Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 158 Monster Army

"What? Are you planning to refuse again?" Ju Jianhui didn't say much, but looked at Xia Long quietly with a faint smile on his face.

Come prepared!

The corner of Xia Long's mouth twitched. It was a coincidence that he appeared in Wumen Yue Mountain at this time and happened to bump into him.

"Will you join the victory team?" Sensing Golzan's steady aura, Xia Long said, "I will consider it."

Indeed, becoming a victorious team member would bring a lot of conveniences, including sufficient information and complete weapons and equipment. At least he would not have to take a taxi or the like for every battle.

"Let's talk about it next time." Xia Long smiled sheepishly, walked around Jian Hui and walked down the mountain.

There are indeed many benefits, but the corresponding freedom will also be restricted. What he needs most now is freedom. Facing the mysterious shadow, staying in the victory team will only make him more passive.

"Is my invitation so unworthy, Mr. Gao Shu?" Ju Jianhui asked helplessly, "Could it be that the prophecy of the time machine..."

Time Machine?

Xia Long stopped.

"I can join the victory team, but," thinking of his purpose, he turned around and said, "I hope to have enough freedom!"

The Victory Team is not allowed to act alone, and Xia Long knows this very well.

"Okay!" Ju Jianhui responded simply, with an expected expression on his face, "In addition, the Akiyama family and the Jingnan Gym will be protected by the TPC."

"I know." Xia Long nodded.

Although protection may not be of any use, it is at least an attitude.

"So, can you tell me now what all this is about, team member Gaoshu?" Ju Jianhui got into the patrol car and asked curiously, "No, I think I should call you the giant of light, Diga."

"You may be mistaken, captain." Xia Long, who had just gotten into the car, said with a headache.

It's okay to reveal your identity, but not now. What's more, he is not Tiga. To be precise, he just uses Tiga's power. The real Tiga and the successor of Tiga's light are only Da Gu.

"I know, I know, you are just an ordinary Victory team member now." Hui Jian started the patrol car nonchalantly and said loudly, "Ordinary Gaoshu team member, before we go through the formalities, we have to go to Kumamoto City. No objection?"

Xia Long didn't react much when he heard Ju Jianhui's words that deliberately raised his voice.

"Yes." Nodding, Xia Long looked at Wumen Yueshan in confusion as it gradually faded into darkness.

Last time Masaki took away a Flame Gorzan from the ruins here, but I don't know where he got the other Gorzan from.

Trouble is, it is undoubtedly too difficult to rely on Dagu alone to deal with the monster army, let alone an out-of-control Masaki Keigo. But now that he can't transform, it's difficult to help him for the time being. The only hope is the mutated Capsule Gorzan. If the evolution can be completed as soon as possible, there may be room for counterattack.


Xia Long clenched his fists.

Must be quick!

"Team Gaoshu?" Seeing that Xia Long made no movement, Ju Jianhui glanced at him suspiciously. He seemed to feel a sense of urgency, and his face became serious, and he sped up and rushed to Kumamoto City.

"Can't find the Dagu team members?" As soon as they entered Kumamoto City, Hui Jian received a message from Horii and others.

"Not found?" Xia Long exclaimed.

It stands to reason that Dagu should report back to the Victory Team...

"You should have seen it when you rushed to Kumamoto City last night. You appeared right after Team Ogu crashed. We were unable to find him after that," Ju Jianhui put down the communicator and turned to Xia Long, " Did you see him?"

"Ah, I just arrived in Kumamoto City this morning..." Xia Long was slightly embarrassed. Even so, he still spent a lot of effort.

"How is that possible!" Ju Jianhui shook his head in confusion, "Then Diga who fought the monster was..."

"Boom——!" The road in the mountainous area suddenly shook violently, and a place dozens of meters in front of the patrol car suddenly bulged.

"That is?"

Ju Jianhui quickly stepped on the brakes and the patrol car stopped on the side of the road.

"Roar!" A violent roar sounded, and the road broke apart irregularly. As the rocks fell, a terrifying huge figure came out, and the first one was a bloody mouth.

"Brother... Golzan!" Zhong Jianhui's pupils shrank, and she immediately got out of the car and took aim at the target with her Haipa gun, "Why are you here?"

"Under this mountain..." A strange light flashed in Xia Long's eyes as he got off the car.

He faintly felt several similar auras, and there was more than one monster here.

"Go quickly!" Xia Long grabbed Ju Jianhui and said in a deep voice, "We must get out of here!"

"Member Gaoshu..." Jujian Hui was about to respond. Golzan in front seemed to see the two of them, and his movements became more violent. In an instant, the road beneath their feet had a tendency to collapse.




As if in response to Golzan, several roars rang out from other directions. At the same time, the mountainous terrain became more violent. The sides of the road could no longer be maintained, and vegetation rolled down the earth and rocks.

"I'm afraid this is the opponent's base." Chao Jianhui nodded, Xia Long took the lead and got into the driver's seat, "Captain, get in the car!"

"Gao Shujun!" Ju Jianhui had no choice but to step back and get in the car, but...

"Buzz~" Xia Long started the patrol car again, gritted his teeth, turned the front of the car, and walked through countless falling rocks.

"It's too dangerous, Gao Shu!" Ju Jianhui's expression changed, "I should be the one driving!"

"Don't worry, Captain. I encountered this situation a lot back then!"

"Back then?" Looking at Xia Long who was concentrating on his work, Ju Jianhui was puzzled for a moment but didn't ask any more questions. In this situation, it was too late to change people, not to mention that she couldn't guarantee to do better than Xia Long.

"Not even close!" Seeing the foot of the mountain already in sight, Xia Long continued to accelerate, and the patrol car turned into a stream of light and rushed down at a high speed.

"Tall tree!"

"Roar--!" Roars continued, and finally the road down the mountain was split in half, arching high in the middle, and the patrol car was thrown out uncontrollably.

"Oops!" Xia Long's eyes were condensed, and a Gorzan appeared in the scattered dirt and rocks in front of the car at some point, and the patrol car was carried by inertia and rushed over.

Looking at the huge eyeballs close at hand, Xia Long subconsciously pressed his chest.

Although using telekinesis would prolong the period of weakness again, but...

"Shua!" At the critical moment, a brilliant light bloomed in front of the car, as warm as the sun in winter.

"Senior, it's my turn to protect you!" Dagu's firm voice entered Xia Long's heart.

"Da... Dagu?" Xia Long let go of his arm and looked out the window.

It's light, Dagu's light!

"Wow--" After the light wrapped around the patrol car, it suddenly became brighter and turned into a ball of light and landed in the mountains.

"Giant?" Ikuma Hui, who was sitting on the passenger seat, opened the car door and looked up at the bright ball of light.

"Shock!" As the light dispersed, Tiga's unique figure appeared in front of Ikuma Hui.

"It's really Tiga," Ikuma Hui turned to face Xia Long and said in confusion, "But Gao Shujun clearly..."


The communicator sounded at the right time, and Zong Fang's heavy voice came.

"Captain, several Golzams appeared north of Kumamoto City!"

"Got it," seeing Tiga turn around and fight the monsters, Ikuma Hui replied, "Team Gaoshu and I are at the scene, you lead the team here immediately!"

"Ah? Team Gaoshu?"

"Let's talk about it later, now everyone should fully assist Tiga, we must not let what happened yesterday happen again!" Ikuma Hui shouted.

"Got it!"

(End of this chapter)

(I will get stuck as expected)

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