Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 258 A strange parallel space


A small call echoed.

"who is it?"

In the dreamlike space, Xia Long was vigilantly guarding his surroundings.

Pictures like movie clips kept flashing by, showing all the monsters he had fought in the past.

"001!" An indescribable sense of oppression hit him hard, and cold sweat flowed from the corners of Xia Long's eyes.

In this space, he seemed to lose all his power and became what he was when he first entered Leo's world. Every monster brought him terrible pressure.

Facing the rapidly switching scenes, his memory was dragged into the past and he experienced it again as an ordinary person.


Deafening roars, roars that make the blood start to tremble, behemoths tens of meters tall, monster claws, big mouths that spit hot stench...


For a moment, Xia Long felt as if his body was wearing a leather jacket. His head and chest were constantly being pressed and hit by monsters. He was breathing heavily, the red light was flashing anxiously, and he was in danger of death...


Darkness fell, and before Xia Long could react to the inexplicable situation, a huge black shadow replaced the monsters, and purple-black flames spread crazily, wrapping Xia Long and giving him a burning pain in his soul.

"Just stop it!" Xia Long yelled.


The image faded, and Xia Long sat up suddenly, sweat pouring down his face, as if he had just been fished out of the water.



After a pause, Xia Long gasped and raised his head.

The light flickered on and off, and it was extremely quiet except for the sound of water dripping.

"Are you dreaming?" Xia Long wiped the sweat off his face and looked around carefully.

In the large and empty room, the big bed under him occupies a corner. All other furniture is against the wall. There is a faucet dripping water in the opposite corner. The atmosphere is extremely monotonous and lonely.

"here it is?"

Xia Long shook his head and started walking around the room.

Everything is very simple, just the necessities of life.

"This is a special parallel space," 001 simply responded, "The time point is not long before Ultraman Seven X appeared."

"Ultraman Seven X?" Xia Long tightened the dripping faucet, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

Does it have anything to do with Severn? He seemed to have heard of this name.

"Strange parallel time and space..."

Walking to the cabinet, there was a strange gun and an electronic watch next to the empty photo frame.

"DEUS Agent

"DEUS..." Putting down the photo frame, Xia Long put on his watch and put the pistol into his pocket, his eyes flashing.

Basic information about DEUS emerged.

There is no Ultraman in this world itself. In order to defend against invasion from the universe, the world established a special organization DEUS that gathers the most cutting-edge technology.

The members are all agents. They do not have a specific base or set of team uniforms. They are usually scattered around the world like ordinary people. Their mission is to find out the aliens who have invaded the earth and secretly eliminate them.

"Click!" Xia Long opened his watch and operated continuously. The high-end electronic screen lit up, and his profile picture was displayed on the information.

This thing is a universal communication machine-VC equipped with various functions. In addition to communication, it can also give agents various abilities far beyond ordinary people.

Relatively speaking, the pistol seems a bit ordinary, just a laser gun customized for spaceman battles.

After getting familiar with it, Xia Long asked doubtfully: "Is there any abnormal energy information?"

He has not forgotten his purpose in this world.

"Nothing has been found yet. It is recommended that the host conducts investigations in his current identity. The truth of this world seems to be related to abnormal energy."

"Is this so..." After muttering, Xia Long opened the curtains and looked out.

"Swish!" The cool breeze blew against my face, and the sound of swishing rain could not be heard.

Under the gloomy night sky, there are many tall buildings in the modern city, and many weird screens are suspended.

"There was an explosion just now in the Delta area..."

"The reporting bureau has officially announced that the explosion seems to have been caused by a gas leak. The investigation at the scene is still ongoing..."

It seemed to be broadcasting news. The virtual projection looked strange in the rain. The huge human face was like a ghost, and the voice that sounded like official dogma was even more abrupt.

Through the rain curtain, Xia Long looked down. At a vertical distance of tens of meters, there were sparse pedestrians on the street and vehicles passing quickly.

Vehicles are speeding, rain is splashing, umbrellas, neon lights...

Under dynamic vision, Xia Long had a vague feeling of illusion.

"this world……"

Listening to the repeated reports on the virtual screen, Xia Long took a breath and closed the curtains again.

After just a while, he felt that the world was extremely weird, and there was a depressing and dull atmosphere everywhere.

"This world is not a good place!"

Xia Long groaned and opened the door and walked out of the room.

As if being eroded by darkness, he is gradually dying invisibly. If he continues to live in such an environment...

"Da da!"

The dark corridor was very deserted, and the quietness made people feel chilly.

"Click!" The sound of the iron door opening broke the silence, and a long-haired young man wearing a black windbreaker walked out of the room next to Xia Long.

"Who are you?" As he closed the door, the young man also noticed Xia Long beside him.

Xia Long's eyes swept over the young man, lingered on the watch faintly exposed on the young man's left wrist for a while, and said: "As for me, I should be considered your neighbor..."

"Do you know who I am?" The young man's calm face fluctuated, and he looked at Xia Long closely, "Please tell me, who am I?"

"Ah?" Xia Long was slightly stunned.

After a pause, the young man tried to explain: "When I woke up, I was in the ward, and then a young woman appeared, and then there was an explosion, but the news said it was a gas leak... Also, there is nothing in my house that can hint at my identity."

At this point, the young man asked again expectantly: "Who am I?"

"How can I know?" Xia Long shook his head and smiled, "I just moved here."

Has he lost his memory?

Although it's a bit strange, it's the first person he met.

Seeing the young man's gloomy face, Xia Long continued: "Don't worry, you will get your memory back sooner or later."

"Excuse me." Nodding, the young man hurried away with a trace of melancholy.

"Agent?" Xia Long paused for a while and followed him into the elevator.

He felt a breath of Seven's light from the young man, as well as confused but bright eyes.

"Savior?" A word suddenly appeared in Xia Long's mind.

Walking out of the building, the rain had subsided, and the screens above his head were still playing various information, even making Xia Long feel a vague sense of surveillance.

Frowning slightly, Xia Long stepped into the night.

"Agent X, there is a new mission for you. Go to the DELPHI Club according to the given coordinates and find Agents K and J to assist in the operation..."

A steady male voice came from the VC device.

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