This scene made Murong Cong, who was next to him, completely dumbfounded.

Especially when the sword qi passed through Gongsun Yang's body just now, the kind of blood beads brought out, which would splash all over his face.

Reached out and touched the blood beads on his face, put it in front of his eyes, and felt a little warm.

"This, this." Murong Cong stuttered completely.

Not only Murong Cong, but everyone around him was completely dumbfounded at this time.

Who would have thought that Su Chen would take such a stern shot with such a decisive attitude.

There was no time to remedy the situation at all, and he learned about Gongsun Yang's life in such an instant.

Moreover, the sword energy that burst out from those tokens made the nine villains who were fighting against Su Chen shrank their necks.

"As I said, none of them can go." Su Chen's attitude was very clear.

As soon as these words came out, those who were watching the excitement took a deep breath.

They previously thought that Su Chen would at most teach Gongsun Yang and Murong Cong a little lesson, but there was none, because the power behind the two was too great.

A White Tiger City, a Suzaku City.

The background of the two famous cities is unfathomable. If Su Chen has no problem with his mind, he will definitely not offend him.

But now, they have rejected their 250 speculation just now.

It seems that in Su Chen's eyes, the two famous cities are like two bigger cats, without the slightest consideration.

When Tian Jizi over there saw this, he couldn't help but sigh.

As for Gongsun Yang and Murong always looking for trouble, he certainly knew what was going on, otherwise he wouldn't have come to dissuade him.

Originally, he thought that his appearance would at least make Su Chen sober, but who knows, he is still decisive and has no hesitation.

The person behind Gongsun Yang is naturally the helm of White Tiger City, the Gongsun family.

And it was his father, Gongsun Duming.

Otherwise, the ten wicked men would not appear, nor would the sharp swordsman Lin Feng join in.

And the only people who weren't surprised were Jin Buhuan and Li Yaoyao.

The two have a deep understanding of Maybe Ang.

In Jin Buhuan's eyes, there was nothing that Su Chen dared not do, just like he was himself before, Su Chen didn't take it into consideration.

Think about it, the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce.

Destroy the existence of the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, what kind of person is that.

Don't talk about the world, just talk about the things that the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce has stored over the years, they are all huge.

It can be said that it is more than enough to gather a group of people for a period of time to establish a famous city.

But in the face of such great interests, he still did not dare to help.

But Su Chen dared to monopolize so many people by himself, just to save the gold.

In Su Chen's words, once you meet, you can't wait for death.

Originally, Jin Buhuan also believed that Su Chen came for his money.

Although there is some resistance, Su Chen saved his life after all.

Afterwards, Jin Buhuan was willing to exchange half of the materials from the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce in exchange for Su Chen's life-saving grace.

But Su Chen smiled and left directly.

It wasn't until later that I realized that I underestimated the person in front of me.

From the establishment of Emperor Xuan City, to the Emperor Gate, and now, Su Chen did not mention this.

During this period of time, Jin Buhuan also recognized Su Chen.

He has proposed many times to hand over the hidden wealth before the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, but Su Chen rejected all of them with a smile.

"That belongs to you. You have a deep blood feud on your body, and you still need these supports. Besides, I don't need those things at all."5

This is Su Chen's original words, which moved Jin Buhuan very much.

Since then, Jin Buhuan, who has always been unwilling to be a minister, has completely worshipped Su Chen.

Tianluodiwang is the best proof. In such a short period of time, Jin Buhuan used the remaining forces from the Four Seas Chamber of Commerce, plus the huge wealth, to create a super intelligence network in a short period of time.

Su Chen didn't say anything about this.

And now, Su Chen killed Gongsun Yang, which is so natural in Jin Buhuan's eyes. (caah)

Those who dare to stand in front of Su Chen have no other way than death.

This point, Jin Buhuan has long understood.

Therefore, he is willing to be the butcher's knife in Su Chen's hands.

Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, Jin Buhuan smiled lightly: "Lin Feng, I'll give you a chance, as long as you submit to our young master now, I can plead for you, otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

After Lin Feng had fought against Jin Buhuan for dozens of rounds, he clearly understood that the slightly fat manager Jin had been keeping his hands, otherwise the two would have been fighting for life and death.

Hearing Jin Buhuan's words, Lin Feng turned his attention to Su Chen over there.

"I understand Director Jin's kindness, and I, Lin Feng, are not the kind of ungrateful person. Since I promised to escort the two young masters away today, I must not break my promise. Sharp swordsman Lin Feng said solemnly.

When Jin Buhuan heard this, the corner of his mouth evoked a slight smile.

Lin Feng was moved, but he couldn't violate his morality.

This is Jin Buhuan's guess, and of course, it is also a true portrayal of Lin Feng.

"That's good, then I won't keep my hands." Jin Buhuan chuckled lightly, and then his hands moved faster.

As for Su Chen over there, he would look at the remaining nine villains over there, ignoring it at all, and walked over to Murong Cong leisurely.

"Don't come here, don't come here." Murong was a little frightened from this moment, and kept going backwards, repeating these words in his mouth.

"Don't go over?" Su Chen muttered, but he didn't stop, but stepped out step by step.

"Su Chen, I'm not here, it's Gongsun Yang, it's him, it's him who lied to me." Murong would directly betray the dead Gongsun Yang from here, without any sense of guilt.

"Really, it seems that you are also a victim." Maybe Ang said playfully.

"That's right, I'm also a victim, please, don't kill me." Murong gave up his airs completely and began to beg for mercy.

"Please? Then kneel down." Su Chen said lightly.

When Murong heard this, his legs were about to kneel.

But the last bit of self-esteem in his heart is doing the last struggle.

Seeing Su Chen's movements, Master Li couldn't stand up.

"City Lord Ye, let go of Mr. Murong." Master Li sighed.

"Let it go? Why, just you?" Su Chen squinted at Master Li over there.

"Don't forget, you didn't break free from this matter, it will be yours in a while, don't worry. Su Chen said playfully.

"City Lord Ye, if you let Young Master Murong go, the old man is willing to capture him without hesitation." Master Li said lightly.

"Capture without hand?" Su Chen muttered, ignoring Master Li.

He turned his head to look at Murong Cong in front of him, and said with a gloomy expression, "Kneel down or die."

This sentence seemed to be the last straw that overwhelmed Murong's struggle.

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