Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 33 Extreme Training

"Why am I here?" As the white light disappeared, Ayumi woke up, looked around in confusion, and finally stared at Xia Long and said, "Damn you, what did you do to me?"

"Ah, this, didn't you say you had something to do with me?" Xia Long's mouth twitched, don't say such ambiguous words.

"Is there?" Ayumi wrinkled her nose, thought for a while, and suddenly seemed to remember something, put her hands on her waist, and said angrily, "By the way! Where's my cat?"

Xia Long opened his mouth, and recalled the cute little loli who called him big brother in his mind, and she couldn't compare with the girl staring at him.

Is it the same person?

Xia Long looked at Ayumi suspiciously.

"Hey," Ayumi said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you looking at me with such a strange look?"

"Pretty cute..." Xia Long murmured.

"Forget it," Ayumi blushed and stamped her feet, "It's useless to ask you!"

Looking at Ayumi running out like the wind, Xia Long paused and shook his head, "She was quite cute when she was a child, why is she so fierce when she grows up?"

"Long?" Tuan looked back at Ayumi who ran out with a red face, and then looked at Xia Long who was in a daze in the room, "What are you doing?"

"Ah, Captain!" Xia Long came back to his senses and saw Tuan looking at him strangely. His eyebrows jumped. The last time he saw such a look was when Zuluk committed a series of murders. "What's wrong, Captain?"

"Oh," Tuan retracted his gaze and smiled, "MAC patrol will arrange for you to take a few days off during this period. I came to see what your plans are."

"Plans..." Xia Long thought in his heart. He has been in this world for so long and hasn't had much rest. Should he take this opportunity to go on vacation or something?

If possible, it would be nice to go to places like Osaka and Hokkaido. It would be worthwhile to go around Kanto and Kansai if he had time. After all, he now had some spare money.


Xia Long saw the smile on Tuan's face from the corner of his eye.

No way?

"Captain, what are your plans?" Xia Long asked with a bitter face.

"I want to arrange a special training for you, what do you think?" Tuan smiled, not looking like he was asking a question.

Do I have a choice?

Xia Long sighed and nodded, "No objection."

After getting in the car driven by Tuan, Xia Long looked around curiously. Compared with his patrol car, this one seemed to be a high-end product.

"Captain, where are we going?"

"Long, although you defeated Canedras, it doesn't mean that you are stronger than him, you just happened to find a way to restrain him," Tuan said seriously, "There will be all kinds of monsters in the future. We don't know what they are like, so we can't conduct targeted training. So, this time I plan to give you basic intensive training."

"Basic intensive training?" Xia Long was surprised. He wanted to tell Tuan that he knew about the monsters that would appear later, but when he thought about the interference of Zaki in this world, he didn't know what abnormalities would happen in the future. After thinking about it, he didn't say it.

Tuan nodded and took him to a remote open space.

"We're here."

Looking at the small mounds around the open space, Xia Long always felt familiar. After thinking about it carefully, his face changed. Isn't this the place where Seven helped Fengyuan to train when the Kali star appeared? Wouldn't he be given the same training method?

Speaking of which, the one who appeared after Canedras was the Kali starman. This guy had a pair of horns on his shoulders, and his combat power was much stronger than Canedras. At least Leo, who defeated Zuluk and Canedras, was no match for him. If he was strengthened by Zaki again...

Xia Long couldn't imagine it, but fortunately this guy's weakness was also very obvious, right between his eyes.

"Captain?" Xia Long thought, and suddenly found that Tuan started the car and drove towards him, "Captain!"

"Don't run away, rush towards the car!" Tuan scolded.

What a joke!

Xia Long's eyes widened, looking at the aggressive car, and he jumped to the side dangerously, but when he turned around, he found that the car was rushing towards him again.

"Captain!" Xia Long turned around and ran.

"Long, don't run away!" Tuan increased his horsepower and soon caught up with Xia Long.

"Stop, Captain!" Xia Long tried to stop him with his hands, but found that Tuan was not moved at all.

"Ah!" After all, he couldn't run faster than the car. When Xia Long wanted to jump to the side, he was hit by the car head-on and fell heavily on a small mound.

"Long, don't run, jump towards the car!" Tuan turned the steering wheel and frowned, "Stand up!"

"Hiss!" Xia Long endured the severe pain all over his body, and looked at the car rushing again with a bitter heart.

Fortunately, his physique has been strengthened a lot, otherwise it would be fatal if Seven did this!

"Long, imagine the car as a monster and rush over!" Tuan roared, "Do you want to regret it when you can't beat the monster in the future? Leo must become stronger!"

Xia Long was stunned, then gritted his teeth and stared at the front of the car.

That's right, he must become stronger!

Now his light particle excitation degree has reached 25%, but he can't fully exert his strength. Although he won the previous few battles in the end, it must be said that there is still a large part of luck. Moreover, not every time there is an opportunity for him to conduct special training afterwards.

Only when his strength is stronger can he complete the mission of protection!

"Ah hey!" Xia Long used his legs to leap towards the group.


His feet landed on the front of the car with a muffled sound.

"Very good!" Tuan increased the horsepower again.

"Captain!" Xia Long, who didn't react for a while, was thrown out fiercely.

"Keep going! Long, you can do it!"

Wipe the dirt from his mouth, Xia Long stood up again.

He suddenly felt that this was an opportunity to improve his comprehensive ability, which could indeed strengthen his weak foundation and exercise his courage.

"Ah!" After avoiding the collision again, Xia Long jumped up suddenly, trying to cross over Tuan's head, but was knocked down by Tuan's crutches in mid-air.

"Higher!" Tuan turned the car and continued to collide without waiting for Xia Long to catch his breath, "Fly up, Long!"

Xia Long panted violently and sweated profusely.

It's already reached the limit! No matter what, he is just a human being, how can he fly?

"Captain!" Xia Long kept retreating and waving at Tuan, "I've tried my best! Didn't we agree on basic training?"

"Don't run away!" Tuan continued to drive the car towards Xia Long regardless of anything, "Now it's extreme training!"

"Captain!" Xia Long jumped to the small mound beside him with difficulty.

"Get down!" Tuan stopped the car, "Ultra Warriors must break through their limits, Long, from the moment you have Leo's power, you are no longer an ordinary person!"

The training Tuan was so serious that it was a bit scary. Xia Long was reluctant to contact Tuan at first because of this, but now...

Thinking of the helplessness when fighting with unknown monsters, it was because he was not strong enough. If he hadn't temporarily comprehended the combo boxing method, I'm afraid things would have turned out differently!

"Long, exert your potential!"

Xia Long raised his right hand, and a light flashed in the lion's eye.

(End of this chapter)

(Let's do this for now)

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