"City Lord Ye, don't know what ceremony we need to hold?" Long Tianao asked softly.

"No need, it's enough for the three of you to understand each other." Su Chen said with a chuckle.

"That's right, at that time, it might still have the effect of a miraculous soldier. 39 Yan Tianqiang is in line.

"That's right, only City Lord Ye can think so deeply." Long Tianao's face was very thick, and he would flatter Su Chen directly.

As the saying goes, Su Chen won't debunk Long Tianao's compliments when the bridal sedan chair is carried by everyone.

"By the way, two, you said what would happen if I made an auction. 35 Su Chen said with a smile.

"Auction?" The two were stunned for a moment.

"What is the auction? Could it be a practice technique? City Lord Ye is too bold." Long Tianao asked directly.

I saw Su Chen shook his head gently, and then explained: "I'm "two, three, three" going to auction the cultivation position under the divine tree, what do you say."

"No." Long Tianao directly refused.

"City Lord Ye, please think again." Yan Tianqiang also frowned.

"Why, you two have an opinion?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"City Lord Ye, the divine tree is a great opportunity. You know the results of your cultivation below. If you let it go to auction, the consequences will be disastrous." Long Aotian explained.

"City Lord Ye, it's true. You must know that although you are in control of Emperor Xuancheng, you still don't know how many Xiaoxiao coveted in secret. This is tantamount to raising tigers." Yan Tianqiang didn't want to set up so many enemies.

Originally, there were quite a few secret enemies. If you really got the qualification to cultivate under the Divine Tree, then there might be some troubles.

"It seems that the two of you are still very unconfident." Su Chen joked.

"City Lord Ye, it's not that we are not confident, but that people are unpredictable, so it's better to be more careful. 35 Long Tianao kindly reminded.

When Su Chen heard this, he didn't say anything, but was silent for a while.

Thinking that he needs to completely and completely master Emperor Xuancheng as soon as possible, he needs a lot of people to join in, especially those capable loose cultivators.

After all, although his imperial sect has already started to cultivate backbones from the grassroots level, it will take time.

Therefore, Su Chen is going to hold an auction. Of course, the most important thing is not to auction how many qualifications, but to discover those talents who can be used.

"Okay, you two don't need to say, Su Chen has come to this day, and I have encountered a lot of things. If I am really afraid, how can I stand on the top of this world. Su Chen said solemnly.

Long Tianao and Yan Tianqiang could only sigh when they heard Su Chen's determination.

Although they have just formed an alliance, Su Chen is still in the dominant position.

After all, he has a divine tree, and if he has a divine tree, he is qualified to be superior.

After chatting with Long Tianao for another hour, the two of them retired.

After all, the purpose of this visit has been achieved, even more perfect than expected.

As for investigating the strength of Emperor Xuancheng, the two did not dare to do anything.

Not to mention that Su Chen Feijian killed so many congenital masters, the confidence he just had just now must be no trivial matter.

Seeing that the two had left, Liu Piao Piao walked out of the inner room.

"These two old foxes clearly only want to strengthen themselves, and they have made so many excuses." Liu Piaopiao sneered.

"Piao Piao, what they said is not wrong, it is indeed likely to bring hidden dangers, not to mention other, those who secretly coveted the divine tree will take this opportunity to come and find out. Su Chen said softly.

"Then why do you still need to auction?" Liu Piao Piao was now certain that Su Chen had no other purpose.

"What do you think?" Su Chen pinched her nose with a smile.

"You shouldn't be paying attention to those loose cultivators. I advise you to give up. Those people are used to freedom and don't like restraint, and their participation will attract a lot of hatred to our Emperor Xuancheng. 35 Liu Fluttering worried.

"Hehe, I just want this effect, hatred or something, I don't care the most, I want to let them know that they are desperately trying to obtain resources outside, as well as that kind of irregular hunting, after joining my Emperor Xuancheng, they are all It doesn't exist, here, someone shelters them and has the best resource supply. Su Chen is very domineering.

"But I'm afraid that the situation will not be easy to clean up." Liu Piao Piao was still a little worried, after all, people always have omissions.

"Don't worry, I've already made up my mind. If they join and obey, everything will be fine. If they don't obey, I'll let them know who owns Dixuan City." Su Chen said A murderous aura.

"Okay, now that you've decided, what about the auction date?" Liu Piao Piao didn't say anything, after all, his man said so, and he couldn't always hold an objection.

Besides, she knew Su Chen too well, and he must have completely treated me by doing so.

"What time, I told Long Tianao and Yan Tianqiang my opinion, it will be seven days later." Su Chen said with a smile.

"After seven days? Time is so tight?" Liu Piao Piao muttered.

"Is it tight? I think it's still a little long. Well, you can fix the location of this auction and start arranging it. 99 Su Chen said solemnly.

Soon, the news that Su Chen was going to auction the cultivation qualifications under the divine tree spread out.

After the Heavenly Secret News from the Heavenly Secret Gate, in just one day, everyone knew the news.

"Is Su Chen impatient to grow his own power? It's really ambitious." A sect elder who opposed Su Chen said.

"Su Chen is really so bold, isn't he afraid that we will take the opportunity to cause trouble?"

"The Divine Tree of the Emperor's Sect? I have wanted to go and see it for a long time, hoping to use this opportunity to break through the innate and achieve the condensed pill." "A powerful loose cultivator muttered.

"I'm going, Su Chen is playing for real? Is he really willing to auction the qualifications for cultivation of the divine tree?"

"I think it's true, but it has nothing to do with us. How can we have the qualifications for loose cultivators like us."

"But even if I don't have the qualifications, it's good to go and have a look. Besides, I'm actually yearning for the Emperor Sect." 0.7

"If I can, I really want to join the Emperor's Sect. After all, it is difficult for a person to be a wanderer, and it is difficult to improve his realm. There are a few like those big brothers who have a chance against the sky. 35

Some loose cultivators have made up their minds and are going to Dixuan City in seven days.

For a time, the whole world was discussing Su Chen's decision and the matter of Su Chen's auction of the divine tree cultivation qualification.

Of course, many people secretly scolded Su Chen for being a prodigal. With such a good thing, it's fine to keep it for yourself, and auction it off.

There are still many people who want to try their luck and see if they can win a cultivation quota from those big forces.

Even if you can't get it, you can also get some resources for your own cultivation, which is also very good.

Anyway, everyone has only one destination, and that is Emperor Xuancheng.

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