Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 223 Team Hui attacks

"The headquarters said that the subsequent situation control will be handed over to CREWGUYS!"

In the command room, after Mei Qixue finished conveying the message, Xi Shui immediately issued an attack order to the team members.

"GUYS, SallyGo!"


"Have a good rest here in the future. Let me take charge of this operation!" Seeing that Future wanted to follow him in the attack, Xia Long quickly stopped him.

"You?" Aihara frowned.

Mirai and Zheping were hesitant to speak, especially Zheping, who actually wanted to attack this time.

"Well," Xia Long nodded and smiled, "Unlike Kozumi and Teppei, I can't help if I stay at the base. Besides, the man behind the hero also needs to appear at critical moments!"

Xia Long knew that Zheping was very knowledgeable about monsters, but he also had his own considerations in participating in the battle this time.

"You guy!" Aihara yelled, leaving the command room first, "Hurry up!"

Giving the future a reassuring look, Xia Long followed the team members and ran to the hangar.

"call out!"

Over the Pacific Ocean, the Yanfenghuang was speeding rapidly.

Patton's scream could be heard faintly amid the roaring sound caused by the high speed cutting through the air.

"Target found!"

Xia Long sat behind Sadaharu and could easily see Barton's huge figure in front of him.

"Yanfenghuang, separate!"

Seeing Patton rushing towards the Phoenix, Aihara quickly ordered, and the fighter planes immediately split into two, one at the front and one at the front, to avoid Patton and fly towards both sides.

"Aim the vein at the root of the poison sac with a special missile!" When the two fighter planes turned to pursue Patton, Zheping's voice came from the communicator, "In that case, the poison will flow into Patton's body!"

"Is it really effective?" Looking at Barton in front of him, Aihara asked in confusion, "Poison yourself with that guy's toxin?"

"Yes, the bees will be poisoned by their own toxins!"

"Just follow Zheping's method," Xia Long said on the Tiger, "We are about to approach land, we can't waste time!"

"Don't give orders to me!" Aihara scolded and begged Toriyama, "Assistant officer, use that, the meteor technique!"

"Okay, but it must be eliminated at once!"

"Of course!" Aihara affirmed, "Ultraman can't defeat it, but that doesn't mean we can't defeat it!"

"Approve the use of meteor technology, the time limit is one minute!"

"Mobile mode, switch!"

With Toriyama's approval, the Flying Wing and the Tiger turned to maneuver mode at the same time, and a strong sense of oppression suddenly hit Xia Long.

This was his first experience with meteor technology and he felt the power of technology firsthand.

"Hui, are you okay?" Sadaharu shouted from the front, "Start the Bollinger Fan!"

"GIG!" Seeing Patton appear under the fighter plane, Xia Long quickly turned on the button.


As two vortex storms appeared under the fuselage, the entire fighter plane began to vibrate violently, and the instruments instantly reached their peak.

"Boom!" Shrouded in the storm, Barton screamed and spun around, finally losing his balance and falling straight to the sea.

"Pay attention to the attack!" Xia Long roared quickly as the vibration caused by Bullinger's fan weakened.

"I told you not to order me!"

After the fuselage stabilized, Sadaharu also followed up in the Tiger.

"The target has 30 seconds to reach land!"

As the prompt sounded, the two of them had already seen the coastline in the distance.

"Sadaharu, accelerate with all your strength and leave it to me to shoot!" Seeing that there were less than 20 seconds left in the Meteor Technique, and the Flying Wing ahead was still unable to lock on to the target, Xia Long shouted quickly.

"What?" Although he was a little confused, Sadaharu still accelerated towards Barton.

It is difficult to hit the target while flying at high speed, not to mention that the meteor technology itself has a heavy load. It is simply a dream to hit the vein of Barton's poison sac at full speed.

"Impossible!" Zheping in the command room shook his head, "The Tiger can't do it..."


The water mist brought up by the sea surface formed a silver line. Under the rapid flight, even Sadaharu, who had dynamic vision, had some blurred vision. However, at this moment, a bright ray pierced the sky.


On the Flying Wing, Aihara, who was still looking for a chance to take aim, suddenly heard a scream. Seeing Barton's body sinking, he quickly avoided it from below.

"Asshole!" Before Aihara could pursue him again, one minute was up and the fighter plane immediately exited maneuver mode. He could only watch Patton rushing towards the land, and he couldn't help but yell in anger, "What's going on?"

"Hit, hit, seems to have hit!" Zheping stood up and looked at Qishui and the others, saying excitedly, "It's unbelievable!"


Only then did everyone in the fighter plane realize that Patton had lost his balance. With a roar, his whole body cut through the sea and crashed into a hill uncontrollably.

"This..." Looking at the exploded earth and rocks filling the air, the careless Aihara paused in his words. After reacting, he couldn't help but giggled, "Hui, you guy!"

"Awesome! How did you do it?" Sadaharu blinked hard and looked back at Xia Long in confusion.

In that case, he couldn't see the poison sac clearly, let alone the veins.

"It's just intuition," Xia Long said in a deep voice, "You can't relax yet, Barton is not dead yet!"

"His!" On land, as the dust and mist dispersed, Barton's figure was revealed, painfully destroying the surroundings.

"Damn, he is really a troublesome guy!" Aihara frowned, "Hey, Zheping, what's going on?"

"It won't die immediately, but..." Teppei analyzed the computer, his face changed, "It will take at least half an hour!"

"Damn it, if this goes on, the city will be destroyed!"

The two fighters accelerated towards Patton, but the attack was very limited, and they were almost shot down by the crazy Patton many times.


The harbor was in chaos because of the strong wind caused by Patton, and the scope of destruction continued to expand.

"How could this happen?" Seeing this scene, Assistant Officer Toriyama turned bitter again.

Although the citizens had evacuated in advance, the greater the loss, the greater the public opinion GUYS would receive.

Everyone in the base looked solemn, and Mirai gritted his teeth and ran out of the command room.

"Can I beat Patton?" Putting on the team uniform, Mirai hurried out of the base.

He remembered the conversation with Xia Long in the ward, and couldn't help but hold the GUYS logo on his chest tightly.

"I..." Raising his left arm, the future looked firmly towards the harbor, "I'm not alone!"

"Variable pulse ray launch!" At the harbor, seeing Patton trying to spray flames, two fighters quickly shot to stop him.

"Go around first, attack from the sides!" Xia Long suggested calmly.

For some reason, seeing Patton's flames always reminds me of Ultraman Zoffy.

Shaking his head, Xia Long was about to cooperate with Aihara's attack, but the Flying Wing on the other side was suddenly hit by an energy bomb on the tail, and the flames burst violently.


"What's going on?" The fighter alarm sounded, and Aihara had no choice but to make an emergency landing.


Xia Long's eyelids twitched, and he looked closely at the ground. The white figure smiled at him after sensing it.

"Leave it to us next!" Seeing that the Flying Wing had lost its combat effectiveness, Sadaharu deflected the fuselage to avoid Patton's attack and fired the ray again.

"Stop talking nonsense, what are you leaving it to!" Aihara said angrily, and was about to leave the fighter, but when he looked up, he found that Patton was condensing flames and swallowing them here.

"Be careful!" Xia Long's attention was attracted by Bogaru. When he turned back and saw this scene, his eyes narrowed and he shouted, "Sadaji, attack Patton's throat!"

"Of course I know!" Sadaji's forehead was sweating, and he quickly turned the fuselage to shoot at Patton.

"Hiss!" After being blocked, the flames in Patton's mouth dissipated, but before Sadaji could relax, the irritable Patton condensed flames again and sprayed them at the Tiger.


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