The four of them persevered in pain, but Yu Rang was not in a hurry, drinking and eating meat, leisurely.

Such a day and night, the miserable screams are endless.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a cultivator. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have broken his throat and could not make a sound at this time.

Not far from the cell they were in was Shi Ouyang Wuji.

At this time, Su Chen was sitting outside Ouyang Wuji's cell. He brought a pot of wine and drank it with Ouyang Wuji.

Seeing Su Chen handing himself a wine glass, he knelt down and saluted.

He shouted, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

Next to them, a bug catcher filled the wine glasses for the two of them.

After Su Chen drank a drink by himself, he listened to the whining sound that kept coming.

Then he looked at Ouyang Wu-ji, who closed his eyes and sipped a little bit of wine, and said with a smile.

"It's been going on for a long time—yes.

Hearing Su Chen's question, Ouyang Wuji quickly put down the wine glass and said respectfully.

"Go back to Your Majesty, it's a quarter of an hour away from twelve hours. 99

The number of etiquette is more standard than anyone else, and even if the official of etiquette is here, he can't pick out the slightest rudeness.

"You know quite well."

"I counted every moment of my life, otherwise it would be dark and dark, and I might forget the days.

Su Chen was taken aback, but he didn't care.

"Ouyang Wuji, tell me, what secrets do you have that can keep them secret for so long?

Ouyang Wuji frowned and thought for a long time, but he couldn't think of anything in himself that the sect forces wanted.

He had no choice but to reply: "The sinner doesn't know either."

"Oh? You really don't know, or do you know but don't want to tell me?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes.

Ouyang Wuji exclaimed and knelt down, knelt down and said.

"The sinner really doesn't know."

As long as Su Chen looked at Ouyang Wuji, Ouyang Wuji knelt for a long time.

It seems that there is nothing to ask, Su Chen thought.

Then he stood up and said to Ouyang Wuji.

"I will reward you with this glass of wine. If you can remember it before they say it, I will allow you to come out and take a look at the sun outside. If they say it first, there will be no next chance. 99

After he finished speaking, he said to the insect catcher next to him.

"Tell Yu Rang to wait for twelve hours, soak them in warm water for ten breaths, and then continue.

"No. 35

The Insect Catcher retreated.

When Ouyang Wuji heard this, his heart trembled, but his face was still respectful.

"The sinner respectfully sends His Majesty."

Seeing Su Chen disappearing at the turning point, Ouyang Wuji got up.

Tremblingly, he took the jug, dipped a little on the tip of his tongue, closed his eyes and tasted it carefully.

As if this is some kind of nectar and jade liquid, his face is full of enjoyment.

Then he reluctantly found a stable place to put the flask down, sat cross-legged and started to meditate.

He wanted to take a look at the sunlight outside, it was too dark and silent here.

Even the wailing of the four elders, to him, was "like listening to Xianle's ears."

He is a little worried now that some of the four elders can't hold it out before he wants to come out.

Mainly because of the order Su Chen gave to Yu Rang.

Although Ouyang Wuji did not know what punishment Yu Rang used, it would definitely cause pain all the time.

This in itself will slowly disintegrate people's will, and the longer they persist, the weaker their will will become.

But Su Chen asked Yu Rang to soak them in warm water, but it was not out of humanitarianism.

Instead, he wanted to use this to defeat the four in one fell swoop.

The spirits of the four who had been tortured for twelve hours were already in a state of collapse, but because their wills were tense, they had not collapsed yet.

But how comfortable it is to soak in warm water.

The four people who were tortured unconsciously will relax unconsciously.

But time is only ten breaths, and at the moment when they are suddenly attacked by pain in their comfort, they are likely to collapse.

At that time, they just wanted to say what they wanted to say.

So he still has a quarter of an hour, and he wants to figure it out at this quarter of an hour.

So he began to recall his own life, trying to find a clue.

But when the wailing stopped, he still didn't have any brows.

Immediately after the wailing sound, I remembered that the wailing of the four people was not a lot.

Ouyang Wuji breathed a sigh of relief, he still had twelve hours, enough for him to recall his life.

In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Chen lay on the low couch and watched the memorial. The Qin Empire became more and more stable, and there were fewer and fewer things that required him to personally intervene.

At this time, he was looking at the memorial about Luo Qiuye, and of course Su Chen couldn't let him go like that.

··0 Flowers ......

Although he was asked to reply to the letter, Su Chen still sent someone to follow.

It was written in the memorial that the two were distracted and met Luo Qiuye, who was incisive and exhausted. After learning about the situation, they hurried back.

"Well, the bait has been released, it's up to you fish to bite the hook or not."

"And in this world, there is no need to detach from the forces above the Great Qin Dynasty!"

"It's time for you to withdraw from this stage of history!"

Thinking of Luo Qiuye who fled away, Su Chen sighed.

He said to himself, "It's a pity that the four schools of this academy have indeed collected a lot of talented monks. If Luo Qiuye had less bumps in his cultivation path, he might be able to achieve a distraction."

"Unfortunately, these people can't be used by me."

As he spoke, his heart moved, and he remembered the six hundred golden pills still hidden in the palace.


The technique of combined strikes has been practiced, and now they are almost doing nothing.

As for matters in the Imperial Capital, one hundred Jindan Jinwuwei is more than enough, and they are not needed at all.

"Aren't you thirsty for talent?"

"How dare you accept so many young Jindan peak cultivators! 99

Said silently.

Recruit six hundred golden pills to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Looking at the neatly arranged six hundred golden pills, Su Chen smiled happily.

"You wait so far, the merits of Juan'e have not been established, and today there is an opportunity for you to make contributions and establish a career."

"There is a courtyard and four sects outside the Great Qin Dynasty, but I have a heart of benevolence and righteousness, and I think most of its disciples are not very vicious people.

"You and the others can be transformed into Ye Xiu, each with their own abilities, infiltrate the four sects in one courtyard and disintegrate them from the inside.

"Help me win the first four cases without bloodshed.

"It's better not to hurt the innocent. 35

After listening to Su Chen's order, Six Hundred Golden Pills were all overjoyed.

Although they were in the palace, the news was not blocked.

There are more than 400 generals of various ministries outside, a hundred Jindan Jinwu guards inside, and dozens of insect hunters, all of whom have made great achievements in battle.

As long as they have not achieved an inch, they have long been unable to hold back.

At this time, it was still so important that Su Chen used them.

After the completion, the credit is great, I want to know.

How could they not be excited.

The six hundred people all knelt down on one knee.

He clasped his hands together and shouted loudly.

"No! 99

Afterwards, each turned into a beam of light and flew away from the Imperial Palace Six.

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