Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 274 Sea of ​​Insects, Battle in the Mysterious Realm

"Long, you're back?"

In front of the Chengnan Sports Club, Xia Long looked at Ayumi running towards him in the hall in confusion.

"What are you still standing there for? Everyone is waiting for you!"

The girl in a long skirt looked like a daffodil, and the faint fragrance drifted past Xia Long's nose.

"Ayumi?" Xia Long looked back at the clear sky and rows of familiar buildings, "Am I really...back?"

"Of course it's true, hurry up!" Ayumi scolded, and without waiting for Xia Long to think more, she pulled him into the hall.

The sports club was unusually lively, and the president Omura and Baizi and others were happily gathered around a long table.

"Ah, Long is here!" The sharp-eyed Omura greeted Xia Long immediately after seeing him.


The children gathered around jumped around, Xiaotong, Xiang, Hirono... the little guys chattered non-stop.

"Long!" Zhu Xingtuan walked forward with a smile on his face, "You've worked hard. Don't leave this time. Return to the MAC team."


Xia Long's eyes swept over everyone one by one.

Beside the long table, Astra hugged Ron and nodded to him, and Meng beside him hugged Saeko happily.

Closing his eyes, Xia Long took a deep breath.

For a while, he almost believed it, but...

"I can't go back before dealing with Zaki!"

Opening his eyes again, Xia Long raised his left arm with force, and the light of the evolution instrument instantly enveloped the hall, and the originally excited people stopped their actions.

"Long, what do you want to do?"

Ayumi looked at Xia Long with resentment, and the originally gentle Zhu Xingtuan also frowned at the same time.

"Long, don't mess around!"

Looking around calmly, in the shocked and angry eyes of everyone in the club, Xia Long clenched his fists fiercely, and a strong light burst out, and the space suddenly broke with a crashing sound.


As the light converged, Xia Long stepped out of the space ripples, and the scene in front of him changed drastically.

The desolate land was filled with white fog in the middle, and the silence was a bit weird.

"What a powerful illusion, is this the true face?"

"Huh~" Gathering his thoughts, Xia Long concentrated on this strange place.

The undulating ground was endless, the sky was gray, and occasionally glowed with blood. At this time, black undercurrents gathered and threw into the depths of the white fog.

Focusing on the black undercurrents, Xia Long felt a terrifying pressure.

"Here is..."

Xia Long's palms tightened, and his eyes turned to the white fog around him.


In the originally peaceful wasteland, a steady stream of viscous liquid gushed out, and after contacting the white fog, they condensed into small insect monsters.

Amid the rustling sound, the entire space instantly turned into a sea of ​​insects, and the mucus exuded waves of disgusting smell.

"Keng!" As the sea of ​​insects surged, Xia Long also completed his transformation. The bright lightsaber on his left arm made a buzzing sound, and the sword light was ready to go.

Compared with the movement here, the insect chaos in the eastern region was just a small fight.

"What's going on here?"

"Shhh!" Xia Long swung his sword with a fierce impact.

"Bang bang bang!" Wherever the light passed, the small insect monsters burst like bubbles.

But soon more small insect monsters came. Although they were not strong, their number was almost endless.

"Chiji!" The insects scattered all over the mountains and plains seemed to have received orders and attacked Xia Long frantically. Many fusion monsters began to cause damage to Xia Long.


After breaking free from a tentacle, Xia Long slashed the insect monsters that were close to him, and kicked left and right in the flames of the explosion. For a while, insect monsters of all sizes flew all over the sky.

"Boom boom!"

Having swung his arms countless times, Xia Long mechanically swept away the waves of attacks from the insect monsters. He was almost drowned in the continuous explosions and flames, but the insect monsters did not seem to be reduced at all, and the existence that could cause him harm was increasing.

The sword light split several insect monsters again, and Xia Long obviously felt the effort.

These insect monsters seemed to be beginning to adapt to his attacks, and their surface defenses were constantly improving.

"If this continues..."

Xia Long raised his sword and looked at the two tall black shadows in the insect swarm.

