Ultra-Order Mage, Starting from The Awakening of Thunders Affinity

Chapter 248 Grab the eyeliner and lie to the idiot\r

Tian Yi waved his hand and continued.

"It's okay, I trust everyone here."

Seeing that everyone could not persuade him, they had to listen, and at the same time decided to pay attention to it secretly.

"My Blue Star official has a total of 1,200 golden pills."

"Except for the 100 soldiers of the army and Jinwuwei, the rest were scattered all over the Blue Star, where exactly, this is a secret, I don't know.

Everyone was amazed at the huge number of 1,200, and they didn't care. More than 600 of them disappeared.

Tian Yi also kept an eye on it, some words can only be completely believed by the truth.

"So, you guys stand up straight, I, Blue Star, can sweep away everything to attack the enemy, and there is no invincibility on this continent!"

Everyone stopped asking and thinking, and immediately raised their wine glasses and laughed.

"Congratulations to my Blue Star, congratulations to His Majesty!

For a while, I pushed the cup for a change, and the drink was so lively that I was drunk in the end.

The shopkeeper of the restaurant knew Tian Yi, the new city lord, and asked people from the city lord's mansion to bring them back.

There are many rooms in the City Lord's Mansion, which can be completely slept in.

In the second half of the night, the bustling Chiba Castle fell silent.

The clouds are dense, and the new moon is unknown.

A door in the main mansion of City 000 was carefully pushed open.

After looking around carefully, the man dodged out of the room.

When he got out of the room, he turned over and went up to the roof without going any other way.

Silently stepping on the tiles and leaving.

When he walked to the edge of the city lord's mansion, he suddenly bumped into something.

He looked around and felt ashes.

Turning around, sure enough, Tian Yi was standing behind him.

"It's so late, where are you going? Isn't it bad to go through the door, go to the roof?"

The man's face was pale, knowing that he would not survive, and said with a miserable smile.

"Also, you are a Jindan cultivation base, how can any wine make you drunk.

"The news you said is also fake, in order to deceive me, you deceived your subordinates like that.

But I saw Tian Yi shook his head and said.

"What I said today is indeed false. It is true that there are indeed 1,200 Jindan experts. The false thing is that I actually know where they are."


The man was astonished, unbelievable.

Then he thought of the fate of his own sect, and his heart was desolate.

"What a forbearing Qin Emperor.

After that, he was silent, and the sound of the corpse falling attracted several guards, who were swayed back by Tian Yi.

The next morning, when everyone found that there was one person missing, they all laughed bitterly, but no one mentioned him again.

imperial capital.

Luo Qiuye was wandering on the prosperous streets of Emperor Qin's capital, secretly running his true energy, and all kinds of voices fell into his ears.

He used this method to collect information, although it was slower, but he was not afraid of false information.

Suddenly he heard a group of people talking in a wine shop.

It was the more than 400 golden core generals of Blue Star and the one hundred golden cores of Jin Wuwei who were discussing.

His tone was full of pride, as if those golden pills belonged to them.

Luo Qiuye was a monk who grew up in the sect. Hearing these words, he suddenly felt the crisis.

This is not a crisis for him, but for all sects.

What is the foundation of the sect?

Is it a powerful monk?

No, but the high status and the steady stream of ordinary disciples from Blue Star.

The words of those people just now revealed their yearning for the Blue Star Army, as if they were going to join the army immediately.

How does this work?

This is clearly digging the foundation of the sect, and it is absolutely not allowed!

He is not a soft-hearted person.

On the contrary, his master warned him since he was a child that to practice cultivation is to fight with heaven and people, and what he wants is to be ruthless and unscrupulous.

Moreover, Luo Qiuye is modest and cautious on the surface, but he is actually a proud person.

Whether it is the aptitude for decision, or the high status, it gives him the most proud character.

In his eyes, only those with the same cultivation status as him are qualified to enter his eyes.

Blue (caag) star, a secular dynasty, wants to dig the foundation of the sect, is to dig the foundation of his life.

Hearing the discussions in his ears, he made a decision in his heart.

This prison robbery should be inevitable, and the battle is already inevitable.

Since there is going to be a battle, and there are people who can hold back the power of distraction, why not wipe out the hundred golden elixir in the capital of Qin?

After thinking about it, I made up my mind.

Soon he heard another worrying news.

The two were chatting while sitting at a tea stall on the street, and the content of the chat caught his attention.

It was about the previous arrests of Jianghu people by Jin Wuwei.

Luo Qiuye and the others have already inquired about this matter, but they are not interested.

He was interested in another thing they said.

"Let me tell you, those people from all corners of the world were locked up in the Blue Star Purgatory before.

"Blue Star Purgatory? What is that place? I have lived in the imperial capital for more than 20 years, and I have never heard of it.

"Hey, ignorant, Blue Star Purgatory, that is my Blue Star's prison for cultivators.

"It is said that it is a magic weapon refined by a master who can block the cultivator's true qi.

"Doesn't that mean that when you enter there, the cultivator is just like a mortal?"

"That's not it, it's a pity that whether that thing is your own or not, as long as it is a cultivator, it will be blocked from infuriating.

"Isn't that..."

"That's it, the jailers inside are all mortals, and the three brothers of my eldest cousin's second sister's cousin's cousin are jailers inside, so I just know, you can't say it outside.

Afterwards, they chatted about other things, and Luo Qiuye was no longer interested in listening.

Where is the place where the monks are specially imprisoned?

No matter who it is, as long as it is a monk, will it be blocked from infuriating?

Doesn't that mean that loneliness is there too!

No wonder Lonely Promise disappeared, and the distracted spirit was still active in the imperial city.

It turned out to be imprisoned in a place where infuriating energy could not be used.

Luo Qiuye hadn't thought about the Blue Star Purgatory's blockade of infuriating energy at all.

He looked down on the Blue Star Empire in his heart, and did not think that such an empire would have any powerful magic weapon.

And since it is a magic weapon, even if it suppresses True Qi, there will definitely be an upper limit.

Their sect even sent the distraction, are they still afraid that he is a purgatory magic weapon?

At this moment, Luo Qiuye even planned to take the magic weapon of Blue Star Purgatory with him.

The magic weapon, the virtuous live in it.

After Luo Qiuye walked away, the two who had been communicating at the tea stall for a long time and the owner of the tea stall looked at each other.

Stand up together to clean up the tea stall.

"Would he believe it when you said such a simple deception?"

One person asked while clearing the tea set.

"Our eyeliner said that Qin Yeluo is a arrogant person, and now he is probably planning to take the Blue Star Purgatory together.

"Ah, what an idiot.

"Yeah, an idiot.

The three quickly disappeared from the crowd in the imperial capital Liao Liao.

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