Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 192 Departure

In Tokyo, rescue teams and fire trucks kept shuttling through the ruins, and a faint mist filled the broken streets.

At this time, between the two ruins, Xiao Wu was concentrating on treating the scratch on Xia Long's forehead.

"Hiss!" Xia Long cried out in pain, opened his eyes, and his blurred vision slowly became clear, "Xiao Wu?"

"You woke up?" Xiao Wu exclaimed in surprise, and her heart was completely relieved.

"What's wrong with me?" Xia Long shook his head and was about to stand up, but was pressed down by Xiao Wu.

"Don't move, just stay like this." Xiao Wu continued to treat the wound, and her concentration made Xia Long stunned.

In the afterglow of the sun, the girl's pure face was like a bunch of lilies, and Xia Long seemed to have returned to the time in Leo's world in a trance.

"Eh?" Xiao Wu put on the bandage, and seeing Xia Long staring at her, she couldn't help but tremble, and her face flushed.

"Hold, sorry." Xia Long turned his head away hesitantly, "I just remembered something..."

"Yeah, I know." Xiao Wu felt her heartbeat quicken, and quickly lowered her head.

Looking at Xiao Wu who was tugging at the corner of her clothes, Xia Long saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, and asked: "Has the giant left?"

"Yeah, it seems to have absorbed some light and left." Xiao Wu recalled that at that time, her attention was all on Xia Long, and she didn't pay attention to anything else.

Xia Long turned his eyes around.

There were ruins and the sound of ambulances everywhere. There was a helicopter flying overhead, bringing gusts of air to blow away the dust.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Xia Long staggered to his feet and subconsciously touched his chest.


Pressing his chest, Xia Long remained silent, and the scene before he fainted appeared in his mind.

The purple-black beam penetrated his body, the light particles collapsed, and he felt weak, numb, and the cold feeling of death.

"Has the power been taken away?" Xia Long tightened his palms.

"Hurry up!" A fire truck was putting out the fire not far away, spraying water and bringing up waves of moist air.

Stretchers were going in and out among the rubble, and the painful groans of the injured could be heard faintly.

"Hold on!" The rescue work is still going on.

"This is just the beginning..." Xia Long seemed to have foreseen the scene of darkness covering the world, and seemed to have seen the fate of human extinction.

"Long... Brother Gao Shu." Xiao Wu looked worriedly at Xia Long, who was looking around with a heavy face.

"I'm fine," Xia Long put his mood in order and smiled at Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, thank you for your care."

"No, nothing." Xiao Wu was a little at a loss, and quickly moved her eyes to other places.

Xia Long paused and said, "That, I..."

"Hey, look, what is that?" Suddenly a cry came, Xia Long swallowed the words that were about to come out of his mouth, and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see the firefighters looking at the sky in panic.

Darkness, endless black fog spread from afar, soon covering the entire sky, and the ground suddenly became dark, as if the end of the world had come.

"What on earth is this?"

"Is it coming?" Xia Long murmured.

The black fog seemed to bring despair, and the people on the ground looked up in confusion, vaguely feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"I must stop that guy!" Xia Long calmed down and turned to leave.

"Do you still want to fight?" Xiao Wu trembled, "You will die..."

Xia Long's body shook, he stopped, turned back and smiled: "It's okay, I'm Ultraman."

Seeing the mist in the girl's eyes, Xia Long stretched out his right hand.

"Wow!" As a ray of light flew, a rapidly rotating light ball appeared above Xia Long's palm.

"This is for you." Xia Long said softly.

The light dissipated, the monster capsule stopped spinning, and was quietly held in Xia Long's hand.

"In the future, when you encounter danger, just shout 'Golzan'." Xia Long encouraged and handed the capsule to the girl.

Looking at the capsule in Xia Long's hand, Xiao Wu held back her tears and said, "I must come back!"

"I will." After handing Gol Zan to Xiao Wu, Xia Long smiled and nodded and turned away.

"Huh~" A gust of wind blew, and Xiao Wu's hair fluttered, blocking the figure that was gradually going away.

"I must come back!" Xiao Wu couldn't hold back her tears after all, and tightly held the capsule against her chest, "I must!"


On the chaotic street, Xia Long calmly walked towards the TPC Tokyo branch.

He must use the power of the branch to go to the headquarters base.

What happened in the headquarters, how could Kirino become Dark Tiga, and what happened to Daigu and the others, he must find out.

