Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 297 Secret TLT Experiment

"Himeya... let me fight for you this time."

Amid the buzzing sound, the energy of the evolution instrument was running wildly, and Xia Long turned into streams of light.


A muffled sound spread throughout the forest amid the whistling wind.

"What is that?" In the Chester fighter, He Cang and the others paused.

Under the night sky, a circular light curtain appeared out of thin air under the monster's mouthparts, blocking the several-meter-wide mouth that was rushing to the ground.

"It's... Komon!" He Cang noticed the familiar figure under the light curtain and said in horror, "Stop shooting!"

"Heh--!" Under the huge impact of the monster, Xia Long's hat and glasses were blown away by the strong wind, and his body gradually retreated under the impact.

So heavy!

"Zizizi!" After only a few seconds of stalemate, the energy barrier continued to emit electric sparks, and was almost deformed by the pressure of the alien beast.

"Go!" Urging the people behind him, Xia Long shouted again, and pressed his hands directly on the monster's wrinkled skin and sticky teeth through the barrier.

"Roar!" The alien beast roared and approached, causing Xia Long's footsteps to slip, and he fell into the ground after dragging two pits.

Even with the power of the evolution instrument, the human body could not resist this alien beast, even if it was just a predatory organ.

Resisting the terrifying power from his arm, Xia Long's face was sweating like a spring, and unbearable pain spread all over his body. Then a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart, and he saw flames gathering in the mouth of the alien beast above his head.

"Fu——" The hot breath rushed towards him, and the red color entered Xia Long's eyes, and then the entire energy barrier twisted.


The first thing to be hit was the barrier, and then Xia Long's body, with almost no room for resistance. After the light curtain was broken, Xia Long was thrown away.


Falling on the grass, Xia Long heard the roar of the alien beast and the sound of biting and swallowing from the front before he could recover.

"Ah——!" There were also women crying and screaming in the night sky.

"Damn it!" Xia Long gritted his teeth and tried to prop himself up, but his whole body seemed to be broken, and the spasmodic pain instantly occupied his mind, making it almost impossible for him to think.


Stopped moving, Xia Long looked through the grass with difficulty, and found that the man in the flowered shirt among the three people had been swallowed by the monster, and the remaining two people also became prey targets.

If this goes on...

"Uh." Seeing the strange mouth spit out a fireball to block the attack of the night attack team, and then bite the ground again, Xia Long endured the pain and crossed his fists.

"Ultra... telekinesis..."

The weak wave spread from Xia Long's forehead, through the layers of grass and trees covering the mouth of the alien beast, at least blocking the attack.

"Wow--" At this time, a ball of light burst out beside the monster, and then Xia Long's telekinesis lifted the monster.

"Mr. Himeya..." Looking at the silver giant that emerged from the light ball, Xia Long's body softened and lay powerlessly on the grass.

In the end, Himeya Jun had to fight with his seriously injured body, even though he was already in a coma...

"Ugh." Deep fatigue surged up, and soon Xia Long had no strength to pay attention to the outcome of the battle. He only heard footsteps in the blur, and many shadows in white protective clothing surrounded him.


"Target confirmed, start recovery work!"


"Beep, beep~"

Intermittent radio waves sounded in Xia Long's ears. When he opened his eyes, he found himself tied to the operating table. The circular shadowless light above his head was very dazzling, and there were all kinds of electronic equipment and walking staff around.

It was very similar to the first time he was examined, but this time...

"Administrator, do we have to go this far?" Xia Long tried to struggle, but found that his body still had no strength, not only because of the previous battle, but also because he seemed to have been injected with some medicine.

In the monitoring room on the other side, Matsunaga watched the scene in the laboratory through the screens.

"What we want to know is the secret of his power and the connection between this secret and Ultra Warriors," Matsunaga said to the experiment supervisor, "What happened when he touched the sarcophagus? Will it be related to the source of Ultra Warriors' power... If we know this..."

"Try to stimulate his brain with electric current." The supervisor suggested.

In the laboratory, while Xia Long was thinking, the experimenter first injected sleeping gas into him through a respirator, and then put a strange device on his head.


Xia Long narrowed his eyes slightly, and his brain suddenly felt a sharp pain.

These people actually...

