A few days later, TPC headquarters base.

A cadre transport plane landed on the takeoff platform under the eyes of the Victory Team. Gao Shu and Da Gu jumped off one after another and ran towards their teammates.

"Dagu, Gaoshu, you are finally willing to come back!" Horii yelled with a grimace, "I will soon fall ill if you don't come back!"

Seeing this, Da Gu laughed and said, "Hey, there's no need to be so exaggerated. We've only been on vacation for a week."

A few people here were joking. Xia Long shook his head and turned his eyes to Jujian Hui, but before he could speak, Jujian Hui nodded with a chuckle and said to everyone: "Okay, since they are back, let's continue the mission. ”

"Oh no!"

Turning a blind eye to everyone's complaints, Hui Jian smiled and said, "Lina, Gao Shu's training task will be left to you, and the others will work as usual."

"Captain~" Horii pointed at the dark circles under his eyes, "I haven't had a good night's sleep in a few days!"

"Who made you so devoted to the research of the new giant," Xincheng teased, "How can you blame the captain?"

"I was..." As soon as he saw Shinjo talking back, Horii became more energetic and began to retort.

"So it's still your fault!" Xincheng continued to say venomously.

"Hey!" Horii's eyes widened, "What do you know! The emergence of the new giant might be able to crack the secret of that time machine!"

"Did you crack it?"

"Isn't this research?"

Xincheng smiled: "Then continue your research."

Looking at the two bickering people speechlessly, Xia Long went to the special training room of the Victory Team under the leadership of Lina.

"Member Gaoshu," Lina asked suddenly, "Da Gu seems to be..."

"Oh, he was ill a few days ago and only recovered yesterday." Xia Long replied quickly.

"Really?" Looking at Xia Long suspiciously, Lina walked to a cabin-shaped device and explained, "This is the latest invention of a training machine that can help you quickly master fighter piloting skills."

"Appeared so early?" Xia Long sighed as he got into the cab. He remembered that such a machine only appeared in the later Dyna plot.

"It's late enough," Lina snorted, "I really envy you, we didn't have such good treatment before."

Xia Long smiled bitterly, pointed at the dense buttons in front of him and said, "How do you use this thing?"

"I'll help you start it first, and it will prompt you after a while." Lina closed the hatch and said mischievously, "Then enjoy it!"

"What?" Xia Long looked at Lina outside. He didn't react for a moment. Just as he was about to ask a question, the whole device suddenly started to rotate violently, simulating various flipping movements of the fighter plane.

"Hey, at least teach me how to take off first!"

"Warning, operation error!"

Warnings kept sounding in the training room, and Xia Long was in a panic for a while.

"What I need is not driving skills!"

During the continuous flipping, Xia Long smiled bitterly and tried different key functions.

As early as in Leo World, he learned to fly a fighter plane from his former MAC teammate Qingdao, but that kind of fighter plane was of a different type than the Victory Feiyan.

"Hehe, come on." Lina snickered for a while, yawned and walked towards her bedroom.


"Training is over!"

That night, after countless failures, Xia Long finally completed the training. When he finally left the cab, he almost climbed out. Even with his physical condition, it was a bit too much.

"It turns out it's that simple." After rubbing his sore shoulders, Xia Long stood up and headed towards the command room.

Although it is a new type of fighter, it is not too difficult once you are familiar with the buttons. There will be no problem in flying the Feiyan now. He even feels that with his own skills, he can completely compare with Ultraman Dyna's human flying bird in the future. .

Of course, Asuka, known as the flying genius, is still a middle school student, and his father, Asuka Kazuma, is still alive.

"Younger generation." Xia Long shook his head with emotion.

It's still far away from Dana's appearance, so we can't count on him for the time being. Now we can only rely on him and Dagu.

After a short period of training, especially after breaking through the limit once and transforming into Diga again, Dagu should be much stronger. Moreover, compared to before, Dagu has indeed matured a lot. He has got rid of the confusion period and has begun to face the problem. own strength.

Thinking of the darkness that was brewing recently, Xia Long breathed a sigh of relief.

However, there is no need to worry about Dagu for the time being, but his own problems still need to be dealt with.

Since mastering Ida Iryu's unique fighting skills, his fighting ability has basically not improved, or it cannot be improved in a short period of time.

In addition, the integration with the Light of Tiga is also progressing slowly and seems to be stuck in a bottleneck.

"Is it necessary to have a life-and-death crisis before we can continue to integrate?"

Xia Long thought of his previous experience of integrating Leo's light. At that time, under the absolute threat of Zaki, the complete integration could only be achieved by relying on the light of all mankind.

The light of humanity…

With a soft breath, Xia Long shook off the chaotic thoughts in his mind and walked into the command room.

The room was dark, with only the console still on. Xia Long looked over and found Horii typing on the keyboard with dark circles under his eyes.


"Ah, Team Takashu," Horii stopped, rubbed his eyes and yawned, "I didn't expect it to be so late."

"Are you still researching?" Xia Long approached the console and found that on the computer screen was the image data of himself after his transformation.

"Yes," Horii continued, "there is too little information, and there has been little progress these days."

The image was enlarged under Horii's operation, and several arrow lines appeared, with some text descriptions on the side.

"Look," Horii's tired expression faded a little, and he smiled, "In fact, I should have thought of another Tiga a long time ago. Although the appearance is very similar, there are still some differences if you look closely."

"Difference?" Xia Long was slightly stunned, and saw two virtual images of Tiga appeared on the screen. The one on the left was Tiga transformed by himself, and the one on the right was Tiga transformed by Daigu.

"Of course," Horii pointed to the image on the left and said, "This head is more angular, and the eyes are a little sharp. The other one is much rounder, and the body shape, the one on the left looks fuller."

"In fact, their biggest difference is the wrist. This Tiga has a strange arm guard, like a weapon or equipment." Horii touched his lips and recalled, "By the way, I remember when the Ebron Cell incident happened in the new development zone, it was this new giant who saved me in that unknown space, and Sukinayama..."

Hoiri's eyes suddenly lit up, and he searched for information, and the image of the Sukina ghost incident was called up on the screen.

"Yes, that's right, it was at that time!" Horii said to Xia Long with great interest, "At that time, Tiga and Sukina disappeared together, and then we thought that the Tiga who appeared again was Tiga, but in fact, he was not, he was a new giant!"

"Hmm?" Xia Long looked at Horii gesticulating in confusion, "Any questions?"

"Here," Horii turned on the video, and after the giant appeared, he raised his arm and then disappeared in a golden light, "That is to say, they entered that mysterious space at that time and fought in a place we couldn't see!"

Xia Long nodded secretly, the analysis was good, but...

"So what?" Xia Long looked at Horii calmly.

"Well," Horii continued with an awkward smile, "That is to say, without our knowledge, this new giant should have had other battles, and silently protected humans without anyone knowing. Isn't this great?"

"Great?" Xia Long frowned, "Maybe, but I think the greatest is the other Tiga who fought in front of everyone, because fighting..."

Xia Long paused, looked at the screen and continued: "Fighting is never a one-person thing. He not only defeated the enemy, but also brought light to mankind."

Is this the reason why Da Gu finally got the light of mankind?

Xia Long thought.

It seems that it is not just the role of the protagonist's halo.

"Eh?" Horii didn't understand, and looked at Xia Long strangely.

"Ah," Xia Long came back to his senses and laughed dryly, "I always have this idea recently. Well, it's late, let's rest. It seems that there will be patrol missions tomorrow."

"Patrol? Me?"

"Yes, you and me."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"I'm saying it now."


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