After about 20 minutes, the speed of sitting on the platform became slower and slower.

Su Chen can already see the decoration over there, it's a place similar to that kind of auction house.

It's just that there are no seats below, everyone is dead in the box, and the seats will directly send people to the door of the room.

After sitting inside and looking around, Su Chen was sure again that this was definitely an auction.

"God operator, this is?" Su Chen asked.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just a discussion meeting, but the discussion is a discussion, and of course there will be some strange things put up for everyone to appreciate." God Shuan pouted.

Hearing this, Su Chen understood a bit.

Feelings This is a private party, and it can be exchanged.

Looking outside, Su Chen immediately noticed a lot of people.

It's just that "two six three" cannot be seen in a special way because of the particularity of glass.

And this kind of glass can only see the outside from the inside, but the outside cannot see the inside.

The figure flickered, and it was only visible when the lights were just turned on.

After a few breaths, all the figures disappeared.

Not long after, I saw a small lifting platform raised over there, with a person standing on it.

It is none other than Zhang Tianshi, the first master of Longhu Mountain.

He smiled and looked around before speaking.

"Welcome to all of you. If you want to come, you all know the purpose of coming here today. I won't say more nonsense. There is a friend who came here." Zhang Tianshi said, and then clapped his hands.

Immediately, several lifting platforms were raised continuously from the side, and several people were standing on them.

Among them, Su Chen knows only one Tianjizi, after all, that guy is too easy to recognize.

As for the others, Su Chen didn't know any of them.

But even if they knew each other, and the black robes wrapped around them, no one could guess who they were.

"Tianjizi, I don't need to introduce it, everyone should know each other. As for these five, they are the pre-Qin Qi Shishi." "Zhang Tianshi said it word by word.

After speaking of the words Pre-Qin Qi Shishi, Su Chen clearly felt a touch of movement from the god operator.

Excited? Nervous? Still confused? Su Chen wasn't sure.

Immediately, however, Shenhuazi's emotions calmed down.

And the rest of the people probably have the same mentality, and no one said a word.

"Today's organization of the first two is at the request of these friends. Next, the old man will quit." After Zhang Tianshi finished speaking, he immediately retired.

"Pre-Qin Qi practitioners." Su Chen mumbled.

"You know that too, brother?" Shen Shuan asked curiously.

"I have seen it in ancient books, but I haven't really touched it. Su Chen is really telling the truth, he really hasn't seen it.

"Alas, with the appearance of pre-Qin Qi practitioners, there must be another big mess." Shen Shuan took a breath and sighed.

"Big trouble?" Su Chen doesn't understand, is it referring to the treasure, or the next division of power?

"Listen more, watch more, and talk less." Shen Shuan murmured, then stared out dazedly.

The few pre-Qin Qi practitioners took off their hoods, revealing their smooth heads.

Looking at a few bald men, Su Chen couldn't help but laugh a few times.

Shen Shuan ignored him, but looked at the people outside seriously.

"Everyone, I am calling you here today because I want to know if this token is useful." The person in the lead took a token out of nowhere and held it over his head.

"The beacon fire order." Shen Shuan shouted in surprise.

"Beacon fire order? What is that?" Su Chen was a little curious.

Shenshouzi didn't speak, and his two eyes stared at the picture uploaded on the screen in front of him.

The carving, the knife carving, surprised Su Chen.

Just the breath of time, I feel that this thing is not an ordinary thing.

But he didn't know what the beacon order was, so he could only take out his mobile phone.

But when he saw the signal status, Su Chen reluctantly put it down.

Originally, he wanted to get to know Jin Buhuan, but now it seems that there is no need for that at all.

Just when Su Chen was wondering, Tian Jizi over there spoke up.

"Everyone, Fenghuo Ling, everyone should know each other." Tian Jizi pointed at the beacon fire and said seriously.

No one answered, but that didn't stop God Shuan from continuing to speak.

"The Beacon Fire Order was produced in the Qin Dynasty. At that time, a hundred schools of thought contended. I think you all know it. The beacon fire order is something that a hundred schools of thought recognize. You have all seen this in the collections of each family, and I don't have many of them. I said, if you admit the beacon fire order, then please come out, if you don't admit it, then stay in the room and don't talk.." After Tian Jizi finished speaking, he looked around.

A minute passed, but no one came out.

Su Chen also understood at this moment, the beacon fire command of emotion is something that can command a hundred schools of thought.

It's just that after so long, will anyone still admit this kind of thing?

Just when Su Chen was thinking, the god operator next to him stood up and walked out step by step.

It turned out that there was a secret door over there, standing up, a high platform appeared directly, and the person was pushed out.

Su Chen didn't follow him out, because he didn't know any beacon orders at all.

Secondly, Su Chen is really curious.

Isn't Tianji Pavilion a neutral organization? How could this be involved?

Also, isn't the power division meeting about to start, why are these people staying here?

These are all Su Chen's doubts, but soon, his doubts will be resolved.

With the appearance of the god operator, a lot of people came out there again.

Su Chen looked at the figure on the screen and immediately frowned.

He basically knew these people, the four famous cities, and people from other major factions came out one after another.

"It seems that it is really unique, Beacon Fire Order." Su Chen said lightly.

And Tian Jizi over there nodded involuntarily when he saw so many people appearing.

But after 0.7, he also retreated.

Just like a host, since he finished speaking, he withdrew.

When the bald heads of the pre-Qin Qi practitioners saw this, they immediately looked around.

I saw that there were some other people who didn't come out, and immediately, a trace of coldness flashed in their eyes.

Three minutes is a long time.

The first group of people have completely gone out, and even the followers over there have appeared on the high platform outside.

In these three minutes, those who did not appear for the first time, after hesitating, still walked out.

After three minutes, there were only one or two boxes and no one came out.

"It seems that someone disrespects the beacon fire order." After finishing speaking, a bald man over there walked over.

Everyone's eyes were on him, as if to see how he would treat people who didn't respect the beacon fire order.


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