"Hmm!" Clenching his fists, scenes of memories replayed in Xia Long's mind.

"Mr. Himeya..."

"So that's it, the one called Himeya Jun is an Ultra Warrior?" Matsunaga watched the screen through the glasses device, "The important thing is where this power comes from?"

As the memory fragments flashed, the sarcophagus soon appeared.

"That's when!" Matsunaga watched excitedly as the sarcophagus emitted electricity and enveloped Xia Long. The memories of Himeya Jun also began to emerge clearly. In addition to the painful memories on the battlefield, there was also a mysterious relic.

"That's it..."


Just as Matsunaga was about to take a closer look, the screen suddenly jumped rapidly, and a seemingly endless tunnel of light appeared.

"What is this? Where is the relic?" Seeing that the screen had remained unchanged, Matsunaga anxiously took off the device and looked at the supervisor.

"I don't know," the supervisor walked to the computer and frowned, "Strange, there is obviously no problem with the instrument, but it can't stimulate the current, as if it is blocked by something..."

"How could this happen?" Matsunaga looked at Xia Long, who had regained his composure on the surveillance screen, with a gloomy face.

"There is no way, the brain scan can only go so far."

"In this case, let's conduct the alien beast vibration wave irradiation experiment next."

"Alien beast vibration wave? But this is very harmful to the human body, team member Komon..."

"Try to control it within the range of Komon's body, maybe you can separate the power... If not, you can only use that Himeya Jun," Matsunaga was silent for a while, looked at the laboratory screen and said, "In short, I will bear all the consequences."


In the laboratory, when Xia Long opened his eyes again, the image of Kiraraze Yu appeared beside him.

"Explanator..." Xia Long looked at the white-clothed boy in front of him weakly.

A hint of complexity appeared on his calm face, but the boy didn't say anything, just glanced at him and disappeared in the laboratory.

Xia Long saw a hint of worry and helplessness in the other's eyes, as well as a deep confusion.


The radio waves were still beating, but the shadowless lamp had been moved away by the staff, and replaced by a cylindrical device facing his eyes, with the tip seeming to be a laser generator.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Xia Long felt uneasy.

He didn't think TLT could cause any harm to him, after all, even he himself couldn't tell what his current state of existence was.

However, Gu Men's body was different. He was originally a rescue team member who was only slightly stronger than ordinary people. Even if he joined the night attack team and trained with his efforts, he was still not that strong.


After all the personnel withdrew, as the instrument was running, strong energy rays shone through the tip to Xia Long's face.

"This is..."

The vibration wave of the alien beast!

Feeling the burning stimulation deep into the cells, Xia Long groaned.

"If this goes on, Gu Men will..."

The wave energy was constantly strengthened, and soon Xia Long felt a sense of physical collapse, and his heart rate increased sharply.

"Resonance frequency 9.42, spectrum amplification rate 3000..."

"Spectrum amplification rate 4000..."

"Change wavelength..."

In the monitoring room, the staff kept reporting, and everyone was nervously watching the screen.


"No..." Matsunaga noticed the crazy increase in the frequency on the electrocardiograph, and was hesitating to terminate the experiment, when he suddenly found another light on the screen, "Wait, what is that?"

Everyone noticed the strong light emerging on Xia Long's left arm, beating like life, and faint heartbeats came.

"Energy, it seems... absorbed?" An experimenter hesitated, "Administrator..."

"Keep trying!" Matsunaga gritted his teeth, "Pay attention to record the data."


The light waves in the laboratory continued to irradiate, and the outline of Xia Long's left arm evolution instrument became clearer and clearer.

"Fifty percent...sixty percent..."

The closer the irradiation frequency is to a certain limit, the higher the degree of recovery of the evolution instrument, but at the same time, the damage to the body is also increasing.

"Uh!" In just a moment, the evolution instrument directly recovered 80%, and the strong light poured out to cover Xia Long.



In Matsunaga's astonished eyes, the light filled the entire screen, and then suddenly shrank. When he reacted, the laboratory was empty.

"Where did it go?" Matsunaga was nervous for a moment, and quickly turned to the experimenter and asked, "What's the result?"

"How could this happen? The anomaly just now... consumed, at least, the energy of at least one nuclear power plant... and all the data disappeared!"

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