Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 235: Hidden Cane


On the coast, Xia Long leaned on his cane, calmly feeling the breeze blowing, and the sea water under his feet was surging.

After the Sadra incident, Bogaru fell silent again, and the sword did not move at all, but he knew that things would not stop.

"By the way..."

Knocking on the cane, Xia Long's face turned bitter.

"How many days of this kind of life will last?"

He pretended to be injured even though he was fine. Thinking of how Sasui's smile became stronger every time he saw him, Xia Long always felt that it was because of him.

"Come on, Mirai! Go, go!"


At this time, Aihara's roar came from not far away, and the two kept running along the coastline.

"Hey, Hui!" After seeing Xia Long, Aihara greeted excitedly, "Want to join us..."

Seemingly reacting, Aihara lowered his voice awkwardly and muttered, "The doctor said that if you move more, you will recover faster."

"Ah, I see," Xia Long smiled and shook his head, "You guys run, I'll just walk around."

"Then see you later!" Aihara waved and continued to run forward.

Ever since the incident at Mount Kirifuki, Aihara always felt a little uncomfortable when facing him, with a hint of self-blame.

Looking at Aihara's figure, Xia Long smiled bitterly in his heart.

Unexpectedly, he added another knot to Aihara's heart.

"Hui!" Mirai stopped, with some worry between his eyebrows.

"Mirai, hurry up, come on!" Aihara turned back and urged from a distance.

"Okay!" Responding, Weilai was about to speak, and suddenly looked at the other side of the coast as if sensing something, "That is..."

"Leave it to me," Xia Long patted Weilai, pointed at Aihara in the distance and smiled, "Long can't wait!"

"Yes!" Nodding, Weilai ran away along the coast under Aihara's urging.

Retracting his sight, Xia Long followed the feeling and looked to the other side.

"Finally there is movement!"

It was also on the coast, but unlike the beach, there were rocks everywhere. After a while, Xia Long rushed to the place where the breath fluctuated.

"Bang!" The explosion sounded, and the two figures crossed back and forth.

Jian found Bogaru first, and they had already started fighting.

It must be said that Jian's strength is very strong. Although he is in a human body, his speed is not inferior to Bogaru at all.

However, Bogaru now has dark energy enhancement, even in human form, it is very different from before.

"Bang bang!" After several high-speed movements, two figures, one white and one black, collided with each other. As the shock wave exploded, the black figure groaned and flew backwards.

"I said it was no good!"

Seeing that Bogaru was going to continue attacking, Xia Long quickly pulled out his pistol.

Aim, shoot, a set of smooth movements, shooting with one hand.


In an instant, Bogaru was startled and dodged, and the ray hit the stone as expected, sparks splashed.

However, Xia Long originally did not intend to shoot, but just forced the opponent away.

"It's you again!" After reacting, Bogaru was startled at first, and then saw Xia Long leaning on a cane, a smile on his face, and flashed away and disappeared.

"Are you gone?" Xia Long looked around cautiously, and when he saw Bogaru really leaving, he put away his pistol and walked towards the sword.

"Are you okay?"

Leaning on the stone, the man clutched his chest tightly, and it seemed that he was seriously injured, but despite this, he still looked at Xia Long coldly, and the sword-shaped weapon in his hand was also ready to go.

"Don't worry, I'm not your enemy." Seeing the other party's vigilant look, Xia Long stopped, "I told you, you alone are not its opponent!"

Under the reef, the waves kept hitting, and the unique terrain brought waves of strange whistling sounds, but the two people under the sea breeze were not moved at all.

"Who are you?" The man looked solemn and looked at Xia Long closely.

"We have met last time, and I am Ultraman like you," Xia Long smiled slightly, "Can you consider my proposal?"

The man did not respond, but stood up carefully. Seeing that Xia Long did not move, a strong and dazzling light suddenly burst out from the sword-shaped weapon.

Xia Long covered it with his hand for a moment, and when the strong light dissipated, there was no one on the reef.

"Leave again..." After looking around and finding nothing, Xia Long could only leave helplessly.

"Don't believe me?"

Suddenly, Xia Long thought of something and looked at his crutches in a daze. The other party seemed to have paid special attention to it just now.



Phoenix Nest Base

After resting on the coast for a while, Xia Long and the other two received the message and returned to the base.

"Regarding the monster Sadra that appeared a few days ago, in addition to the ones that were defeated by Ultraman Mebius and the mysterious unknown life form, the investigation found that there is still one."

On the projection screen, Miki Xue explained to the gathered people.

"Since the image analysis is not completed, I think it is difficult to confirm."

The screen was switched to the image of Mount Kirifuki covered by thick fog, which was a video clip left last time.

"It's all pale, and I can't see anything!" Aihara said strangely.

"No, it is." Sadaharu looked carefully and saw a huge figure passing by in the fog, but it disappeared quickly.

"Sadra's voice has changed," said Marina on the other side solemnly, "I can hear Sadra's voice, Sadra is in pain, and there are... other voices..."

Marina suddenly looked at the screen in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Everyone couldn't hear the movement in the image at all, so they could only ask Marina.

"The sound disappeared for a moment," Marina stood up, "but the last thing I heard was Sadra, Sadra..."

Marina made the atmosphere in the command room tense, and with the pale image, the timid Kimi shrank her neck.

"What did you hear?" Sadaharu frowned.

"The tragic death of Sadra, the sound of a beast devouring," Xia Long took over the conversation, "Am I right?"

"Huh?" Marina nodded and looked at Xia Long in surprise.

Sadaharu asked curiously, "Could it be that, Hui, you also have extraordinary hearing?"

"I was there at the time, of course I could hear it," Xia Long explained when he saw that the time was almost right, "Although I didn't see it very clearly, I seemed to see Bogaru eat Sadra."

"Speaking of eating," Teppei reacted, "Last time, Bogaru almost ate Ultraman Kallio."

Xia Long nodded and added, "Rather than eating, I think it's more appropriate to describe it as preying. From the current point of view, Bogaru seems to be constantly attracting monsters for prey."


The projection screen jumped to Mikiyuki again, and the acting director smiled and said, "Then, this meeting will end here, and the image analysis will be completed as soon as possible."

"Please!" Sasaki stood up and nodded, smiling at everyone, "Everyone go to rest first!"


The depressing atmosphere eased, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hey, Hui, do you want to try it?" Sadaharu invited, "There are new training programs at the training ground."

"Training programs?" Xia Long was originally planning to go out on patrol to see if he could find Jian, but he was stunned when he heard what Sadaharu said.

"Shooting program!" Marina smiled, "But Sadaharu, do you want to compete with Hui in shooting? Patton, Patton, have you forgotten?"

"What competition?" Sadaharu retorted with a roll of his eyes, "There are just new programs for everyone to try!"

"Okay." Xia Long agreed, after all, if Jian didn't show up on his own initiative, it would be really hard to find him.

"Then, is a certain guy going too?" Marina said strangely with her back to Aihara.

Aihara on the side was immediately ignited: "You just said a certain guy!"

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