set off in a mighty manner.

When a cultivator from the Clear Water Sect came to see the meeting place, the generals swarmed up with a smile and tied the cultivator firmly.

Tian Yi did not come forward, but hid in the army forest.

Except for Su Chen, no one else knew about his arrival.

When he came out at the critical moment, he would definitely be able to give everyone a surprise, maybe even a shock.

Of course, in this forest, Tian Yi can also see things that cannot be seen in the army.

For example, a monk lying in a forest and secretly watching Su Chen's army.

The soldiers of Su Chen's army could not find him, but Tian Yi could see clearly.

Almost instantly, Tian Yi shot, just to catch him alive, he took some effort.

Contrary to his expectations, the cultivator who was secretly watching his face changed a lot, but he took this move in earnest.

With a "bang", the cultivator was knocked out, but he was not injured.

"Who are you?

The cultivator stared at the direction the attack was coming from, holding a dagger in each of his left and right hands.

"I should ask you this, secretly watching the march of the army, who are you? What do you want to do?"

Tian Yi walked out of the woods and said coldly.

He was a little surprised that this cultivator who had been hiding in the dark was also a golden core. Although he was just entering the golden core for the first time, his cultivation was solid.

He already knew a lot about Su Chen City, in which sect does a Jindan not have an identity?

How could he be sent to do such a thing as spying on the army?

The cultivator was very surprised when he saw Tian Yi's armor.

"You are the commander of Su Chen!?"

Armor can't be fake, what kind of battle armor is worn for what kind of status.

"Yes, it's me.

There was nothing to hide, Tian Yi was not going to let him go at all.

The cultivator's heart sank, and Su Chen, the commander of the army, indicated that this person's cultivation level must be a golden pill.

Although he is also a golden core, he has just entered the golden core.

If he is discovered by the army below, he will not necessarily be able to escape if he is besieged, chased and intercepted.

Turning his eyes, the cultivator took out a black ball from his arms and threw it at Tian Yi without thinking.

Tian Yi felt the infuriating fluctuations on the ball, and he didn't hit it hard.

After all, the other party is also a Jindan cultivation base. If he uses any one-time big killer, he will also be injured.

Tian Yi, who was more cautious by nature, tried to slap the ball away with his true energy.

But he didn't expect the ball to burst into thick white smoke as soon as it encountered infuriating energy.

"What's something!"

Tian Yi was shocked and quickly blocked his mouth and nose to prevent the smoke from being poisonous.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered that the smoke even hindered his consciousness.

It was at this moment that the cultivator moved.

Under the cover of smoke, the cultivator rushed towards Tian Yi.

He figured it out clearly, if he wants to leave safely, it is best to let Tian Yi lose his ability to pursue.

He was good at daggers, but he practiced the way of the assassin.

A full blow, it must be the ultimate move, and then it can escape thousands of miles away.

The cultivator quickly went around Tian Yi's back and slashed two daggers towards Tian Yi's neck.

He seemed to have seen Tian Yi's blood flow to the scene.

However, Tian Yi hid the two daggers with just a short body.

When he turned around again, he punched the monk in the stomach.

Although the consciousness will be hindered, it is not completely pressed into the body.

It's just that the scope is much smaller, and the cultivator also knows that he will be discovered, but even if the average person finds it, it is too late to react.

However, Tian Yi is not an ordinary person, he is the cultivation base of the peak of Jindan, how can he not react.

This punch not only shattered the cultivator's body-protecting infuriating qi, but even dissipated the infuriating qi in his body.

At this time, the cultivator was holding his stomach and curled up in pain, feeling that the golden core he had just condensed was turned into powder little by little.

"Oh, the idea is good, but the speed is a bit slow."

Tian Yi shook his hand and said with a light smile.

"You abolished my cultivation!?"

The cultivator looked up at Tian Yi who was standing with his hands behind his back in disbelief.

Tian Yi looked at him without answering, and let him scold him there.

When he was tired of scolding, Tian Yi spoke coldly.

"Enough of scolding? Tell me who you are? Who asked you to come. 95

The abolished cultivator kept his mouth shut and just stared at Tian Yi.

Tian Yi did not intend to wait for him to speak, and carried him back to the army.

He is not good at questioning, but there are people in the army who are good at it, and it is always more efficient to leave professional things to professional people.

So Su Chen's army has been marching all the way, in addition to the sound of armor and weapons colliding, there are many more screams and wailing.

In the depths of this mountain, those who listened shuddered.

"General, three miles ahead is the agreed meeting point. Shall we go there?"

"Don't go, go back three miles, find a place to camp, bury it and cook, and make the smoke bigger. 35

"By the way, let the soldiers get ready for battle, and those who see them don't talk to them, and do it directly."

Tian Yi ordered.

They can't go over, they have to let the other side come over.

The lieutenant's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he bowed his hands and went down to give instructions.

After the camp was set up, Tian Yi sat cross-legged on a high ground.

In his hand was the confession of the monk he had caught.

Looking at his remarks, Tian Yi's eyes became cold.

This monk did not come from any sect, but was cultivated by the City Lord's Mansion.

It was said that Su Chen Jun refused the official document and asked for it back, and there must be some fraud, so he asked him to follow.

As for the transfer order, he also confessed that it was indeed the city owner who received the money from the sect and took advantage of his position.

But he didn't know more about it. He was just lucky enough to become Jindan, and his status was still very low.

Tian Yi didn't believe this at first, he was a golden pill, and since he said that his status was low.

But he said that he had seen several golden cores entering and leaving the city lord's mansion, and he was respectful to the city owner, and he had only recently become a golden core, so he was not a confidant.

This made Tian Yi vigilant. This is Su Chen City, and the only sect in this mountain has a large number of Jindan forces.

He can be sure that the city owner of Su Chen City (with money) is already a member of the sect.

In the barracks below, the smoke was dazzling, and Tian Yi sat on a high place and meditated.

A peaceful look.

In the distance, there is a group of people who are constantly watching, with anxious expressions on their faces.

The people of the Clear Water Sect had already arrived at the appointed place and were waiting.

Seeing that the appointment time was getting closer, there was no movement in the forest.

It stands to reason that the movement of the army is not small at all, if they are close to it, they will definitely feel it.

`Master, there is cooking smoke there!

A disciple of the Clear Water Sect who climbed higher suddenly shouted.

The man who was called Master jumped up and looked at the smoke from the cooking smoke in the distance, his brows furrowed.

"This is at least four or five miles away, is it the wrong way?"

"I don't care, it's good to come here, and if you go wrong, let someone bring them here."5

There was a lot of low-level discussion, and they also saw the smoke from the cooking, billowing like wolf smoke.

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