
The hard impact and the exertion caused Bogaru to scream suddenly.

"Bang bang!" Ignoring the opponent's strange screams, Xia Long hammered continuously, and the red light dazzled on the fast fist. Under the concentrated power of the fist, Bogaru's skin collapsed, and then violent energy waves spread out.


The body was hit hard, and the big mouth loosened slightly.

"Ha——!" Seizing the opportunity, Xia Long freed up his right foot and kicked the opponent away hard.

Under the surprised gazes of Aihara and others, Xia Long broke free from the gag, kicked the monster away hard, and successfully reversed the disadvantage.

"Hey, Ultraman, come on!" Aihara shouted at the top of his lungs, and he and his teammates kept shooting at Bogaru.

"Yes!" Nodding, Xia Long opened his hand again, clenched his fist, and rushed towards Bogaru who was standing.

Clasping Bogaru's broad arms with both hands, Xia Long's footsteps trembled before the opponent's tail could attack. He flipped upside down and kicked Bogaru hard on the head with his red-lit toes.

"Hey!" Bogaru continued to retreat as if he had been hit hard, shaking.

good chance!

Seeing the monster's door wide open, Xia Long had just stabilized his steps when his body shook again, spinning his right leg like a storm and kicking Bogaru in the chest.


On the coast, a group of people had no time to avoid it. The huge body flew over their heads in an instant, roaring and falling into the sea. It was like a tsunami-like wave rushing towards them.


Before a few people could make a move, a majestic figure suddenly landed in front, blocking all the sea water.


The large water droplets splashed away, and the sunlight refracted, faintly gathering a brilliant brilliance.

"Ultraman..." Looking at the squatting giant in front of him, Aihara slowly put down his pistol.


Nodding slightly to a few people, Xia Long turned around and took a step forward, staring closely at the calm sea.

After falling into the sea, Bhogaru's aura disappeared.

"Escaped again!"

The breeze blew, and the harbor fell silent. If it weren't for the wreckage destroyed by Patton, which was still emitting black smoke, it would be as if nothing had happened.

"Dark Bogaru is more difficult to deal with than imagined!"

Looking away from the sea, Xia Long glanced at Membius who stood up, jumped up and flew into the void.

"Beep! Beep!"

The sirens rang through the harbor, and Membius stared blankly into the void with his weak body, until Xia Long's figure disappeared.

"Hey Fai, where did you go when the monster appeared?"

On the way back to the base, Sadaharu asked in confusion. When he met Aihara, he realized that Xia Long had not followed him.

"Well," Xia Long was stunned and responded, "A strange guy appeared nearby. When I followed him, something unexpected happened."

Seeing that Sadaharu wanted to ask more questions, Xia Long quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, why does Long look unhappy?"

Speaking of Aihara Ryuu, Sadaharu's face suddenly darkened and he muttered, "Who knows what that guy is thinking!"

After returning to the base, it was already evening, and the damaged Flying Wing was sent for repairs.

"Humans..." Muttered as he watched the Wings being transported away, Aihara sullenly walked towards the other side instead of following the others.

At the entrance of the passage, Xia Long stopped and looked thoughtfully at Aihara's leaving figure.

The night view in the evening is particularly beautiful and exudes a peaceful atmosphere.

After Xia Long left the base, he soon saw Aihara standing on a hillside in the suburbs, staring at the sunset in a daze, looking very worried.

"Sure enough, can't we do it without relying on Ultraman's power?" Aihara seemed to be talking to himself, or to someone.

"You can't rely on other people's strength!" After a pause, Xia Long slowly walked to Aihara's side.


"This should be one of Ultra's five major oaths," Xia Long said with a chuckle in response to Aihara's puzzled gaze, "I heard from Captain Shishui that this is also what the former GUYS Captain often said."

Seeing Aihara nodding his head, Xia Long continued: "Ultraman will only appear when we fight to the limit. If we don't even work hard, how can Ultraman use his own life to fight and protect us?" Humanity?"

"Captain Serizawa?" Listening to Xia Long's words, Aihara was in a daze for a moment.

"Huh?" Xia Long stopped talking and looked at Aihara strangely, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, no, I just thought of Captain Serizawa," Aihara shook his head and said, "The captain also said this before."

"Really? Do you have a good relationship with Captain Serizawa?"

"Yeah..." Facing Xia Long's question, Aihara had a nostalgic smile on his face, but it quickly dissipated, "But, Captain..."

"I think Captain Serizawa has great expectations for you." Seeing Aihara remembering Serizawa's death again, Xia Long turned to look at the night view of the city and said, "Do you still remember today's battle? We GUYS are also fighting with our best. !”

On the sea, the scene of two fighter planes chasing Patton is still before my eyes.

"Ultraman is not fighting alone, because only with companions fighting together can he exert his strength and fight strong!" Xia Long affirmed, thinking of the scene where GUYS cooperated with Mebius to eliminate Barton.

And this is one of the important things that Ultra Warriors get on Earth.

Aihara frowned in understanding, and suddenly reacted: "You guy, you are not Ultraman, how can you be so sure?"

"Tai is right!" Mirai's voice sounded behind the two of them, "Today Ultraman Mebius was able to defeat Barton because of Dragon!"

"Mebius? Ultraman's registered code name?" A look of doubt flashed across Aihara's face.

"Ah," Mirai realized that he had let the cat out of the bag, and his serious look suddenly collapsed, and he smiled stupidly, "I thought of it when I was resting, is that okay?"

"Mebius," Xia Long shouted to Mirai and smiled, "What about the other Ultraman? You should have thought of it, right?"

"Ah, this..."

"Kalio," Xia Long said without waiting for Mirai to continue to embarrass him, "How about Ultraman Kalio?"

"Mebius? Kalio?" Aihara read it again in confusion, "Mebius is not bad, but Kalio..."

Feeling Xia Long's gaze, Aihara waved his hand and smiled, "Forget it, they are all suitable!"

After all this trouble, his mood inexplicably improved.

"If it weren't for us, Ultraman would be in danger!" Taking a step forward, Aihara looked up at the beautiful night sky.

"Yeah." Xia Long didn't comment. Seeing that Weilai was still looking at him stupidly, he quickly said, "Maybe we can go back now? Everyone is still in the command room."

"I almost forgot, but by the way, is Weilai okay now?" Aihara reacted.

"Yes, yes!"

The next chapter will be updated later. . By the way, the chapter title of this chapter was eaten

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