In this way, Su Chen is completely passive.

But don't be too happy. Su Chen is not jealous. If so, the Ouyang family already knew that once the Dugu family knew that Su Chen had no family background, they would definitely go there. Use various methods to make Su Chen disappear into this world.

So the Ouyang family also took out a magic weapon. This magic weapon is the trident. This trident used to be the treasure of the sea god, but since the death of the sea god, no one can use the weapon, and there is no way to get it. Use the weapon.

Because this weapon is too heavy, if it is a professional, then Su Chen is already very dangerous.

If this is the case, then Su Chen has already started to improve his cultivation, so Su Chen will not be able to use this explosive weapon.

Once this sea god weapon is awakened, no goddess can really hurt Su Chen for so long.

Unless it is Thor, who is also a god, it can be done. In this case, the defense of Sea God is very powerful, and Thor is of course a major in damage.

Therefore, Seagod and Thor used to kill each other only when they were provoked by those dark mages. In this case, Seagod is very powerful.

In fact, Su Chen still has ideals now.

For the ideal, I think it is still necessary to talk to everyone.

So, I found a problem.

That is, these characters all have their own independent personalities, but these independent personalities have something in common. That is, they all have the lofty ideal of saving the country and the people.

I think this ideal is the reason that allows them to come to one place, and it is the inexhaustible spiritual source that enables them to persevere.

Now that the society is becoming more and more prosperous, it is inevitable that some people will become very degenerate and do not want to make progress because of these convenient conditions. Some people do not believe in ideals, and even hate ideals.

First of all, I believe that ideals are something that each of us should have. Just like that sentence: "What's the difference between people without ideals and salted fish?" Yes, since we are born as human beings, it means that we are different from animals. So, from which places and animals do we show the difference?

The ancients said: "The predecessors planted trees, and the later generations enjoyed the shade". Faced with this sentence I asked myself. What are the predecessors? What are the future generations? Are we the predecessors or the posterity?

The predecessors should be the predecessors of the later generations, and the later generations should also be the predecessors of the predecessors. We are both predecessors and posterity.

I think we should first and foremost see ourselves as posterity. As descendants, we should first use our beautiful years to feel the great rivers and mountains, to feel this prosperous world, and to feel the land of China guarded by those revolutionary ancestors for us. This is "enjoying the shade", which is respect for the achievements of the predecessors' labor, and also a response to the revolutionary ancestors.

Second, we are also predecessors. When we are "in the shade", we can't just "rest", we should think about how and what kind of "trees" we want to plant. Since our predecessors created this wonderful thing for us, we should also inherit the will of our predecessors. As the predecessors of future generations, we must also create for future generations

. All that is beautiful is.

We are both predecessors and posterity. Then we should not only "enjoy the shade", but also "plant trees". The two are not in conflict. Only in this way can human beings continue and develop.

I think this may be the big difference between us and animals.

Then, let's think more deeply about "the predecessors plant the trees, and the later generations enjoy the shade". Needless to say, "enjoying the shade", what exactly is "planting a tree"?

Good! I think "planting a tree" is chasing an ideal. As the saying goes, a generation has a long march for a generation, and a generation has a fortune of a generation. So if I come here to talk about it, it means that every generation has a generation of trees to be planted, and only when the trees are planted can future generations enjoy the shade.

However, there are also many bad ideas.

I remember one time, when I was in college, I was really depressed and went to chat with the instructor. I said: "Teacher, two days ago, I saw the news that rural children went to college instead of rural children. I was very angry, so teacher, I must become an educator, and my ideal is to contribute to the education of the country. , and I firmly believe in rejuvenating the country through education.” The instructor said, “Does this have anything to do with you?” At that time, my heart trembled. I wondered how he could say such a thing. I even feel that such a person is not worthy of being a teacher, let alone a party member.


After chatting that day, I was even more confused, what the hell is going on here.

Is it right to "be nosy"? Is it right to "have nothing to do with me"? Is it right to "lie down"?

At that time, in a secluded place, I looked up to the sky and smiled.

Laugh! What am I laughing at? I am laughing at their stupidity, at their ignorance, at their childishness.

We have no ideals right now. But what would have happened if those revolutionary predecessors had given up their ideals?

Would there still be a country today?

Will we still be in this world?

So even if we can come to this world, what can we do, we are nothing more than slaves of subjugation.

We are just the free labor at the bottom, and we will be forever. Not only are they scolded and beaten every day, but they also have to do a lot of excessively laborious and physically damaging work.

Not only that, but every day you can only get some life-sustaining rations that others have abandoned.

Let's think about it, what rights and freedoms do slaves have? We can only breathe like this.

If the seniors really gave up their ideals because of the difficulties and obstacles in front of them, and gave up to save the country and the people (good Zhao), then such a scene would be the country of today.

But history is not like that. How stronger, more prosperous, and more prosperous is the nation of today than the nation of yesterday.

There is no power in this world for nothing, and no pie will fall from the sky.

'You are not qualified to say in front of the people of the country that you are talking to the country from a position of strength. "This sentence contains the hard work and sweat of the people of the country.

I think that behind this strength is the sacrifice and sweat of countless people with ideals and lofty ideals. Heart-blooded!

This is the result of the joint efforts of countless nationals who take the initiative to link their personal ideals with the destiny of the country and the nation!

So I want to say something to all grown up people of the country:

"For the behavior of being self-deprecating and not thinking about progress"

"You remember—you—are not eligible.

"Otherwise, it is in vain for the people of the country..."

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