Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 201 New Light

"Ah, run!" The child's scream reached Xia Long's mind.

What am I doing...

"Wow——" Xia Long felt as if he was passing through a long tunnel of light, with all kinds of strange halos constantly flying towards him.

"Run!" The child's voice sounded again, and the tunnel suddenly shrank in Xia Long's scream.


"Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Frightened shouts came from all directions, and there was a terrifying roar that shook his ears.


Amid the hustle and bustle, Xia Long frowned in pain. He felt like he was lying on a hard and cold pile of stones, his body seemed to be torn apart, and he was in great pain.

What happened? Am I dead?

Xia Long groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

The light bloomed, and the blurred vision became clearer and clearer.

"Hey, the monster is coming, get up quickly!" What caught his eye was a disheveled little boy with messy hair and scratches and dust on his face. He was anxiously looking at him and shaking his body. "Hey, get up quickly!"

"Maduo, it's too late," another voice sounded, "Don't worry about him, let's run away!"


"Bang--" As a black shadow flashed above, a violent vibration broke out nearby. For a moment, the pile of stones under Xia Long slid violently, and his body rolled uncontrollably along a slope towards the cliff.

"Uh--" The fierce collision made Xia Long feel like his body was about to disintegrate. Although he didn't understand what was going on, the cliff in front of him made his pupils shrink suddenly.

I'm going to fall!


Without hesitation, Xia Long turned over and grabbed the vines at hand amid the child's exclamation.

"Shua shua!" Stones rolled down from the cliff one after another, and Xia Long was barely hanging on the edge of the cliff without falling.

"What's going on?" While taking a breath, Xia Long endured the pain and looked up.

"Swoosh!" Another black shadow flashed by, and Xia Long saw clearly that it was a huge foot as big as a mountain.


"Bang!" Before Xia Long could think about it, the surroundings shook again, and the originally stable vines also dropped a section.


His face changed, Xia Long hurriedly supported his body, and his arm muscles bulged and climbed up.



The child's exclamation came again, Xia Long climbed up the cliff with difficulty, and found that the child's leg was pressed by a broken wood.

Not good!

The rock monster that looked like a giant lizard was not far away, and its eyes seemed to lock on the child, roaring and moving towards this side.

"What's going on?"

Xia Long looked down at his body, simple linen clothes, not to mention the transformation device, even the Hepa gun.


The roar of the monster kept coming from his ears. Xia Long gritted his teeth and ran to the child regardless of his physical fatigue.


He squatted down and looked at the boy's leg. Fortunately, it was just stuck in the crack of the rock.

"You are the one just now..." The boy looked at Xia Long in surprise.

"Don't move, I'll help you!" Xia Long pushed the tree with his hand.


The veins on his forehead bulged, and Xia Long's strength exploded, and the thick tree was moved away little by little.

"Maduo!" In a hurry, the boy's brother ran over and helped to lift the boy up, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." The boy shook his head and said to Xia Long, who was red-necked and lifted the tree to the side, "Thank you!"

"Get out of here!" Xia Long turned around and looked closely at the huge figure above his head. The huge figure had blocked the light and shrouded the three people in darkness.

"Roar!" The monster roared and stepped towards this side with his thick right leg.

"Go!" Xia Long shouted, and hurriedly pulled the two children to run to the back.

"Go over there!"

"Boom!" As the monster moved, the monster's footsteps fell heavily, and a fierce shock exploded, and a strong impact force rushed towards Xia Long.

"Wow!" In the splashing soil and rocks, Xia Long only had time to push the children into a pit, and he was severely blown away by the shock wave, rolling down the slope.

"Hiss!" The monster seemed to have identified Xia Long, and ignored the two children in the pit, but passed the two and chased Xia Long with a thick tail.

"Danger!" Ma Duo looked down in horror, stood up and wanted to run over, but was held tightly by his brother.

"Ma Duo, it's useless!"

"Hu~Hu~" Xia Long struggled to stabilize his body, panting and looking at the huge figure rushing over.

There was no time to avoid it, with a terrifying impact, the monster's huge claws like a mountain pressing down on his head kept enlarging in front of his eyes.


How could he fall here!

Xia Long stared at the rapidly approaching black shadow.

"How could he!"

With a roar, Xia Long gritted his teeth and raised his hand to block it.


A circle of light suddenly burst out, and time seemed to stand still, and the monster's movement suddenly stopped in the air.

"What is this?" Xia Long's body shook, and he looked around in surprise.

Not only the monster, but everything around him stopped, the falling rocks, the rolling logs, the fleeing humans, and even the startled birds in the sky, all froze in an instant.

What's going on?

Xia Long muttered and looked at the center of the circle of light, where his left hand continued to emit dazzling light, and a mysterious silver wing device appeared on his arm.


As the light flickered, Xia Long seemed to see a rotating golden halo, and then the light suddenly expanded and contracted, and the strong light wave enveloped Xia Long.

"Uh ah!" Uncomfortably blocking the light, Xia Long felt a huge force awakening in his body.

"Bang!" Time returned to normal, and the monster's claws fell again, but a surging halo suddenly exploded, and the monster's body fell back uncontrollably before the attack fell.

"Bang!" A large amount of soil and rocks were smashed and splashed by the monster's tens of thousands of tons of weight.

"Brother, look there!" In the scattered dust, Maduo stared at the front of the monster.

"What is that?" The brother stood up in a daze, and saw a huge figure appearing in the light, "Giant, giant?"

"Shh!" The light dispersed, and when Xia Long came to his senses, he found that the perspective had changed, and everything around him seemed to have shrunk.


Xia Long looked down at his red and silver arms and body. The gemstone crystal timer on his chest flashed a strange halo, as if taking him into the tunnel of light again.

"It's not Leo, nor Tiga, it's..."

"Roar--" After a while, the monster stood up again, roaring and roaring and rushing over here.

Facing the fierce enemy, Xia Long didn't have time to think too much, clenched his fists, and faced forward fearlessly.


"Bang!" Avoiding the claws, Xia Long focused his hammer on the monster's chest, making a muffled sound.



"Uh--" Before he could be happy, the monster's iron hoop-like arm slapped heavily on his shoulder, causing a sharp pain, but his attack on the monster did not cause any ripples.

Continue to code one chapter, and update around 10 o'clock

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