The City Lord's Mansion is coming.

He asked why the Panshen Army disrespected the military orders, killing good people and taking credit.

Su Chen still did not come forward, but just sent the messenger a box and asked him to take it back.

Hong Qing took the box that the messenger brought back.

I opened it and took a look, and my face changed instantly.

That is the head of the golden core sent by the City Lord's Mansion. Although it is a preliminary golden core, it is not something that the army of the gods can deal with.

What's more, he was just looking for news.

"Damn, this matter must be reported to the sect!

Just as Hong Qing was about to turn around to write a letter, a man in full armor sat at his desk, flipping through the documents on the desk.

Hong Qing was shocked and was knocked unconscious by Su Chen's palm just as he was about to snort.

Although he is the deacon of Emperor Jizong, he is not a golden core after all.

The servant of the city lord's mansion watched with horror at the door of his city lord being carried out like a dog.

Before leaving, he left one sentence.

"Whose family is this? Call them to lead the army of the gods."

The sect people who were hidden in the city lord's mansion realized that the identity of the city lord had been exposed, and quickly contacted their respective sects.

There were three letters lying on Su Chen's table, from Zhanlong Pavilion, Benlei Pavilion and Shifang Pavilion.

Fatty Hong Qing was brought over and knelt beside him.

"You have a lot of friends.

Su Chen threw the three letters in front of Hong Qing. Hong Qing didn't see Huang Jizong's name, and his face changed again and again.

These three sects have common characteristics.

They all have Jindan in town, they are all around the city of Pantheon, and they are all close to the army camp of the Pantheon.

The threat is obvious.

After speaking, Su Chen no longer wanted to deal with Hong Qing, this was just a bait, and now it seems that the person behind him doesn't want to end in person.

The three major sects did not seem to really want to save Hong Qing.

Before Xin arrived at the Wanshen Army Barracks, there were already rumors in Wanshen City that the three major sects would join forces to attack the Wanshen Army Camp, on the grounds that they were killing people in the world.

Afterwards, the three major sects sent another letter, saying that as long as the Wanshen Army handed in a cultivation resource every year, they could pretend that this matter never happened.

After a little calculation, it is the sum of the annual cultivation resources of the Pan God Army.

A mouth full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but behind the scenes are all robbers and robbers.

After this incident came out, the sect forces in the City of Ten Thousand Gods were in an uproar.

There are many sects in the City of Ten Thousand Gods, and the cultivation resources are already tight. If they get the annual cultivation resources of the Ten Thousand Gods Army, then the sects will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

This time, the many forces that were provoked at once were moved.

There are always big sects jumping out and saying that as long as the army of the gods is willing to hand over half of them to them, they are willing to shelter.

However, some smaller sects are gearing up, hoping that the Wanshen Army can be hard-hearted.

When the three major sects come to attack, they can also get a piece of the pie.

You must know that in the past six months, the Wanshen Army has destroyed several sects. Although there are other sects with them, they have accumulated a lot of resources.

As long as they can grab a share, then they can be much better off.

In this city of the gods, it is not easy for a small sect to survive.

In addition to the Jianghu forces, even the aristocratic families in the City of Ten Thousand Gods were moved.

The Tang family is one of them.

The Tang elder son had a very good relationship with several sect disciples, and accidentally heard this news from their mouths.

In the Tang family's study, Song Xialan, the elder son of the Tang family, was talking about this with his father.

"Father, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"Although my Tang family doesn't need so many cultivation resources, those gold and silver jewelry are worth a visit."

Su Chen, the head of the Tang family, was hesitant, and he still had some fear of the imperial army.

"Tianyu, we will discuss this matter again, attacking the imperial garrison camp, this is the sin of the nine tribes, and we have to discuss it again.

"Don't, father, how can you do it if you don't seize this opportunity, and as long as you kill the entire army of gods, who will know?"

"This time, Zhanlong Pavilion, Benlei Pavilion, and Shifang Pavilion will all be involved, and all three forces will have golden pills in charge. 35

"The position of the leader of the Ten Thousand Gods Army has been vacant for a long time, and the highest cultivation of the soldiers is only the peak of foundation building, how can they stop the attack of the three major sects?

"As long as the Wanshen Army can be destroyed, the rest will be easy to handle, even the city owner is a member of the sect, how can the court know about this.

"Even in the future, our family may also be allocated a cultivation resource, as long as we become a monk family, the status of my Tang family will increase a lot.

"However, it is difficult to defend against the crowd, so many people in the City of Ten Thousand Gods are not all from the sect. 39

"If someone is stabbed into the imperial court, my Tang family's life will be lost.

·0 for flowers 0‥....

Su Chen was a little moved by what he said, but he still had some concerns.

Song Xialan shook her head and said confidently.

"That was in the past, and now the sects are in power. As long as the sects are united, what can the court do?"

"But the Lonely Wuji in the imperial city was arrested by the emperor, which shows that there are still experts in the court, and when it comes time to take revenge, my Tang family can't bear it.

Song Xialan's eyes widened, a little impatient.

"Father, not to mention whether Lonely Wuji's arrest is true or false, besides, how many experts are there in the imperial court, and how many experts are there in the sect.

"The first hospital and the five sects even said that they would send the elders of the sect to the imperial capital to investigate the facts. That expert must be under a lot of pressure in the imperial capital, and there is absolutely no time to manage this distant city of the gods."

"What's more, the three major sects are at the head, we secretly send people there, who will know.

"Even if the imperial court really has masters to retaliate, they will not be able to find my Tang family.

Su Chen, the head of the Tang family, fell into contemplation, weighing the pros and cons.

Song Xialan saw that her father still had a lot of concerns, and went on to say.

"I don't know whether Lonely Wuji was arrested or not, but it is true that the elders of the five sects in the first hospital are going to enter the imperial capital. Among my friends, there is a disciple of an elder of the Huangji Sect, and his master has already left. Emperor Jizong.

Su Chen's eyes lit up and hurriedly asked.


Song Xialan patted her chest and said, "My friend has never lied to me, of course it's true. 35

Su Chen no longer hesitated, slammed his palm, and his heart sank.

"It's settled like that.

Afterwards, the father and son discussed in the study for a long time, and finally settled on the details.

In the days that followed, the most discussed thing in the City of the Gods was that the three major sects joined forces to attack the Army of the Gods.

The deadline given by the three major sects is getting closer and closer, but the army of the gods has not heard any reply.

People often look out from the Panshen Army barracks and find out whether the soldiers in the Pantheon Army should practice or practice.

It seemed that external affairs had nothing to do with them.

A few days later, the people from the three major sects were dispatched, and they arrogantly surrounded the Wanshen Army barracks.

The entire Pantheon City was a sensation, and countless people began to move to the Pantheon Army barracks.

The mountains and the rain are about to come, and the wind is filling the building 5.

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