Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 176 Girl's Thoughts

On the other side, the TPC headquarters conference room.

Ju Jianhui and Zong Fang sat down solemnly in their seats. There had been some meetings in the past few days, but none of them were as grand as this one.

The meeting was attended by all important departments of the TPC, including the police department, staff, and almost all core members.

"Now that everyone is here, let's officially start the meeting." Director Sawai looked around, nodded, and said to Kirino on the side, "Staff Kirino is responsible for hosting this meeting."

As if he was afraid that everyone would not understand Kirino, Sawai continued: "Although Counselor Kirino has only joined TPC for a short period of time, he has made many great contributions so far. His prophecy ability has allowed us to solve many problems."

The report on the demon incident was being displayed on the screen in the conference room. Kirino glanced at everyone indifferently and let the screen freeze on a huge ball of fire falling from the sky.

"We have never given up on the research on giants. They are a very terrifying power," Kirino paused and continued, "The new giants that appeared this time are even more capable of forming such terrifying power in an instant. Demon gods have almost no power." Room for resistance.”

The screen first zoomed in to reveal the huge figure in the flames, and then slowed down the action until the demon finally turned into pieces and the huge figure walked out of the flames.

"Is this another giant?" A senior police official took a breath.

"Yes, this kind of strength is far beyond that of humans," Kirino paused, his eyes swept over senior officials at all levels, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "A power that humans absolutely cannot control!"

The screen was frozen on the huge explosion of the demon's body, and for a while, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room.

"This is too dangerous!"

"Yeah, but..."

At the corner of the conference table, Hui Jian frowned, stood up and said, "I believe the giants are on the side of mankind!"

"Why is Captain Megumi so sure?" Kirino interrupted, "Or are you hiding something from the director?"

He looked directly at Hui Jian, and the entire conference room fell silent for a while. All the officials, including Sawai, looked at Hui Jian one after another.

Hui Jian held the table and said nothing for a long time.

She does have something to hide, some information that is not convenient to reveal.

"This is the trust created by us fighting side by side!" Seeing this, Zongfang quickly came to the rescue and said, "We believe that giants are friends of mankind!"

"Friends?" Kirino smiled, "Humans don't treat ants as friends."


"Okay, let's do this for now, Kirino-kun, tell me about your plan F." Sawai said.


"Sorry, I need to leave for a while." As Kirino explained, Megumi said silently and exited the conference room.

Stepping onto the deck and facing the humid sea breeze, she felt a little confused and could not help but be in a daze.

"Why, are you still angry?" Zong Fang followed, "There's no need to care about that."

"I was thinking," Hui Jian straightened her hair that was blown by the wind, with a smile on her face, "At this time, I wonder what those two guys Gao Shu and Da Gu are doing?"

"Them?" Zongfang said with a smile, "They should still be running around in the mountains."

In fact, it has changed places.

In Chengnan District, Tokyo Bay Harbor is still as lively as ever, with freighters coming and going and the noisy sound of whistles.


The waves rise and fall, seagulls fly, and the warm winter sun shines with golden light, turning the coastline into a landscape painting.

Xia Long strolled on the beach, and not far away, Dagu ran back and forth along the coastline.

"Come on!" After planning the mission for Da Gu, Xia Long sat down next to a stone next to Xiao Wu.

"How are you? Are you feeling much better?" Seeing Xiao Wu sitting quietly, Xia Long said. After meeting Xiao Wu in the dojo, he luckily brought Xiao Wu to the bay. "Before, I was not in a good mood. When I’m good, I go to the park, but later I like to go to the beach and watch the sea.”

"Yes." After a careful response, Xiao Wu asked hesitantly, "Um, Mr. Gao Shu."


Xiao Wu grasped the corner of her clothes and summoned up the courage to say, "What kind of person is the girl who gave you the amulet? Is she very gentle?"

Xia Long was stunned, shook his head and said with a smile: "She has a bad temper, the eldest lady has a bad temper..."

"Eh?" Xiao Wu's eyes widened.

"However," Xia Long looked at the sea and murmured, "she is also a very gentle girl."

The sea breeze blew, and Xia Long's thoughts were racing.

The same bay, but a different world.

"Then where is she now? Why, why isn't she with Gao Shujun?" Xiao Wu asked.

"She is not in this world," Xia Long said sadly, "in a place far, far away."

"Ah, I'm sorry!" Xiao Wu jumped up as if frightened and blushed, "I didn't mean to..."

As he spoke, he lowered his voice and held his clothes tight without speaking.

Xia Long didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was just in another world. What did this little girl think it was?

"I said, I will go back to find her one day." Xia Long looked up at the blue sky, a trace of melancholy flashed in his eyes.

"Ah?" Xiao Wu waved her hands anxiously, "Gao Shujun..."

"Okay, don't think blindly," Xia Long said with a bitter smile, "She is just in another country."

Considering that Xiao Wu might not be able to understand, Xia Long changed his explanation.

"Is this so?" the girl calmed down, "Will Mr. Gao Shu leave here one day?"

"Yeah." Xia Long nodded gently. For some reason, the atmosphere was silent for a while.


In silence, Xia Long's eyes swept over the girl.

Facing a face that was somewhat similar to Ayumi, he almost had an illusion that he was back in Leo's world.

At this moment, he felt a sense of déjà vu from the girl.

But he couldn't bear this feeling after all. Whether the girl was impulsive in adolescence or really liked her, he couldn't accept it.


Silently, Xia Long cast his eyes on Da Gu on the other side and hesitated:

"In fact, I have always regarded Xiao Wu as my sister..."

"Sister?" Xiao Wu's voice choked, and Xia Long couldn't help but stop talking.

"Huh~ Gao Shu!" Da Gu finished running and came to the two of them out of breath, "What are you going to train next?"

"Almost done, let's go back to the dojo first." Xia Long gathered his emotions and nodded.

Although it was only a few days, Dagu was worthy of being a person who inherited the genetic genes of ancient warriors. He had strong adaptability and his physical fitness had greatly improved compared to before.


Shadow's figure flashed in Xia Long's mind, flashing the black shadow sleeping in the ruins of Luluye under the sea, flashing the three dark giants of Camilla, and even the figure of Zaki who was nowhere to be found.

There seemed to be a lot of enemies, each one more terrifying than the other...

With a light breath, he stood up and said: "Next, we will have combat training, which will be painful, be prepared!"

"Brother Gaoshu, let me help too!" Xiaowu suddenly said.


"I can do something too!" The girl's face was filled with smiles again.


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