The capital investment in the past few days has all been in vain and fell short.

"Damn it! Damn it!!""

Ouyang Wanren shouted angrily, and threw thousands of knives fiercely in his hand, and thousands of sword lights flew out from the sky, very gorgeous.

Su Chen naturally saw such a scene~.

The strange and splendid sight immediately attracted Su Chen's interest.

These sword beams are not only numerous, but the power of the explosion is also very impressive.

Even compared with his Wuji Sacred Sword, it has a full 70 to 80 percent of the effort.

"It's interesting, it's interesting.

With a weird smile on his face, Su Chen sat on the throne and flew into Tianhe Town with great majesty.

When the Master of the Yantang Kingdom arrived, the fighting among the creatures of the Yantang Kingdom became even more vigorous.

The entire Tianhe Town was filled with the screams of the instructors who were anti-college family.

"Where did those sword lights come from just now! Say it, and I can spare his life.

An incomparably majestic voice covered the sky over the entire Tianhe Town.

Countless Ouyang Clan's guides looked at the Vice President not far away, and then looked at the Master Yan Tang Kingdom in the sky, and it was hard to report.

Even if they tell Su Chen what he wants to know now, they can return to the Ouyang family alive.

Their consequences will also be quite severe, even more severe than being killed by the creatures of the Yan Tang Kingdom.

"I'll ask again, where did the sword light just now come from, those who know, go! Those who don't say it, all have to die! 99

This time, Su Chen's voice was filled with endless coldness and murderous intent.

Ouyang Wanren's expression was extremely difficult to see.

Wasn't that skill just thrown out by him unintentionally?

This time, it attracted the attention of the Master Yan Tang.

Even if he was lucky enough to survive the hands of the creatures of the Yan Tang Kingdom, he would not be able to resist the power of the Yan Tang Kingdom Mage.


"Ah! No!"

The screams kept ringing in his ears.

The members of the Ouyang family were wiped out by the creatures of the Yan Tang Kingdom one by one.

Ouyang Wanren felt extremely guilty when he saw the brother he brought out to end up like this.

"It's me! I released that skill just now!"

Ouyang Wanren's voice suddenly pierced through bursts of fighting and screams, reaching Su Chen's ears.

His eyes were instantly locked on the guy covered in blood.

Ouyang Wanren is also his old rival.

In the swordsmanship competition between the two, Su Chen has always won, and Ouyang Wanren has always lost.

"Oh? It turned out to be Ouyang Wanren. It seems that you have grown a lot!"

Su Chen laughed and slowly approached Ouyang Wanren.

What he didn't expect was that Ouyang Wanren had also left the crowd and flew towards him very boldly.

"The descendants of the Wan family... Haha, now I should call you Master Yantang. I think I will have a one-on-one competition with you!"5

"Oh? Ouyang Wanren, you are worthy to compare with me?"

As soon as he heard Ouyang Wanren's words, Su Chen immediately laughed, laughing wildly and smugly.

"Yes! I want to compete with you! But, I have one condition. 99

"Conditions? You still dare to negotiate conditions with me?"

Su Chen sneered, and a cold light shot out of his eyes, which shot straight into Ouyang Wanren's mind.

In an instant, his entire body seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, shivering and suffocating.

"I want the remaining guides of our Ouyang family to leave here safely! 35

"Hahaha, do you think, what capital do you have to negotiate with me?

"Because, I have it.

As he spoke, Ouyang Wanren flicked his right hand, and a shining sword appeared in his hand immediately.

This sword immediately attracted Su Chen's attention.

Strange patterns cover every part of the blade.

The layers of fine lines seem to be the result of being tempered together by countless swords.

"If I lose, I can give you the sword, but, my people, get out of here!"

"Hahaha, it's interesting, it's interesting, come on, let me see, what skills do you have!

Su Chen sneered, did not take out his own Promise Sword, and still sat on his throne very calmly.

Even so, Ouyang Wanren looked at Su Chen and was still very afraid.


With a roar, Ouyang Wanren's hands immediately burst into a rich golden light.

The huge divine power gathered from his hands into the thousands of pairs.

··0 Flowers...  

"Thousands of swords rain, I am the only one!!!"

Ouyang Wanren's eyes flashed a rich golden light.

The tens of millions of pairs in his hands have transformed into countless clones, which are neatly arranged behind the tens of millions of knives.

The entire sky was filled with Ouyang Wanren's rich divine power and the inextinguishable fighting spirit in his heart.

Seeing such an opponent, Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

However, the outcome is not only determined by the momentum.

Ouyang Wanren used such a terrifying skill, but Su Chen still sat there calmly, waiting for Ouyang Wanren's attack.

It seems that in this world, no one has any strength that can match him.

Su Chen's domineering, once again deeply imprinted in the hearts of these guides.


Under the command of Ouyang Wanren, Jian Yu madly killed Su Chen.

The silver light flickered, the cold air was everywhere, and there was a bleak killing intent everywhere.

Su Chen sat on the throne of God, and slightly raised his right fingers.

In front of him, a purple-gold barrier appeared.

The entire Throne was protected by that barrier.

Countless sword rains smashed towards the barrier, but none of them could penetrate, and even the outer air of the barrier could not be compared.

Soon, Ouyang Wanren's sword rain was released.

He himself, as the final blow, also held ten million knives and came to Su Chen.

The ten million knives at this time have been covered by a layer of rich golden light.

The terrifying power was released from Ouyang Wanren's body and slashed fiercely on the shield in front of Su Chen.

A crisp sound resounded between the two.

Thousands of knives were slashed on the energy shield, but not even a single ripple could be raised.

Su Chen looked at Ouyang Wanren's sweaty forehead and red face, and sighed helplessly.

He thought that possessing the divine weapon and controlling divine power, he would be much stronger than before.

In the end, he was just a half-assed guy.

Su Chen was disappointed with Ouyang Wanren's performance.

As for Ouyang Wanren, he could not have imagined that his strongest ultimate move could not even break even a small shield of others.

The battle in the small town of Tianhe, because of the violent atmosphere of thousands of swordsmen, also quietly stopped six.

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