At this time, Su Yue finally decided to completely fall in love with Su Chen.

He also finally saw the power of Su Chen, his stinky younger brother. His stinky younger brother, Su Chen, is really hidden.

Su Yue thought that she had stopped being a first-order mage now.

But now Su Chen is able to use only such a month to complete what he used to be able to accomplish in a year.

In this way, Su Yue has actually grown up a long time ago. In fact, when Su Yue was very young, he always ran away.

So when he grew up, Su Yue really wanted to fulfill his wish. He just wanted to find a man who could give him a sense of security to live with.

So in fact, although Su Yue usually seems to be very domineering, he is a delicate person.

Even when he usually interacts with some friends, he can all show these things.

In fact, Su Yue didn't know about these things with anyone, but these things are the truest portrayal of this Su Yue.

Therefore, no one in this world really understands this Su Yue.

After a while, Su Chen no longer bothered with these little gangsters, because he once promised his mother that he would go home half an hour after school. .

If Su Chen can't go back now, he'll be late, so Su Chen doesn't bother to talk to these little bastards anymore.

He ran all the way back home, but fortunately he was able to get there in time, otherwise, his mother would have been worried.

Although his mother was not angry with Su Chen, but his mother also discovered something about God.

His mother said, "Is someone trying to bully you today?"

In fact, his mother is also a mage, and I heard that the level is not very low.

And Su Yue's metal detection array was given to Su Yue by Su Chen's mother.

Therefore, Su Chen's mother's metal detection and certification is more powerful than Su Yue's metal detection and certification.

In this way, Su Chen knows...

His mother knew what happened to him.

Su Chen began to ask her mother carefully.

"Mom, do you know everything? If that's the case, then I won't hide it from you anymore.

In fact, Su Chen is very confused now. For so many years, his mother has never said anything about the mage.

Moreover, he has never taught any knowledge related to spells, so why do you suddenly know spells now?

Su Chen thought at this time that he wanted to know some shocking secret.

"You say. Then, have you always had some secret mission and can't tell others, so you haven't told me such a thing, just like in a TV series.

The current atmosphere is very embarrassing. In fact, from the moment when all of them started going to and fro, his parents suddenly became serious.

That's why I can talk to Su Chen. In fact, Su Chen's parents are hiding something from Su Chen, but these things are partly about Su Chen's life experience, and partly about Su Chen's current parents. Part of the experience before the 18th century.

These things are all secrets, and if Su Chen knew about these things, he might even be killed.

So Su Chen almost suddenly embarrassed all the cheerful atmosphere at the moment of the meal.

So Su Chen also felt something was wrong.

Now Su Chen just feels that he has said something wrong.

Or did Xiao Su Chen say something that accidentally offended his father and mother;

So Su Chen began to change the subject, he knew that these words should not have been said.

Of course, Su Chen was using these words to make a joke with his parents.

Of course, only in this way can Su Chen get to know his parents little by little. 】

But now Su Chen has finally discovered one thing, that is, Su Chen has finally started to find out that his parents were originally a person who was not far away from talking about those things in the past.

So now Su Chen really feels that everything about his parents was very reluctant to reveal.

Now Su Chen knows that his parents must have had some legendary stories. These stories are only known to them. After all, no one has ever known his parents all these years, so he wants to investigate his parents. It's really a difficult thing.

But this matter Su Chen also has some eyebrows, he doesn't know how his parents can do this.

But now Su Chen's parents really didn't want to bring this up, so they immediately changed the subject.

`By the way, does Su Yue have someone she likes in school? You must have one, right? Otherwise, why would something be wrong with you today? "

This sentence really hit Su Yue's fright. Now he has just started to like Su Chen. Has his mother found out that he likes someone?

Yes, Su Yue's mother can use metal detection to issue certificates. The things that happened just now have already been discovered by her mother.

Su Yue had no choice but to admit it, otherwise, her mother might even more suspect that he actually fell in love with his younger brother Su Chen.

"Hmm, that's right, he's very powerful, but he's a senior."

Su Yue lied, but he didn't need to write drafts, so he was still suspected by his mother to like his younger brother Su Chen a little bit.

His mother is really wise.

His mother's name is Su Xiaomei. Back then, he was a metal detection mage that no one knew about, and his detection array was the most accurate in this world.

As long as he is there, there are no secrets at all, so basically no one will deliberately team up with Su Xiaomei to do tasks.

After all, everyone in this world will have privacy, and no one will ask their secrets to be discovered by others.

So Su Xiaomei has always been very lonely.

But ah, this loneliness is also related to his metallic magic circle.

It's really because he can have sub-powers, so he can easily understand everyone's privacy, so he just doesn't look down on many suitors.

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