"Mr. Gao Shu!" A figure caught up with Xia Long, "Mr. Gao Shu!"

Looking at the breathless policeman in front of him in surprise, Xia Long asked in confusion: "Who are you?"

"I'm Sugita," Sugita panted, handed Xia Long a suitcase, and said happily, "Great, I finally found you, this is your luggage."


Xia Long took the suitcase and found that it was indeed the one he had left behind.

"Are you going back to the headquarters now? Do you need my help?" Sugita asked eagerly.

"No, thank you." Looking at the enthusiastic guy in front of him, Xia Long smiled and shook his head.

"Then, I wish you all the best!"

After separating from Sugita, Xia Long quickly arrived at the Tokyo branch. After meeting Xibi, Xia Long did not say much and directly asked Xibi to arrange a transport plane to take him to the headquarters.

"Gaoshu, the headquarters has lost contact for a long time. I was just thinking of sending someone over to check!" Xibi said in a deep voice.

"Lost contact?"

"Yes, just after the wanted order for you was issued." Xibi nodded, and without further ado, quickly arranged personnel and transport planes.

Finally, Xia Long gave up Xibi's idea of ​​going with him, and boarded the transport plane with only a few guards.

"Gaoshu, let me go with you."

"If something really happened to the headquarters, you won't be able to do anything. It's better to stay and guard Tokyo. Now is an emergency, and Tokyo can't do without you!"

Waving to Xibi and his group on the ground, Xia Long flew towards the dark sea on the transport plane.

"Take care, Xibi." Retracting his gaze, Xia Long closed his eyes and began to doze off.

"There are still twenty minutes to the destination!" the pilot reported.

The two soldiers sitting opposite Xia Long tightened their weapons in their hands nervously.

They were forced in by Xibi to protect Xia Long's safety. As top guards, their mental quality should not fluctuate like this, but the unknown darkness outside the window is really disturbing.

The two looked at Xia Long quietly. Seeing Xia Long resting calmly, they couldn't help but admire him and felt relieved.

"Swoosh~" The transport plane shuttled over the sea, leaving a long trail at the tail.

In fact, Xia Long was not calm.

Although he only fought with Kirino for a moment, he felt Kirino's powerful strength, so strong that even if he was in good condition during his prime, he might not be able to beat him, because the opponent's aura this time was not much worse than the last incarnation of God Kirielod, and last time he borrowed the mysterious power and counterattacked at the moment when the opponent's energy was reduced to successfully defeat him.

What's more, he is now...

Xia Long opened his eyes and looked solemnly at the black fog rolling in the sky outside the window.

"Huh~" As a gust of air blew, the TPC headquarters base appeared in sight.

"Arrived at the destination, requesting landing." The driver called, "This is the Tokyo branch No. 204 transport plane, sending a request again..."

"Headquarters, please answer if you hear me!"

There was no movement, and the two pilots in the cockpit looked at each other.

"Headquarters, please allow landing!"

This time, Xia Long and the two guards also noticed it. They walked behind the driver and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," the driver shook his head, "I still can't contact you."

Xia Long looked out the window, and the whole base was no longer as lively as before. It was dead and there was no movement.

"Is there really an accident?" After a pause, seeing that the take-off and landing exits of the base were open, Xia Long hurriedly ordered, "Land first!"


"Buzz~" With the huge engine beeping, the transport plane slowly flew towards the base.

"No one!" After landing, the two guards checked and found that all the staff had disappeared.

"Where will they go?" Xia Long frowned. Even if they died, they would leave a body, but they found nothing.

Looking at the deep and dark passage, Xia Long felt like he was facing the mouth of a monster.

"Sir, what should we do now?" a guard asked.

Xia Long groaned and said, "You stay here to guard, I'll go in and take a look."

"Da Da!" The sound of footsteps echoed in the passage, and Xia Long became more and more worried.

All passages were open, and all energy systems stopped working, just like an abandoned base.

What happened?

Seeing that the command room was also empty, Xia Long couldn't help but close his eyes and take a deep breath.

Da Gu, Captain...

Blurred images flashed in Xia Long's mind.

Terrified shouts, gunshots, explosions, mixed with a strange bird-like cry.

Xia Long seemed to see the scene of the headquarters base falling.

"Gao Shu." A call sounded beside Xia Long's ear.

"You Lian?"

Looking around in confusion, Xia Long seemed to remember something, left the command room, and turned to walk towards the laboratory.

