A raging voice came out immediately, and the voice was a bit harsh. Su Chen looked back and saw an incomparably tall robot standing behind him.

This guy can be more than three meters tall, has a very strong body, and his huge arms look as thick as a bucket. Behind him is a dense array of lasers, which are emitting white light, and the dazzling white light is facing Su Chen's eyes According to, look carefully, there can be hundreds or more.

If these lasers were all fired, facing his head, he would probably shatter his head in one fell swoop.

Wan Chen wasn't afraid at all. He grabbed Su Chen's wrist and swept it against the robot's chest. There was a crisp sound in an instant, and one million star coins were immediately credited to the account.

"Brother, we are the customers here, this is our deposit, okay."

Wan Chen gave Su Chen a wicked smile, and Su Chen was a little embarrassed, but this million star coins were just a drizzle to him, not a good thing at all.

The giant robot immediately withdrew those laser cannonballs when the star coins arrived. In an instant, the underground hole immediately returned to its original appearance. Without those dazzling lasers, the underground hole looked a little dim, but fortunately, the overhead lights could still see people clearly. Face.

"Well, you can go in, this is your number plate, don't lose it when you have it.

The giant robot sent a sign to the two of them, and the crystal clear sign couldn't tell what was written on it, just the feeling of a glass sign.

When he got inside, Su Chen was a little surprised. It didn't look like an abandoned black market at all, but rather like the most luxurious supermarket in Mingshi Kingdom.

Looking ahead, a straight passage is in front of you. On both sides of this passage are various luxury stores. There are advertising signs in front of the stalls. These signs write the details of these various commodities.

"It's not like that, wife, look at me."

The two walked along the street to the middle, and Wan Chen immediately turned on the watch, and a ray of light shone on the sign at the door of the store. In less than an instant, Wan Chen's watch immediately revealed the store's name. Everything and all kinds of commodity information are clearly on it.

In particular, the origin and various functional data of those commodities are completely written on it without any omission.

"That's great, thank you so much for the black market. Look, the photocopier we want is right there, in that storefront over there."

Wan Chen hurriedly pointed to a hutong on the right and walked over, and then he arrived at the place. He saw that the storefront was not bad. Looking inside, the decoration was completely digital. Not only that, but the people walking on this black market street There are many people, not enough to cover their heads, for fear of being recognized.

Su Chen touched his face, only to realize that he didn't know when it started, but Wan Chen also held a paper bag on his face, and two round holes were poked out of the yellow paper bag. Only two eyes are exposed to see what is outside clearly.

"Welcome, my friends, we happen to have the photocopier you chose here, why don't you take it out and see if it's what you want.

This boss is quite normal, but his head is full of snow-white hair, as if it has been soaked in potion, especially his face, the wrinkled old face is full of wrinkles, but the two eyes are bright and piercing. God, seems to have a divine light.

"The photocopier we want is this level, I don't know if you have it here."

Wan Chen immediately took out his watch, and the data on it was immediately revealed. The boss stared at Wan Chen's wrist, which was a very strange feeling.

"Oh, you are a military-grade product, how can we have such a small place, besides, if you bought it from me, if you go out and report us, then we will be imprisoned, but you If you want other models, we can introduce them to you here.99

The boss walked to the front of the counters, and as he got to these counters, a ray of light appeared above each counter, and with the light flickering, the images and various data of these photocopiers immediately emerged from above.

After staring at these photocopiers and data carefully, Su Chen was even more surprised. It seems that these things are quite domineering. Although they can't keep up with the things that Wan Chen wants, it is not impossible to deal with them. It's just that Looking at the prices of these things, I can't help but take a deep breath. The cheapest ones above cost tens of millions of stars.

The most expensive one costs hundreds of millions. I really don't know if I don't see it, but the sense of rhythm is startling.

"Boss, you said that you are putting money aside and not making money, are you afraid that we can't pay it? If so, you are really looking at the wrong person. You should see how much money we brought here, don't be scared. It's your fault if you die.

Wan Chen pressed the watch on Su Chen's wrist as he spoke, and then, as the watch glowed, a transparent menu immediately appeared. Su Chen looked carefully at the dial, and the remaining stars appeared. There are hundreds of billions of coins, and such a huge amount of data naturally frightened the so-called boss in front of him.

66. `I...what can I say, this is the most money I have ever seen in my life, well, since you are so sincere, please come with me, but you have agreed in advance, give the money first, And it's a full tie. "

Su Chen has seen the introduction here for a long time. In fact, this black market is very user-friendly. If the price of goods is too high, people who buy goods here can choose to mortgage the purchase or pay in installments. All of these are possible. There is no one-time payment.

Zhenghu (Qian Hao) wondered if the boss had any goods. The robot beside the boss had already walked over. There was a downward staircase behind the store, but there was a metal block in four directions on top of the staircase.

Afterwards, the robot grabbed the hard block, moved it up and put it aside, with a dull movement, the hard block fell to the ground, a dark hole was exposed, and a descending staircase was shiny, and then the boss directly Go down the stairs.

The boss pushed the door under the stairs, the double doors opened directly, and then, a room full of luster was in front of him.

"Looking around, there are several photocopiers on the shelf, and these miniature photocopiers are the size of a mobile phone on the earth. Su Chen stared at it and couldn't see any difference at all.

However, I continued to walk inside, and I saw a booth with a flashing white light on the opposite side.

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