Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 115 New Responsibilities and Tasks

More than a month has passed before he knew it.

In this month, he seemed to have experienced a lot, but also seemed to have experienced nothing. There was always an indescribable feeling.

"Senior, I heard that you were almost killed by a monster and had contact with Ultraman. Is that true?" Guangyuan said excitedly, "What happened on Kurara Island that time? It must have been an amazing adventure!"

Xia Long walked in the aisle in silence, letting Guangyuan talk non-stop.

"By the way, senior, who is that photo on your desk..."


Xia Long suddenly stopped and looked at the boy quietly. After a long while, he said, "Don't listen to what others say. That's not an experience worth being happy about."

"Senior?" Guangyuan stared at Xia Long who was walking away.

"Also," Xia Long paused and said, "The photo shows my former partner, Nakamura, who unfortunately died on Kurara Island."

"Sorry, I..." Hirohara felt a little uneasy when he noticed Xia Long's unhappiness.

He is really a complete newcomer.

Looking at Guangyuan's appearance, Xia Long sighed and asked, "What's wrong? Are you scared?"

"Ah, no." Guangyuan reacted and waved his hands repeatedly.

"Don't worry, that's just an exception." Patting the boy's shoulder, Xia Long took him into the equipment room.

In a large warehouse, various instruments were neatly placed, and in some protective boxes, there were even laser weapons.

"The one near here is the detection instrument," Xia Long walked to the familiar area, looking at a slightly damaged device in the brand-new instrument, and was slightly stunned, "Most of them are for exploration and search and rescue operations..."

This device was the one he used for the first time. After the Gakuma incident, it was found in the mine by the team members, along with the photo and the stone statues of the investigators.

"These things, as well as those high-explosive bombs, you will gradually become familiar with them." After taking the boy around the warehouse to introduce them, Xia Long and the security staff confirmed and walked to the deck.

"Although I don't really want to say it, I think it's necessary to have a good chat with you." Holding the deck railing, Xia Long said lightly.

"Ah, yes!"

"Why did you join TPC?" Xia Long stared at the boy.

"This," the boy said distressedly, "I didn't think too much, I just felt that even Ultraman risked his life to protect humans, I should do something."

"Really?" Xia Long looked at the boy in surprise, he didn't expect the boy to have such awareness.

"Haha, it's nothing," Guangyuan said embarrassedly, "I actually want to be a hero..."

"It's not easy to be a hero," Xia Long nodded and smiled, "You have to work hard, not only to defeat the enemy, but also to defeat yourself!"

"Yes, I will do my best!"

"Let's do this, I will teach you shooting when I have time in the future, and you can also find me if you have any other questions." Looking at the boy's energetic appearance, Xia Long couldn't help but think of himself at the beginning, "Of course, I have to have time."

"Really? Thank you so much!" Guangyuan said excitedly.


"Hu——" After letting Guangyuan leave first, Xia Long looked at the planes flying out of the base.

Since the appearance of the monster, the TPC base has been very active. In addition to the Victory Team leading the front line, various action teams have been established one after another to protect humans.

A world is not as simple as relying on Ultraman to protect it. The TPC staff have also made great contributions to the current situation.

Investigation, search and rescue, medical treatment, patrol, evacuation and refuge... Even the staff responsible for aircraft takeoff and landing in the base are contributing.

As a member of TPC, he is neither a scientific researcher nor a combatant. In the future, he will also be on the front line and assist the Victory Team with various teams.

"Ah, that's great. I really want to go with them." A sigh sounded from Xia Long's side. He looked over and found that it was Horii, a member of the Victory Team.

"Hoori, please come to the command room!" The broadcast sounded, Horii retracted his thoughts, smiled at Xia Long, and turned to walk inside.


Xia Long looked at Horii's figure leaving, and some strange fragments appeared in front of his eyes.

The cry of a child was faintly heard beside his ear.

"What's wrong?" Xia Long looked up at the horizon with a sense of something.

"Swoosh——" A Feiyan whizzed past Xia Long's head and flew away in the blink of an eye.

"Could it be?" Xia Long rushed to the railing and looked at the Feiyan that turned into a black dot, his face changed slightly.

Did a monster appear?

In Feiyan No. 1 just now, he felt the breath of Dagu.


"Impossible!" Horii shouted in the command room.

This time, because a strange cloud appeared and disappeared, TPC formed an investigation team with meteorologist Dr. Mizuno, Horii's teacher, to observe the changes in the cloud.

Originally, Horii also participated in this investigation, but because of the sudden appearance of Golzan, he was delayed and did not go together. When the captain asked him to return to the command room, he thought the results of the investigation were out, but who knew...

"I'm sorry." Seeing that his teammates were all focused on him, Horii calmed down and began to explain.

Through his research on the clouds, Dr. Mizuno believes that it may be the nest of a strange creature that can only live in the ionosphere, the lightning man.

"This cocoon seems to be alive," Dagu drove the Feiyan 1 into the cloud and found that the cloud had turned into a cocoon. "Oh no, the computer system is strongly interfered by radio waves..."

"Dagu team members!"

"Leave quickly!" The team members who felt something was wrong became anxious.

"I can't... I can't leave..." With a burst of noise, the command room lost contact with Dagu.

"Dagu!" Lina shouted.

"Lina, Xincheng, drive the Victory Feiyan 2 to set off!" Seeing the emergency, Zongfang hurriedly ordered.


"Buzz--" The elevator on the top of the base opened again, a huge engine sound sounded, and Feiyan flashed over Xia Long's head with a whoosh.

"Feiyan 2..." Feeling the huge airflow brought by the fighter, Xia Long murmured.

It seems that something happened!

Xia Long stared into the distance and held the railing tightly.

Damn, if I had Kirino's predictive ability, at least if I knew the movements of the monster, I could reduce casualties.

"Gao Shu!" The captain's voice came from the intercom, "Emergency mission!"


Looking into the distance, Xia Long rushed to the gathering place.

"Senior, what happened?" Guangyuan just came out of the training room and was surprised to see Xia Long in a hurry.

"Yeah!" Nodding, Xia Long ran straight to the apron.

"Um," Guangyuan put down the towel to wipe his sweat and said weakly, "Can I go too?"

Seeing Xia Long board a TPC big-bellied plane after confirming with the staff, he said in a daze: "Actually, I envy the senior..."

(End of this chapter)

(I will post one chapter first, and I don't know if I can finish the chapters to be posted. I won't update today for the time being.

Also, thank you for your support. There are more and more rewards and recommendations. I want to update more, but unfortunately I have reached a very long and painful bottleneck period now. Let's talk about it later. It's very difficult to update once a day now. I will continue writing.)

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