"I remember it was here."

Standing in front of a laboratory, Xia Long remembered the last time, also outside this laboratory, when Kirino dispelled his idea of ​​contacting the time machine.

"You Lian, is that you?"

Xia Long walked towards the time machine on the test bench in a daze.

"The darkness of despair is about to revive," an old sigh sounded, and a woman with white hair and a silver robe appeared in front of Xia Long, "He has found Lulu, so he didn't take me away."

"Have all the others been taken away by him?" Xia Long understood what You Lian meant.

"Together with that spaceship, they all entered that place," You Lian's face was full of pity and helplessness, "Soon, the darkness of world destruction will come, we didn't expect that 30 million years later, there would be a more terrible darkness, and Da Gu and your power were taken away again, there is no hope at all, maybe this is the fate of mankind."

"Fate?" Xia Long said in a deep voice, "If the extinction of mankind is the so-called fate, then we will change the fate!"

"I'm just a program." You Lian shook her head bitterly and dispersed.

Seeing the time machine return to silence again, Xia Long sighed and returned to the command room.

He turned on the backup power supply and restarted the base system, and the command room suddenly became bright.

"The computer is back to normal..."

Amid a prompt sound, Xia Long walked down the operating table and pressed his fingers on the familiar conference table. He seemed to see the scene of the past meeting to discuss the task, and the laughter and scolding of Iruma Hui echoed in his ears again.

"Captain Iruma..."

There is also Souma who always commands everyone on the front line. Xia Long has not forgotten the promise made to himself by the vice-captain who cannot drink at all when they parted.

There are also Horii and Shinjo who love to bicker, Daiko and Lina who are in an ambiguous relationship, and Nori, a computer genius who rarely participates in battles.

The strong feeling of teammates fills Xia Long's heart like warm sunshine.


Walking step by step in the familiar corners of the past, Xia Long's eyes were misty, and it took a while to sort out his mood.

"Feiyan 1 is entering the takeoff orbit!" After connecting to the hangar control system, Xia Long entered commands on the main computer one after another.


After the operation was completed, Xia Long carried the suitcase to his dormitory room.

After putting down the box, Xia Long took the stone pendant and amulet from his neck.

The stone pendant was already red hot, as for the amulet...

Xia Long carefully opened the bag. He had always treated it as an amulet and had never opened it. Now might be the time to open it.

Gently taking out the contents of the bag, Xia Long found a photo wrapped in red thread.

"Ayumi..." Xia Long murmured.

The photo unfolded, showing a group photo of the South City Club in Leo World. Ayumi, Omura, Baizi, Meng, and he was smiling and hugging a group of children.

"To the big fool Zhen Xia Long!" There was a sentence playfully printed on the back of the photo. Xia Long couldn't help but shake his head in amusement, but soon the smile froze again.

"If this is fate..."

Staring at the increasingly dense darkness outside the window, Xia Long tightened his fingers, packed up the stone pendant and the amulet, and turned around to open the suitcase.


Put on the team uniform, put on gloves, tie the boots, zip up the jacket, load the Hypa gun with bullets and insert it into the holster on the side of the leg.

Xia Long completed the preparations meticulously, just like a normal mission.

Finally, there is the helmet.

Xia Long walked to the cabinet where the helmet was placed, paused when looking at the photo of Nakamura next to it, and walked out with the helmet.

When passing by the command room, there were no teammates ready to go, only the sound of the main computer equipment running.

"Victory team, attack!" Looking at the empty command room, Xia Long said firmly.

"Da Da!" Heavy footsteps sounded in the boarding channel. In the surprised eyes of the two guards, Xia Long boarded the Feiyan 1 alone.

"Feiyan 1 is ready to take off!" After closing the cabin door, Xia Long pressed the buttons step by step, and the past battle scenes appeared in front of him again. Strictly speaking, this was his first time to drive the Feiyan alone.

With his left hand on the propulsion lever, Xia Long nodded to the two guards and two pilots who accompanied him to the base, and pulled the propulsion lever violently amid a sound of prompt.

"Take off!"

"Vu——!" The engine of the Feiyan started, and after gliding for a distance, it rushed out of the base with a huge airflow.

"Sir!" The guard chased out and shouted.

"This is my mission." Looking back at the base, Xia Long accelerated towards Luluye.

"I want to do what a person can do as a human being!"

"Swoosh!" The Feiyan soared to the extreme speed, making a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Target, Luluye!

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