"City Lord Ye, do you want me?" Yan Tianqiang said softly over there, handing out his matching sword at the same time.

"No."" Su Chen replied with two words.

"City Lord Ye, although my sword is not a magical weapon, it is still very sharp to kill these people." Yan Tianqiang said, and threw the sword in his hand at Su Chen.

But the sword went outside the formation, was directly blocked there, and then fell to the ground.

The crisp sound confirmed the words of the bald boss.

The formation has really cut off the connection with the outside world, even the sword can't be passed in, only the scene inside can be seen.

"No, we have to break through that formation." Shen Shuan said solemnly over there.

"Then try again." Yan Tianqiang said, waved his hand directly, and the matching sword returned to his hand.

Looking at Su Chen over there, the two were ready to try again.

"Two six seven" And at this moment, a smile appeared on Su Chen's face.

Immediately afterwards, Li Feng rushed over as soon as it arrived.

The two of them only felt that there was endless danger, and they didn't care about anything else, so they just avoided it.

The sword was also thrown into the air by Yan Tianqiang and fell to the ground.

However, immediately, the long sword broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what just happened.

It wasn't until they saw the sword in Su Chen's hand that they understood.

And just at this moment, bursts of breaking air came in and reached everyone's ears.

"Impossible." The bald boss shouted hastily.

"The sword will break the blade." Su Chen said lightly.

I saw him pinching a magic trick, and the broken blade disappeared immediately.

After a few breaths, four broken blades appeared in front of Su Chen.

"Illusion?" The bald boss said solemnly.

"Haha." Su Chen sneered, and slapped the four broken blades in front of him with one palm.

In a blink of an eye, the bald boss was stunned.

He stretched out his hand to block the broken blade in front of him, but the three brothers next to him had stopped moving.

"It's all true?" the bald boss muttered.

Before the words were finished, the bronze sword blocking the broken blade began to crack.

Piece by piece, it fell directly to the ground.

And the bald boss tiger's mouth would have been shaken by this cracking force long ago, and blood would have fallen to the ground drop by drop along his wrist.

"No." The bald old man roared and saw Broken Blade disappear directly from his chest.

In a blink of an eye, Broken Blade returned to Su Chen's body.

He didn't even look at the bald boss here, but came to Yan Tianqiang's side.

As for the so-called formation, it seems that it does not exist at all.

Just when Shen Shuan wanted to ask a question, the bald boss over there shot out a stream of blood directly from his chest, and then, the man fell softly to the ground.

With his fall, as if a signal sounded, the heads of the other three brothers also fell directly like a ball.

And there was no blood spilling out of the wound at all, it was so strange.

Everyone is completely dumbfounded, what is this.

Shen Shuan took a deep breath and looked at the harmless Su Chen in front of him in shock.

Zhang Tianshi rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe it.

"Tianjizi, this, is this true?" he also asked.

Tianjizi nodded slowly, and at the same time his gaze towards Su Chen became deeper.

Yan Tianqiang and Long Tianao were very excited about this meeting. The higher Su Chen's combat power, the greater the benefit to them.

With such a powerful ally, it is a great joy.

There are joys and sorrows, and the people from the four famous cities over there will be frightened by Su Chen.

This means, this resolute heart, scared them.

"This beacon fire order is nothing." Su Chen played with the beacon fire in his hand and muttered softly.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Shen Shuzi shook his head uncontrollably.

"City Lord Ye, you are too ruthless." Tian Jizi said with a wry smile, breaking all the silence.

"Is it ruthless? It's okay, but Tianjizi, I'll sell you this beacon fire order." Su Chen said with a chuckle.

Tian Jizi was stunned for a moment, then waved his hand hurriedly and said, "I don't dare to ask for it.

"That Tianshi?" Su Chen looked at Zhang Tianshi and said.

"I don't dare to accept it either, it's better for Ye Chengzhu to accept it." Zhang Tianshi said with a wry smile.

Just kidding, this is a bomb, the pre-Qin Qi practitioner died, but there are more people behind him.

Taking the beacon fire order is tantamount to causing trouble.

"Since I don't want it, I'll keep it. In general, it looks good..0" Su Chen put it away.

Afterwards, he looked at Yan Tianqiang and Long Tianao and smiled, then turned around and walked to the platform over there.

"Everyone, I think those people are over, we should also talk about the conference." Su Chen suggested.

Those people didn't answer, just nodded silently.

"Okay, let's get started." Su Chen said very relaxedly, as if nothing had happened just now.

Everyone hesitated for a long time, and then started under the auspices of Tianjizi.

Yan Tianqiang and Long Tianao didn't go back either, so they stayed by Su Chen's side.

Not to mention the god operator, this is his private room.

And Zhang Tianshi left, but before leaving, he invited people to come in and moved the corpses out.

As soon as the hand touched the corpse, a lot of blood spilled out from the neck, a lot.

Who would have thought that someone who died a long time ago would shed blood.

This did not affect the progress of the conference. Sure enough, Jin Buhuan's guess was true.

This conference is the division of forces and the shuffling of the territory.

Those who did not come are not qualified.

Soon, with the help of Tianjizi, all parties began to divide their own powers.

Immediately afterwards, everyone put their own power map on it and began to piece together the continent map.

Everyone avoided Su Chen's Emperor Xuancheng, and within 300 kilometers of the surrounding area, no forces were divided into it.

Looking at such a huge 0.7 site, Su Chen chuckled and didn't say anything.

The conflict of interest of others has nothing to do with him.

Sitting next to him and making a cup of tea, Su Chen closed his eyes and regained his senses.

With regard to interests, no one was willing to budge, and the quarrel began.

And these have nothing to do with Su Chen.

With a pot of tea in his mouth, Su Chen left.

Shen Shuanzi also left with his peers. As for Yan Tianqiang and Long Tianao, they also joined the lineup for discussion.

Looking at the figure of Su Chen leaving, Zhang Tianshi over there smiled bitterly and said, "Another ruthless man, a genius. But a genius needs to grow up. They will all become mediocre people, and even die.”

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