Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 278 Hidden Reality

"Alien!" As the monster came into view, Xia Long's pupils shrank slightly, and some information suddenly flashed through his mind.

"How could there be such a monster here?"

Without thinking about what was going on, Xia Long dodged the monster's tentacles and hurriedly left the bus and ran towards the road.

After just one confrontation, he knew that he could not do anything with the monster for the time being, and even running away was not possible. He could only delay time as much as possible.

After running a short distance, Xia Long felt the strong wind from the monster's tentacles behind him, gritted his teeth and turned around to hug it, but then his body swayed left and right under the monster's strange power, and was quickly pulled towards the disgusting big mouth.

"Hah!" After struggling to shake off the tentacles, Xia Long rolled on the ground and turned over to avoid it.

Although he was a rescue team member with good physical fitness, he was still very weak to fight back against the alien beast.


Staggering to his feet, Xia Long's body sank, staring at the alien beast intently.

The other party has flexible and extended tentacles, and turning his back to such a monster is undoubtedly a very dangerous and stupid move.


"Jiang!" After the attack of the alien beast was blocked, it became extremely impatient and quickly moved towards Xia Long. Its two fan-shaped mouthparts expanded, mucus flew, and another tentacle on its side began to extend.

"Swish!" Two tentacles swept over from the left and right, and the fishy smell continued to grow in Xia Long's eyes.


With the pain in his arm, Xia Long tried to push away a tentacle, but his body was entangled by another tentacle and pulled up.

"Ugh!" In a hurry, Xia Long only had time to grab the guardrail on the side of the road, and then a strong pulling feeling came, directly dragging him up.

Enduring the severe pain, Xia Long's forehead veins bulged, and he held the guardrail tightly.

He knew that the alien beast was approaching, but with this lonely body, he could not do anything, and could only watch his white fingers slide away from the guardrail inch by inch.


Sweat blurred his eyes, and in a trance, Xia Long's mind flashed the scene of drowning again. When he swallowed the water, a strong arm stretched out:

"Don't give up!"

Come back to his senses, Xia Long gritted his teeth and continued to exert force: "That's right... can't... give up!"

If he was eaten by the alien beast, everything would be over. Even if he was lucky enough to be fine, Gu Men would lose his life because of him.

Thinking of Li Zi who had always supported and encouraged Gu Men, Xia Long shouted and resisted hard again.

"Keng!" Just when Xia Long was about to lose strength, a bright light suddenly shone.

"Bang--!" With a loud noise beside his ear, Xia Long's body relaxed and fell to the ground with a muffled groan.

"What happened?"

Tearing off the tentacles on his body, Xia Long climbed up and looked back in confusion, only to see that the alien beast had disappeared, and the road in the original place was pierced by the huge arm.

"Zizi!" Following the flashing electric light, a silver giant tens of meters high outside the road came into Xia Long's eyes.

"What is this?" Xia Long's eyes trembled as he looked at the giant's streamlined body that seemed to be born for battle, "Nexus..."

"Huh——" The giant slowly retracted his fist, looked down at Xia Long, and his figure gradually blurred and disappeared. Only the pit in the middle of the road with a diameter of several meters and still smoking proved the movement just now.

"Is this the world of Nexus?" Looking at the pit, Xia Long felt a tingling pain deep in his mind.

I have clearly seen "Ultraman Nexus", but I can't remember any plot. The only impression left is because of the encounter with the alien beast and Nexus just now.

Shaking his head, Xia Long heard a sound of footsteps coming from behind.

"The vibration wave level has decreased, and the target has disappeared."

The four people seemed to be a small team of well-trained special forces, and their strange weapons and equipment were very shocking.

"In any case, ensure the safety of the survivors first!"


As these people moved, Xia Long only then noticed that they were all wearing Bereg on their wrists.


Xia Long immediately remembered the communication with Matsunaga.

"What happened here?"

A female team member stopped and saw Xia Long standing there stupidly without saying anything. She frowned and shouted, "I asked you what happened just now. Did you hear me?"

"Are you also from TLT?" Xia Long did not respond, but just looked at the other person's left arm.

The wrist guard is indeed Bereg.

"It's you." The female team member turned on Bereg, checked the information, and looked at Xia Long. She only felt a bad impression.

"I'll give you a piece of advice." Glancing at the rock wall behind Xia Long, the female team member suddenly raised her gun and shot.

"Jiji!" In the explosion, a hidden little alien beast was instantly killed by firepower.

The equipment is quite powerful. Looking at the small pit with a diameter of more than ten centimeters on the stone wall, Xia Long was slightly surprised.

"Next time, protect your own life." After leaving a cold sentence, the woman put away her gun and ran towards her teammates.

Retracting his gaze from the stone wall, Xia Long looked at the woman's back with complicated thoughts.

TLT is indeed not an ordinary organization. This strange team in front of him should be a team specializing in dealing with alien beasts.

Standing quietly beside the road, Xia Long felt that a big door was gradually opening towards him.

This world seemed to hide the truth that ordinary people didn't know. But why Gu Men, an ordinary person, was involved in it, he needed to continue walking to know.

And Nexus...

Xia Long thought of the silver giant who saved him before.

Whether Nexus was related to the light he saw in the ruins, and what kind of existence it was, he also needed to understand.

Rubbing his slightly strained arm muscles, Xia Long set off towards the investigation site.

On the deep mountain road, Xia Long took the black van from last time, and Song Yong explained in detail beside him.

“Alien beasts are a mysterious group of creatures that came to Earth from the universe. The purpose of the special defense organization TLT is to secretly eliminate these creatures.”

“Secretly?” Xia Long was a little confused. It was incredible that such a terrifying alien beast was secretly eliminated without leaking the news.

In a way, it also shows the strength of TLT.

“We are here.” With Song Yong’s reminder, a huge dam appeared in front of Xia Long.

“It looks like an ordinary dam on the surface, but it is surrounded by a heavily guarded warning system. Ordinary people can’t get close to it.” Song Yong deliberately emphasized ordinary people.

“Where is this?” Xia Long followed Song Yong into the dam and found that it was connected in all directions, which was very different from the ordinary outside.

"The 3rd branch, Fort Freedom, is the third base of TLT Japan," Matsunaga explained as he walked. "The mission of the 515 employees working here is to deal with the alien beast incidents in the entire Kanto region."

"In addition, the department you are assigned to is the team responsible for the most important task, the night attack team, which is responsible for attacking alien beasts. I think you should have seen them."

Xia Long nodded, thinking of the cold female team member who had contact with him.

Taking Xia Long into the elevator, Matsunaga continued: "From today, you will receive special training for a month. How about it? Do you have any questions?"

"One thing," Xia Long paused and asked, "The question that Mr. Matsunaga didn't answer last time is why did you choose me?"

As he said this, Xia Long looked closely at Matsunaga. This was a very fatal question, which might be related to his safety. After all, he has not shown any extraordinary qualities so far, but the previous Gumen has left many records of rescue failures.

Matsuonaga looked at Xia Long and said: "No matter what the reason is, I just hope you remember one thing, protecting the future of mankind is our mission."

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