Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 3 The eldest lady?

Xia Long finally stayed in the club despite his perseverance. Although he had a bad feeling about Bumi's expression, what was more important than filling his stomach?

"President!" After having a meal at the club, Xia Long met the club president Masashi Omura.

"Ah, you are the dragon!" Omura patted Xia Long on the shoulder hard, "Your health is not very good, you need to exercise more..."


"But it happens that the club is short of people, so you can stay!" After Omura finished speaking, he leaned into Xia Long's ear and said, "Have you offended the eldest lady? You won't have a good face after you come here."

"Haha," Xia Long laughed a few times and looked at Omura with a strange expression, "Miss? You are not talking about..."

Omura didn't answer, gave Xia Long a protective look and waved away.

No way?

Xia Long was stunned on the spot.

Why didn't I know there was a eldest lady in the club?

Thinking of Ayumi's expression in front of him, he felt a wail in his heart.

Even Leo is missing, what else is impossible? By the way, when did I offend that girl?

"Why are you still standing there? Change your clothes!"

Looking at Ayumi in training clothes in front of him, Xia Long finally figured out what Omura meant.

Picking up the training clothes aside, Xia Long felt relieved. What did he think it was? It turned out to be just sparring. Although he had never practiced before, what could a girl do to him?

"Hey, what are you doing? Who asked you to change here? Go to the changing room, bastard!" Ayumi scolded with a red face. This bastard actually changed clothes in front of her.

"Huh? Uh, sorry..."

After finally changing his clothes, Xia Long stood in front of Ayumi sweating profusely.

"Is this okay?"

"Hmph, don't think that keeping you in the club is a sign of pity for you," the girl straightened her posture and said coldly, "We don't need weak people here. If you want to stay, use your skills!"

"Hey, this is a club, not your home," Xia Long said with a serious expression as he thought about his situation, "Don't think that being a eldest lady means you are great. No one will marry you in the future if you have such a bad temper..."

"You!" The girl seemed to be angry. She glared, bent her knees and kicked her legs!


Before Xia Long could say anything more, a kick suddenly magnified in front of his eyes.

"Oops!" The soles of my feet slipped, and before I could react to the pain on my nose, there was another sharp pain in my butt.

"Boom!" The sound echoed throughout the dojo, attracting everyone's attention.

"Which unlucky guy is risking his life to mess with the eldest lady, tsk tsk!"

Covering his nose with his hand, Xia Long was so painful that he couldn't speak. It took him a while to recover.

"It hurts! It's bleeding..." Fortunately, he had experienced the pain in his nose before, otherwise he would have shed tears this time.

"Don't think I'm afraid of you," Xia Long gritted his teeth and said, "I just don't want to hit a woman!"

Ayumi frowned: "Forget it, I guess you're qualified."

With that said, he walked out of the dojo alone.

"What a deadly move!" Xia Long watched the girl leave. He wanted to get up but couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air and found that his butt hurt badly.

"Hey, you're lucky. Last time, a guy pissed off the eldest lady and he was so beaten that he had to lie in the hospital for half a month!"

"so smart?"

"That's how awesome it is!"

Looking at this group of frightened men, Xia Long felt a thump in his heart and secretly screamed that something was not good. Looking at the girl like that, the future life might not be much better.

You have to find opportunities to practice your skills. Not to mention dealing with aliens, at least you can't be bullied by a girl...


Omura brought Xia Long to a small single room with some sundries and a single bed.

"Meng has always lived here before, but recently he went out to live," Omura paused and said, "The location is a bit small, so Long will make do with it first."

"No, it's very good." Xia Long muttered in his heart. It's much better than the school dormitory, at least it's a single room.

"Well, Long," Omura pointed outside, "You may be a little dissatisfied with the eldest lady, but she is actually a pretty good person..."

"I know, I know," Xia Long waved his hand, "President, you don't need to say more, I won't be the same as her... Uh, I mean, I won't be angry with her."

It's weird if you don't get angry. I'll call you back later...

Omura nodded and sighed: "Ever since she was a child, when she saw her mother and brother killed by monsters, she has always come here to practice. Even though she looks like she wants to be strong..."

Xia Long paused and smiled, "I understand that I was the one who gave in to her just now. That kick was nothing at all. If I get serious...

Hey, President, why do you look so ugly? "

Looking at Omura's weird expression, Xia Long smiled stiffly and said, "I know, you're behind me, right?"

Judging from his many years of experience, in this case, the chance that the person involved is behind him is as high as 90%.

"Ah, um, President, can I take a leave now?" Xia Long looked bitter. He was really unlucky for eight lifetimes. He could feel the cold air behind him without turning around.

However, after a while, the man behind him did not speak.

"She's gone!" Omura said.

"Haha, I didn't say anything bad about her just now?" Xia Long laughed a few times, then silently watched the girl's leaving figure, thoughtfully.

It's another sad story, but in Leo's world, which is full of tragedies, this situation is not surprising.

But why do I always feel that she "takes care" of me a little too much? I didn't provoke her much.

Could it be that she likes me? Xia Long shook his head. It's impossible. We haven't met for a long time.

He thought of the day on Kuroshio Island.

It's unreasonable to be so dissatisfied with me just because I fainted!

Speaking of Kuroshio Island, Xia Long remembered something. According to the original plot, not long after the first attack on Kuroshio Island, the two monsters will come back again, and they will directly sink Kuroshio Island.

"This is a big deal!" Xia Long sighed, "Okay, in order to prevent this young lady from getting into trouble, and in order to prevent the tragedy of Kuroshio Island, we must think of a way no matter how difficult it is!"

"President, do you have a phone call?"

Xia Long remembered what Zhu Xingtuan said to him a few days ago.

"The earth will always rely on humans to protect it. This is my personal phone number. Contact me if you have any problems!"

Indeed, Seven can't transform, and Leo has disappeared without a trace. For the time being, the earth can only rely on the earthlings themselves. Although I don't know whether the M78 Nebula will send a new Ultraman, to be honest, it is unlikely at present. In the original play, Seven faced so many difficulties, and no one came to Earth to help.

However, Xia Long was still puzzled by the actions of Zhuxing Tuan.

As the human body of Seven and the captain of the MAC team, such a person with a unique status and position, his attitude towards him was too good.

After hesitating for a moment, Xia Long finally dialed the phone. No matter what, the matter of Kuroshio Island can only rely on the MAC team.

"Hello, I am Zhuxing Tuan."


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