Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 161: Golden Crab

There probably aren't many people on the home planet who haven't heard of the name Yi Jingren.

Yi Jingren was not from a super base, nor did he have a family, but for such a person, no family dared to underestimate him.

Forty years ago, a tide of beasts came ashore in the East China Sea. The number was too large to be counted. Many bases overseas and on the mainland joined forces to suppress the tide.

But it was still difficult to stop the beast tide's offensive, and some bases along the coast and at sea quickly fell in a short period of time.

The beast tide is not only large in number, but also has an astonishing number of ascended creatures, which cannot be resisted at all.

All major families began to seek help from their own alien forces. Otherwise, even if the beast tide was blocked, most of the human race would die in the beast tide.

The ascended person from the alien planet has not yet arrived, and a lone ascended person from the home planet came to the seaside.

With one person and one whip, he hanged countless ascended creatures in the tide of beasts, beat countless genetically modified creatures to death, and single-handedly reversed the entire situation.

That person was Yi Jingting, who was given the nickname Jingtian Yicheng, but this nickname was a bit indecent, and not many people called him by his real name.

Although Yi Jingcheng has no power and his whereabouts are erratic, as long as he has these three words, everyone in the world will give him three points of face.

"How can Yi Jingxin's daughter represent the Yashen Base? Doesn't the Yashen Base belong to the Xu family and the Lu family? Wait...is Yi Jingxin's surname Yi..." Lin Shen suddenly asked someone who looked like an idiot. question.

"Of course Yi Jingxin's surname is Yi." Mo Shengqi looked at Lin Shen strangely, thinking that he was not very well-minded.

Of course Lin Shen's mind was fine. Of course he knew that Yi Jing's surname was Yi. In the Yashen base, he also knew that there was a person named Yi, that is Mrs. Ye.

"No way? Mrs. Ye is Yi Jingcheng's daughter!" Lin Shen was shocked.

Mo Shengqi's next words also confirmed Lin Shen's guess: "Yi Jingcheng's daughter now lives in Yashen Base. I don't know her name, but her husband's family name should be Ye. Now she calls herself Mrs. Ye."

Lin Shen's expression became more and more strange. If he had known that Mrs. Ye was Yi Jingxin's daughter, and that Ye Yu was really Yi Jingxin's granddaughter, why would Zheng Guyuan have gone so far when he came to trouble him?

Even if Zheng Guyuan was full of courage, he wouldn't dare to act arrogant in front of Yi Jingcheng's daughter.

"It's really off the mark!" The more Lin Shen thought about it, the more he felt that he was really out of his mind. Why did he run away? You should first ask Ye Yuzhen who her grandfather is and hug her thighs tightly in place.

But Lin Shen didn't know about it at that time, and he couldn't blame him.

"The result?" Wei Wufu asked.

"The result was that all three of them received six votes, and no one could do anything about it. In the end, it was decided to enter the Kaio planet in three groups, with Shen Fei, Zuo Qinglong, and Huang Xiaohu each leading one team." Mo Shengqi replied.

"The situation doesn't look too bad." Lin Shen just wanted to follow the army, and it didn't matter who was in charge.

Early the next morning, the families who supported White Goddess came to the camp at Cape Base, and many geneticists from each family came.

Most of them are alloy-based changers, and there are also a few crystal-based ones.

Lin Shen took a quick look and saw that there were about three hundred crystal-based transmuters, led by Ouyang Yudu, and more than a thousand alloy transmuters.

If the numbers of the other two teams are similar, then there should be about a thousand crystal bases for human action this time, and three to four thousand alloy base changers.

Such a number is almost enough to compete with the main force of the Super Combustion Legion, but now that the troops are divided into three groups, any team that encounters the opponent's main force will probably be difficult to beat the Super Combustion Legion.

Although the more people who died, the better it would be for Lin Shen, but he did not want too many human geneticists to die.

Concubine Bai Shen stood on the stage and gave a speech before departure. Ouyang Yudu and other heads of major families stood behind her, and it seemed that there were really stars shining over the moon.

Lin Shen heard many people next to him sighing about the beauty of Bai Shenfei and Ouyang Yudu's appearance. He was really curious in his heart, how good-looking is Bai Shenfei?

After the speech, Concubine Bai Shen organized the numerous genetic changers into ten teams and appointed captains of the ten teams.

The captains are basically members of big families like Ouyang Yudu, and most of their team members are their own geneticists.

Concubine Bai Shen also led a team, most of which were geneticists from Haijiao Base, but she let Lin Shen and Wei Wufu in.

After the team organization is completed, the time for the King of Kai development device to be activated again is coming soon.

Concubine Bai Shen led everyone to the lake and stood as close as possible. Each team member stood closest to each other, which made it easier to quickly assemble the team after entering.

Lin Shen was a little curious about where he would be teleported to this time. With his current survivability, it shouldn't be difficult to survive no matter where he was teleported.

When the Kaiowen development device was activated again, everyone felt nervous.


Lin Shen once again experienced the feeling of being sucked in, spinning around and feeling very uncomfortable.

The teleportation experience of this thing is far less comfortable than his watch.

When Lin Shen landed on the ground, he found that the scenery in front of him was somewhat familiar. The sea and beach in front of him looked so familiar.

"Hey, this is where we first came." Lin Shen turned around and saw the reef area not far away.

Wei Wufu was not far away, and the beach was full of geneticists.

The distance between the teleportation locations is not far.

Bai Shenfei has already begun to command the personnel to gather, and the nearby mutations have all gathered together. After a while, more than 200 people have gathered.

Ouyang Yudu, Mo Shengqi and others stood relatively close when they were teleported. They were not far from their teammates and rushed over in a while.

However, there were already sounds of fighting in some places on the beach. Bai Shenfei hurriedly led people to rush over and saw seven or eight mutations fighting with a golden crab from a distance.

The mutation creature that looked like a crab was as big as a bus, with a golden body, one claw was big and the other was slightly smaller, and it looked very domineering.

However, it was just an alloy creature, and the several mutations fighting it were also alloy mutations.

The golden crab was domineering and beat the alloy mutations to flee everywhere. Even with pets besieging it, it was no match.

There is no doubt that the golden crab should be a mutant alloy creature.

"Atian, I leave it to you." After arriving at the place and seeing that the mutants were not in danger of life, Concubine Bai suddenly said to Lin Shen who was standing beside her.

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