"Bang!" The black shadow took heavy steps and approached with the momentum of Mount Tai, making a series of low roars.

When the figure was fully revealed, Xia Long found that they were two mutated insect monsters, wrapped in thick armor, with a fierce breath, and the threat he brought to him was stronger than that of more than a dozen insect monsters.

It has appeared!

After Xia Long killed several insect monsters in the middle, he tried to attack the two monsters, but the lightsaber was almost stuck in the monsters.

Defense has increased by several levels!

"Is that all?" In the white mist, a thin and vague figure looked indifferently at the middle of the sea of ​​insects, "Kill him!"

"Roar!" After receiving the order, the mutant monster's eyes turned red. After blocking Xia Long's attacks several times, it launched a violent heavy attack, which made Xia Long's body tremble.

"Shock!" In the critical situation, Xia Long had to use overclocking again to kill the two mutant insect monsters with force.

"Keng--!" The light blade with flaming flames passed through the monster's neck, causing a roar and explosion, and Xia Long's pressure was reduced.

However, feeling the rapid loss of energy, Xia Long knew that he could not drag it on any longer.

It must be a quick battle!

While swinging, the figures of everyone in the Chengnan Club appeared in Xia Long's mind.

Ayumi, the captain, Astra...

He promised to go back after completing his mission.

"wait for me!"

"Bang!" With his legs bent, Xia Long attacked more fiercely, almost moving through the sea of ​​insects with a harvesting force.

kill! kill! kill!

Xia Long completely let go of his hands and feet, and his fighting spirit soared. Even when faced with the siege of mutated insect monsters, he did not retreat. His fighting skills were brought to the extreme. Wherever the sword light passed, nothing but explosions occurred.

"Boom!" The stimulated insect monsters gathered together, their tentacles carrying electric current, rushing towards Xia Long even more crazily, and soon submerged Xia Long in the tentacles.

In the white mist space, as the main character was trapped, the sprinting insect monsters stopped one after another and kept roaring towards the center.



Suddenly, energy surged among the calm insect pile, and the gathered tentacles suddenly exploded. Under the impact of the air wave, the surrounding insect monsters flew away like sandbags.

In the center of the air wave, as the ground shook, a silver and red body rushed up like a stream of flames in the violent explosion of flames, hanging in the air.


Putting away the lightsaber, Xia Long crossed his arms, and streams of energy light gathered crazily.

After fighting hard, he no longer cared about energy consumption. The skills he did not dare to use on earth were very suitable in this strange space.

"A full blow!"

"Zizzi!" A fiery red ball of light condensed on Xia Long's chest with airflow, and the energy aura rose sharply.

"Overclocking countdown, 10..."

As the 001 prompt sounded, Xia Long pressed down his hands as he shouted, and the energy light ball suddenly bombarded the ground while the insect monsters were instinctively frightened.

"Boom——!" In the continuous roar, the bright flame light swelled to form a huge hemispheric cover, and the mushroom-shaped smoke cloud rose in the middle. The entire insect sea was instantly enveloped by the air waves, and the endless insect monsters were completely exasperated. change.

"Overclocking is over!"

"Beep!" After the attack, the expected feeling of weakness also hit him. Xia Long couldn't resist the aftermath of the impact, and even wanted to fall asleep like this.

However, he knew that it was not the time to rest yet. Not to mention the impact below, when the white mist in the distance dissipated, he faintly sensed that a more terrifying crisis was still waiting for him.

"The situation must be adjusted as soon as possible."

Holding back the discomfort, Xia Long healed his body while drawing energy from the evolution device and integrating it into his body.

The continuous fierce fighting, coupled with the all-out attack just now, consumed the energy stored in the evolution device very much.

Originally, Xia Long thought he would no longer have to worry about energy issues, but he was still nervous to use it. He could use the attack just once at most, but the cost was that the energy needed to return to the Kingdom of Light would be exhausted.

In that case, unless he finds a suitable energy source, he will stay in this time and space forever.

Clenching his fist, Xia Long concentrated his attention on the place where the dark light flow converged.

(PS: There are all kinds of difficulties, the cat needs to cheer up)

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