"Okay, young master." Jin Buhuan understood.

"One more thing, do you know who the person behind the pre-Qin pursuit order is? 39 Su Chen asked casually.

"The pre-Qin pursuit order? Could it be you, Master?" Jin Buhuan understood immediately.

"Well, please help me to find out who is behind, who is in charge, and, before the gods, I lost such a history, that is, more than 30 years ago, one person almost swallowed it. World, what the hell is going on here, and what is that person's name? Su Chen said a lot in a series.

Jin Buhuan immediately withdrew, and the Tianluodi net began to operate again.

When I came to Duanmu Rong's room, I saw that she was alone there, wondering what she was thinking.

Hearing the sound, Duanmurong turned her head.

Looking at her haggard face, Su Chen hurried over.

"Two Seven Zero" has not been seen for a long time, how could she become like this.

"Rong'er, you." Su Chen stroked her face.

"I'm fine, husband, I'm chatting with my mother, you come too." Duanmu Rong said, and smiled.

Seeing such a weird smile, Su Chen frowned instantly.

Who is there in the whole room, just the two of them.

He picked up Duanmu Rong, and the real energy in Su Chen's body was directly input into her body.

Soon, he found out that something was wrong.

"Husband, my mother is calling you over there." Duanmu Rong struggled, trying to jump off Su Chen's arms.

How could Su Chen make her wish, she fainted directly.

Then he looked at everything in front of him, and a sword qi shot towards the incense burner over there.

A little bit of red liquid flowed out of the cracked censer, like blood.

"Who is it." Su Chen was a little angry.

Listening to Su Chen's shout, Liu Piao Piao over there ran over directly.

When she saw Duanmu Rong in her arms, she shouted directly.

Then, looking at the liquid on the ground, she hurriedly pulled Su Chen out of the room.

"Husband, don't go there, it's essential oil." Liu Piao Piao said eagerly.

"What is this, and where did it come from? Also, Ronger hasn't had any special reaction these days? How could it be like this. Su Chen said angrily.

"I don't know, she has been staying in the room all this time, I thought she was cultivating, so I didn't come to disturb." Liu Piao Piao explained.

"Call Liu Yidao and let him see what happened to Rong'er." Su Chen said eagerly.

Liu Piaopiao immediately contacted him, and soon, Liu Yidao rushed over.

There is also Jin Buhuan who came with him. After all, things are so urgent, but Jin Buhuan can't hide it.

"Young master, young mistress, this is being plotted against by others." Liu Yidao said in a deep voice after making a diagnosis.

"I also know, tell me, what the hell is going on. Su Chen shouted angrily.

"The stuff inside is essential oil. This essential oil is made from human essence and blood and **. Put the essence and blood into the human oil, so that the kind of flow is formed, but it will not disappear. Essential oils. Essential oils are generally soul-controlling items used by people in the evil way. Obviously, now the young lady is being controlled by those people.

resulting in hallucinations. "Liu Yidao hurriedly explained.

"Illusion? I remember when I went in, Rong'er said that she saw her mother." Su Chen described the situation at the time.

"Master, according to what you said, it is very likely that this essential oil belongs to the young lady's mother, otherwise it is impossible for the young lady to become like this in a short time. 35 Liu Yidao said solemnly.

Su Chen trusted Liu Yidao very much.

Without him, it would be impossible for Liu Yidao to betray Su Chen or Liu Yidao among the servants of Emperor Xuancheng.

Because Su Chen saved him three times, and avenged him, destroying the family.

Liu Yidao was originally just an ordinary village doctor.

However, when worshipping ancestors, he discovered the family tradition of medicine, and immediately began to learn it.

But people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. Liu Yidao was killed because he was too famous.

If Su Chen didn't save him, he might have been turned into a pile of bones long ago.

As for the massacre, don't even think about taking revenge.

"What about Rong'er's current situation? How to do it." Su Chen asked.

"Master, the situation of young grandma is a bit complicated. According to my observation, young grandma has been ordering for more than ten days. She has inhaled too much essential oil and needs to be treated slowly, and she has to assist with essential oils to stabilize young grandma's mood." Liu Yidao thought about it. It took a long time to say such a sentence..0

"Why is it so troublesome, I'll take a look at my younger brother and sister." Liu Yidao just finished speaking, only to see Shen Shuan walking in from there.

He also held a jug in his hand and drank as he walked.

"Brother, you are here just in time, help me to see the situation of Rong'er." Su Chen said eagerly.

"Don't worry, and let me take a look." Shen Shuan walked over step by step.

The moment he stretched out his hand, a scalpel was directly in front of him.

"Who are you?" Liu Yidao asked in a cold voice, looking at the god operator over there on alert.

"Hugh is rude." Su Chen said hurriedly.

"Master." Liu Yidao shouted in confusion.

"Don't talk about it, this is the old man Shen Shuan." Su Chen said irritably.

"God count?" Liu Yidao muttered, then backed away.

"Not bad, you still have such a loyal subordinate, not bad, really good." A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Shen Shuan, and he said jokingly.

"Okay, brother, help me take a look." Su Chen said hurriedly.

Shen Shuan took out three copper coins and put them on Duanmu Rong's eyes and mouth respectively, and then began to chant.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, looked at Su Chen and said, "Essential oil? Who the hell did you offend?

"I don't know." Su Chen didn't know why.

"Fortunately, you found out early. If you smoked 0.7 of those essential oils, even the gods would be hard to save." Shen Shuan said, pinched a magic formula with both hands, and then aimed at Duanmu Rong's eyebrows.

Soon, white smoke floated out from Ye Duanmurong's mouth.

Looking carefully, it just came out of the small hole in the copper coin.

"This is." Liu Yidao was shocked.

After all, he was just a doctor, not a monk.

After a quarter of an hour, the god operator stopped, and the white smoke did not just dissipate, but gathered in the air.

After wiping the sweat on his forehead, Shen Shuan said softly: "It's almost there, just rest for a night.

"Is it really okay?" Su Chen still asked suspiciously.

"That's of course, you don't see who shot it, it's just a trivial matter. 35 Shenhuazi said proudly.

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