"If you protect Lord Su Chen in the future, you can just observe silently from a distance, because Lord Su Chen and I still have some things to do. Too many people together can easily lead to misunderstandings."

As soon as the four got on the elevator, Zhao Ye began to impatiently arrange for them.

However, what Zhao Ye said was also very reasonable. If there were such four people following them all the time, it would indeed be easy to attract attention, but it would cause trouble for their subsequent actions.

"Well, I might have to trouble you later!"

Although what Zhao Ye said was reasonable, his attitude and tone were very poor, so Su Chen had to open his mouth to relax.

"Sir Su Chen, Minister Duguchen has ordered us to obey whatever you ask, so you can rest assured that we will absolutely protect your safety 100% without disturbing you! 39

The man in black assured Su Chen very firmly.

After listening, Su Chen smiled politely and nodded in gratitude.

"Ding! The elevator has reached the 1st floor" "!

"Are we going down here? 35

After Su Chen saw that the elevator reached the 1st floor, he stopped, and then asked Zhao Ye next to him in confusion, because he seemed to see that Zhao Ye was pressing the elevator on the 20th floor just now.

"Huh? I didn't press the 1st floor, maybe someone outside wants to catch up.

Zhao Ye also looked puzzled, but after the elevator door opened, Su Chen was full of people standing outside the elevator door.

"Brother Su Chen! You actually came back!"

"Is this the legendary figure with a divine guardian beast, Su Chen?"

"Excuse me, Brother Su Chen, where have you been recently? Why haven't I heard from you for four months?

"Sir Su Chen? Have you reached the peak level of a mage now? Is my judgment wrong? This is too..."

A bunch of people standing outside the door didn't seem to be here to take the elevator. They were like paparazzi, waiting for Su Chen outside the elevator.

Are these journalists?

How did they know I was here?

Could it be that Bai Hui deliberately released the news? Or is it the rumor that the people in Zhao Ye's office leaked?

Su Chen was frightened by the sudden scene in front of him, and he had not experienced so many people's admiration and praise for four months.

At this moment, those people standing outside the elevator saw Su Chen standing inside unmoved, completely ignoring them, and they began to want to squeeze into the elevator, wanting to take a photo with Su Chen up close.

Fortunately, there were those four people, and they immediately started to reach out to stop the group of people outside. Seeing that these four people were all strong men with extraordinary strength, the group of people didn't dare to continue to squeeze in.

Zhao Ye immediately pressed the door close button of the elevator, and then directly pressed the 26th floor.

"'Are we going back to the 26th floor again?

Su Chen asked suspiciously, the 26th floor is Zhao Ye's office, and they just came down from there.

However, Zhao Ye (with Li Hao) was very angry, and looked at Su Chen awkwardly.

"Sorry Su Chen, this scene just now definitely means that someone has leaked the news that you are back, otherwise they can't all know that you are back, so I have to go back and ask if it's the people in my office. Personally leaked! 95

It turns out that Zhao Ye also reacted just now. The group of people outside must have known about Su Chen in advance, so they waited outside the elevator so premeditatedly.


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