When others saw this, they all felt a little bit moved.

Especially those loose cultivators, can't wait to stand up now.

Originally thought that they were no longer qualified, but I didn't expect that there was still a hope for Nishinomiya Han.

"We also want to be three, Young Master Nishigong, let's talk." The Gu Poison Sect said in a cold voice.

"Okay, three, I only need to fulfill my three conditions." Nishinomiya Han threw it out without saying a word.

The remaining six were also given away by him.

And those who got the token stood in front of Nishinomiya Han, ready to fulfill their promise at any time.

"This kid, this trick is good." Murong Batian praised.

"Father, what's the matter, he gave away the things he bought at a high price, he is a prodigal." Murong Cong retorted directly.

"What do you know, Xuanwu City is in chaos now, and if Nishigonghan wants to stabilize the city, he must have enough strength, otherwise, everything will be in vain, and these people are his support. Plus what he left behind The latter, maybe Xuanwu City will really fall into his hands." Murong Batian said softly.

Hearing this, Murong Cong came to his senses and felt a little envious of Nishi Gonghan over there.

The auction ended, and everyone left one by one.

Only Duanmu Rong did not move, because her Earth-level cultivation technique had not yet been taught.

When he came to the secret room, Jin Buhuan had already prepared paper and pen.

Soon, Duanmu Rong recited the formula.

After studying carefully for a long time, Jin Buhuan nodded.

"Okay, Miss Duanmu, you can leave now." Jin Buhuan said respectfully.

"Boss Jin is going to chase people away? Do you think the slave family is in the way?" The tone was so pitiful that it made people feel pity.

But if Jin does not change who, how can he be so soft-hearted.

I saw him put away the secret book, and then said with a chuckle: "Miss Duanmu is joking, how dare you say it, but our young master has an order, and Dixuancheng needs stability, so I don't dare to stay longer."

"That is to chase people away. I want to see your young master. You and the young master are Su Chen." Duanmurong said with a light smile.

"This." Jin Buhuan hesitated.

He could still decide if it was something else, but it was a bit difficult to see Su Chen.

"Let her come in." Su Chen's voice appeared in Jin Buhuan's ears.

"Yes." Jin Buhuan said, and then slowly raised his head.

"Miss Duanmu, this way." Said, Jin Buhuan took her to Xiaoyao Villa over there.

And at this moment, Su Chen came back with two girls.

And there was a person kneeling in front of him, not someone else, it was the city gate that encountered the killing.

"Have things been settled?" Su Chen asked softly.

"Master, it has been dealt with, killing killing will send after listening." Killing said solemnly.

"Well, just deal with it, I'll follow Commander Li in a while, she will make arrangements for you. 35 Su Chen said lightly.

"Yes." Killing finished, and immediately retreated.

"I don't know why Duanmurong, the sassy fox, wants to see you." Liu Piaopiao next to him fed Su Chen a grape.

"Why, are you afraid that she will seduce me?" Su Chen teased.

"You, you just can't move when you see the woman." Liu Piao gave Su Chen a white look and said.

"Stinky bastard." Liu Piao Piao scolded secretly, and she didn't have the strength to stand up.

In the living room outside, Su Chen met Duanmu Rong.

Sure enough, she was a fairy.

That figure, that bulges forward and backward, that appearance is extremely beautiful, and it also has a charming feeling.

"I have seen City Lord Ye." Duanmu Rong said softly.

"Miss Duanmu, why are you looking for me?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"City Lord Ye, I have something here and I want to do business with you." Duanmurong said softly, the voice seemed to fall on cotton, very soft.

"Tell me, I'm very interested." Su Chen said with a smile.

'The little girl said it. Duanmurong smiled.

"Say." Su Chen affirmed again.

"I want to be the woman of City Lord Ye." Duanmurong said seriously.

"What?" Su Chen didn't react, unable to keep up with Duanmurong's brain circuit.

"I said, I want to be the woman of City Lord Ye." Duanmu Rong said again without the slightest shyness.

"Miss Duanmu, I don't think your joke is funny." Su Chen joked.

"I'm not joking, I spit and nails one by one Duanmurong." Duanmurong said solemnly.

··0 Seeking flowers........

"Tell me, why." Su Chen didn't think he had that kind of domineering air, and with a shake, he let the woman surrender.

"Okay, since City Lord Ye wants to know, I can't hide it." Duan Murong sat on the chair beside him.

"That's right, my father wants me to marry Murong Cong, but I don't want it. My husband wants me to choose it myself. Otherwise, I'd rather find someone casually." Duan Murong said simply.

"Murong Cong? That's the young master of the Murong family. The marriage between the two of you is a powerful alliance. Why not? Also, my position is a random person, or a choice. Su Chen touched himself. 's nose.

"City Lord Ye, of course, was chosen. As for Murong Cong, that is a woman who is a disciple, and the woman he plays with, there are not a thousand or eight hundred, how can such a person be worthy of me, Duanmu Rong, here, that Murong Cong is a person with brains but no brains. If you live with such a person, it would be better to kill me. 35 Duan Murong explained. Murong Cong? That is the young master of the Murong family. It's just a strong alliance, why not, and my position is a random person, or a choice." Su Chen touched his nose and said.

"City Lord Ye, of course, was chosen. As for Murong Cong, that is a woman who is a disciple, and the woman he plays with, there are not a thousand or eight hundred, how can such a person be worthy of me, Duanmu Rong, here, that Murong Cong is a person with brains but no brains, and if he lives with such a person, he might as well kill me." Duanmurong explained.

"It's that simple?" Su Chen couldn't believe it.

"It's as simple as that, this is my gift to meet and greet, and I ask City Lord Ye to accept it." With that, Duanmurong threw a little Buddha over.

Su Chen played with it for a while, then put it aside, and said with a light smile: "Miss Murong, if you don't tell the truth, then we'll be like this, you should go too."

"I tell the truth, I have no other purpose." Duanmurong said solemnly.

"Really, I think you want me to stop the disaster for your Duanmu family. 35 Su Chen chuckled.

"Why did you say this?" Duanmurong was a little puzzled.

"You Duanmu family's civil strife, I have already understood this point, tell me, who is standing behind you." Su Chen asked curiously.

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