
In the same simulation space full of ruins, Xia Long slowly lowered his arms, and the large area in front of him had been razed to the ground by the shooting of the Spacium ray.

Nodding, Xia Long exited the simulation space in the light.

After leaving Mars, he found a safe place to enter the system space to train his skills. Because he didn't have to worry about energy, he quickly mastered the basic Spacium ray.

It's not as powerful as the Zaperio ray, but with the characteristics of Spacium matter, it will be more suitable for dealing with enemies such as Baltan.


In the dark space, Xia Long's figure emerged, with a silver-red body and a stronger breath.


There is no sound in space, it is monotonous and boring. Born on Earth, he is still a little uncomfortable.

After a round of inspection, Xia Long flew towards the open area.

Next, it's time to go back to the Kingdom of Light. The extra energy conversion and storage function of the evolution instrument cannot be wasted. After all, it's okay in this universe. If there is not enough energy when traveling to other universes in the future, it will undoubtedly be very troublesome.

He remembered that Zero encountered this problem when he traveled to other universes later, and the energy for several transformations was also brought from the Kingdom of Light.

Spreading his arms, bright light gathered in front of Xia Long. Just when he was about to condense the wormhole space, a group of densely packed discs flashing with cold light suddenly appeared around Mars in the distance.

"What is that?"

Xia Long was startled and quickly gathered energy to look carefully.

These discs turned out to be the strange ship-shaped spacecraft he had destroyed before.

"Salome people?"

Xia Long looked solemnly at the huge fleet approaching Mars. As the space fluctuations spread, the discs became more and more, and soon formed tens of thousands of legions.

"Alert! Alert!"

The human base on Mars also noticed this scene and became nervously alert, but everything seemed insignificant in front of the dark fleet.

"Is it because of that Bartiro?"

Xia Long noticed that there was no breath of life in these discs, as if they were controlled remotely.

"High-tech civilization..."

Seeing that the Mars base was in crisis, Xia Long didn't care to think too much, and immediately turned into a ball of light and rushed towards Mars.

"Is it here?"

On an inconspicuous spaceship, several people in blue uniforms were paying attention to the projection in front of them. One of them was a woman with bangs and outstanding temperament. She seemed to be the leader. At this moment, she was sitting on an egg-shaped floating chair, looking at the red planet in the picture with interest.

"It's not even possible to send a signal. It doesn't seem like something that humans on Earth can do. What's going on?"

The woman wore white gloves, flicked her fingertips, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

"It's right that the accident happened here. Humans should know something!" A man standing behind the woman stepped forward.

"Contact and see!"


Faced with the pressure of countless fleets, the Mars base was on alarm.

"Sir, the other party sent a radio wave saying that we destroyed one of their spaceships!"

"How is that possible? We are just a research base! Hasn't GUYS made any move yet?"

"It's too late!"

At the same time, the GUYS Japanese branch far away on Earth also received the news.

"Space fleet?" Aihara, who was bickering with Marina, was stunned.

"The Mars base has been trapped," Teppei said on the keyboard, "The other party claims to be Salome, but it seems to be different from the records in the database."

The images observed on Mars were transmitted to the projection screen, and everyone was shocked by the huge size of the fleet.

"Are you kidding?"

"Anyway, this matter is handed over to the GUYS space station." Toriyama, who hurried to the command room, wiped the sweat off his face.

Teppei pouted and shook his head. Just as he was about to speak, his face suddenly changed and he looked at everyone.

"The negotiations broke down!"

Without getting the information they wanted, the fleet actually decided to launch an attack.

"This is bad!" Marina and others also noticed several spaceships approaching the base, and the lasers were faintly converging.

"Wait, that's..." Mu Zhimei exclaimed and looked at the screen.

A flash of light passed by, and a red and silver giant suddenly appeared on the screen, blocking all the lasers shot at the base.

"It's Kallio!"


"Kallio..." Aihara stepped forward and stared at the majestic figure on the screen.


The raging flames exploded, and Xia Long stood upright above the base, and the light curtain in his hand dissipated.

"Shh!" Nodding downward, Xia Long shouted and flew to the other side, and waves of spaceships immediately followed.

He knew that Salome's target might be him.

"Ultraman?" On the spaceship, the woman couldn't help but stand up, "Catch up!"

In the surprised eyes of the personnel at the Mars base, groups of fleets swarmed and followed Xia Long.

"Shhh!" Using light bombs to destroy some attack warships around him, Xia Long turned his body and accelerated to fly towards the outer edge of the solar system.

"You can't escape." Behind the fleet, the woman looked at the light group in amusement.

Moving at high speed, the fleet continuously sent out lasers to block the route.

"Damn it!"

Avoiding the attacks left and right, Xia Long turned and passed through a pile of rubble, and flew past a yellowish-brown planet.

"We must fight back!"

Taking advantage of the blind spot, Xia Long gave a deep shout, turned around and crossed his arms into a cross. With the energy gathered, the recently learned Specium beam was emitted straight away.

Pieces of fire exploded in the universe, but soon more battleships rushed out.

"Ouch——!" Ignoring the scattered battleships, Xia Long propped up his arms and continued to output energy, and the entire space was suddenly enveloped by the explosion.

"Huh?" In the spaceship, the woman frowned slightly, "Space Guard soldier?"

Xia Long's strength was beyond her expectation, but...

"How long can you hold on like this?" After a moment of surprise, the woman's face regained her composure, "My fleet is more than that!"

Xia Long also discovered that he couldn't finish the fight and he definitely didn't have enough energy to continue.

Scanning the approaching fleet again, Xia Long's heart sank.

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of enemy.

"There must be a way!" Stopping the energy output, Xia Long avoided while observing the fleet, "001, did you find anything?"

"The command ship is behind and there is signal transmission."

"Main ship?"

Xia Long concentrated on the induction and focused his attention on a spaceship that looked ordinary but acted completely different from others.

"That's it!" Clenching his fist, he could faintly sense the breath of life on it.

"Scared!" Without hesitation, Xia Long rushed towards the main ship with his fist, his body flashing with a stream of light. Along the way, the battleship was torn apart by the force of the fist, and the fire exploded into a straight line.

The Salome star in the rear was shocked: "What is he going to do? Could it be..."

"Lady Herodia," the two men who were originally stern-faced couldn't stand anymore and said with panicked expressions, "He found us!"

"How is that possible?" the woman snorted coldly, "Fight with all your strength!"

"It's useless!"

"What?" The woman's beautiful face fluctuated, and she looked at Xia Long in disbelief, as if he was in a deserted land. The body with the flashing red light kept smashing the blocked battleships, and it seemed that it was about to arrive at the next moment.

"Lady Herodia, we must evacuate immediately!"

"Who is he?" The woman's eyes trembled, staring blankly at the red light that looked like a burning flame, "Why..."

There had never been any news about the giant in front of him, it just seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"Retreat!" Biting her lower lip, the woman ordered unwillingly.

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