Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 302 Fateful Battle


In the heavy snow, a black robe caught Xia Long's eyes. It was very conspicuous in the vast snow. The wind and snow were not hindered. He walked step by step and finally stopped dozens of meters away from Xia Long.

"That person..." The girl also noticed the black-robed figure.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time, human." Under the brim of the hat, a cold gaze was cast at Xia Long, and a slightly hoarse voice penetrated the flying snow and reached Xia Long's ears clearly.

"Me too." Shaking his head at the girl, Xia Long stepped forward to face the black-robed man.

Zaki... From the Leo world to the present, the long-term fateful blockade will eventually be interrupted.

"Huh, come on." The black-robed man raised his mouth, and black smoke surged out like flames. The wind and snow were suddenly stretched to form a vacuum area, and the sky that was originally illuminated also darkened in an instant.


The unprecedented oppressive breath approached Xia Long, and it rushed like a sea of ​​snow.

"Keng!" Pulling out the Evolution Truster, Xia Long shouted and condensed the light energy to stop the impact. The light energy was like a lone boat in the sea storm, suffering from the impact of the air.


As the black light on the opposite side rose to the sky, Xia Long also raised his short sword and broke the dark blockade with the brilliant light column.


The wind and snow suddenly stopped under the confrontation of air, and lightning flashed around. Two huge bodies appeared on the Antarctic continent at the moment when the light converged.

"Giant!" In the snow, the girl stood up in her clothes, muttering and looking up.

"Protect yourself!" After protecting the girl with a light shield, Xia Long rushed to Zaki without hesitation.

Even with the power of Nexus, he only had the strength to fight. He could feel the gap between himself and Zaki, and he needed to make up for this gap with all his strength.

"Must win!"

While Zaki has not fully recovered!

"Shh!" After several attacks back and forth, Xia Long shouted and took advantage of Zaki's counterattack to fly off the ground. At the same time, his hands kept firing crescent-shaped light blades to block Zaki who was also flying.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Taking advantage of Zaki's blocking, Xia Long's Nexus weapon on his right wrist unfolded the bow of light, and with the shining light arrow, a light blade like a fire phoenix swiftly attacked downwards.

"Boom!" The flames burst out in succession and completely enveloped Zaki's red and black figure, but Xia Long did not feel that Zaki's breath weakened, but was strengthened.


Xia Long subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but he was still half a beat slower. The fierce attack came almost instantly. With a heavy blow to his abdomen, he penetrated the layers of clouds and flew backwards.

"Hah!" After swinging away the impact, Xia Long dodged the attack that followed, and his body moved to the extreme, attacking Zaki back and forth between the clouds.

Amid a series of explosions, two figures, one black and one purple, collided and separated as if teleporting, sometimes in the South Pole and sometimes near the equator.


After moving to the sky above the Pacific Ocean, Xia Long was unexpectedly blasted into the sea by Zaki with a wicked smile. The terrifying force, with the energy impact of a nuclear bomb, pressed the sea surface into a concave mark with a diameter of several kilometers, and the shock wave brought about a continuous tsunami that spread everywhere.

"Damn it!"

Turning his body and breaking through the sea surface, Xia Long dodged one energy light bomb after another, and rushed into the sky to fight with Zaki again.

With his current energy intensity, the damage he caused to Zaki was really limited. On the contrary, close combat was more useful, although Zaki's combat ability was also very strong.

"Buzz~" Surrounding Zaki, Xia Long raised his hand and unfolded the elbow light blade, his figure flashed continuously, and the clone skill that defeated Mephisto was displayed again, and the hurricane-like light blade cutting increased the attack strength to the extreme.

"Hoo--!" The continuous battle seemed to make Zagi impatient. After feeling the threat of Xia Long's attack, the dark energy around him suddenly burst out.

"Ugh!" Under the impact and collision that dispersed the clouds, Xia Long's clones all collapsed, and the main body was caught off guard and blasted back to the Antarctic.

"It was easily broken... cough cough, so powerful!"

"Shh~shh~" Floating over the Antarctic, Xia Long panted and looked at the girl walking in the snow below, then his figure rose again, leaving the atmosphere and entering the universe.

The battle level is getting higher and higher. If it continues, Zagi may be able to use a trick to destroy the earth. He doesn't want the innocent girl to be involved.

If he is Kalio, the peak strength of the Ultra Brothers is close to 10,000, and now Nexus's combat power has increased to more than 50,000, which is still the basic index, and it can be multiplied with the blessing of some skills.

Such a terrible combat power almost makes him a little uncontrollable, especially in a disadvantageous situation, his strength can never be fully exerted.

However, this inheritance light seemed to bring him more than just power. As time went on, his mastery became higher and higher, and his corresponding combat power increased faster and faster.

"This power..."

"Ha!" After condensing the barrier to block the light, Xia Long calmed down a little and shouted again to meet Zaki.

"Bang!" As the fists collided, the two retreated almost at the same time, and a circle of dazzling halo spread in the middle, illuminating the Antarctic.

"The giants are still fighting..." On the glacier, when the girl found a human base, she just saw the halo blooming in the sky.

The black clouds covering the sky had dissipated, and the girl rarely saw the scene outside the earth.

"Dad, the hope you let me live to find... is this it?" Tightening the thick clothes wrapped around her body, the girl's eyes flashed with confusion.

In space, fierce fighting continued. Although the offensive slowed down, Xia Long and Zaki's strength continued to improve in the battle, and the intensity of the battle became greater and greater.



Unlike Xia Long, Zaki's recovery was not to improve his mastery, but to absorb energy. Dark energy could often be seen appearing from nowhere and merging into Zaki's body.

"It's over!" After the energy rose again, Zaki suddenly sneered, and the hellish black flames on his fist instantly enveloped Xia Long's figure.

"Hah!" He held up the barrier tightly to block the black flames, but Xia Long himself was uncontrollably blasted into the lunar soil, causing the entire moon to shake slightly.

At the bottom of the huge pit filled with dust and fog, Xia Long groaned and propped up his body.

Zaki's previous attack was slightly beyond his current tolerance, especially the strange black flames, which caused him a little breathless.

Feeling the dark breath rushing from above again, Xia Long clenched his fists.

Nexus is no match for Zagi, unless...

"Shh!" Condensing a barrier to block the red and black light skills released by Zagi's fists, Xia Long slowly stood up from the bottom of the pit.

(PS: In order to keep updating, I will update first)

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