Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 369: Meeting a Strong Enemy Again

"Unknown fighter pilot, we know you are inside, put down your weapon and come out slowly..."

Outside an abandoned warehouse, when Xia Long rushed to the scene, there were police cars all around, and armed men holding shields surrounded the entrance of the warehouse. The police, including the uncle, were all on standby.

"Even the police department was dispatched..."

Xia Long looked through the gap and could see Wo Meng walking out of the warehouse step by step.

"Surround him!" With an order, Womeng was quickly surrounded, and the situation was grim.

"My dream!" As my dream was trapped, Xiao Mian's anxious shout suddenly sounded in the warehouse, "Stop, don't take my dream away!"

Several people rushed out of the warehouse and were soon spotted by the police: "There are children over there, protect the children!"


The police officer who received the order immediately stopped Xiao Mian and prevented Xiao Mian from getting closer.

"let me go!"

In the tense atmosphere, Xia Long noticed the glassy red ball in Xiao Mian's hand.

"Ding Ding!" When Xiao Mian was struggling, the red ball slipped out of Xiao Mian's hand and rolled down to the corner of the wall.

"That's it!" Xia Long's eyebrows tightened as his eyes fell on the red ball.

It's the red ball encountered in the space-time tunnel!

"Hey, brat, didn't I ask you to stay in school?" Before Xia Long could think about it, someone suddenly grabbed his arm from behind, "Where are you going again?"

"I..." Xia Long turned around and saw that it was the uncle. Just as he was about to explain, from the corner of his eye he saw Xiao Hao and three people sneaking towards the red ball, "Not good!"

"What's wrong?" The uncle grabbed Xia Long tightly and scolded, "Stay in the back and you are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"We'll talk about it later, uncle!" Seeing a few delinquent students pick up the red balls and leave excitedly, Xia Long hurriedly broke away from the uncle, crossed the gap between the police cars and chased them in the direction they left.

"Uncle?" The uncle was stunned, his face was ashen, and he turned to the policeman next to him and said, "This brat actually called me uncle! He actually dared to call me uncle!"

"Zizzi!" At this time, the body of Meng, who was surrounded in the middle, suddenly began to become blurred, and disappeared strangely under the gaze of the police.

"What's wrong?"

"Fly, the plane has disappeared too!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was in confusion. The uncle didn't care about Xia Long anymore and cursed: "I will skin this kid when I get back!"

Outside the warehouse, the three bad guys took advantage of the chaos and picked up the red ball and left very quickly. When Xia Long chased them out, they couldn't find them for a while.

"Where did you go?"

Standing at the intersection, Xia Long glanced back and forth among the pedestrians, carefully sensing the energy of the red ball.

"I guess I haven't gone far yet..."

After hesitating for a while, Xia Long chose the middle path and kept sensing.

"Huh!" After searching for several times, Xia Long stopped for breath, took off his schoolbag and put it aside to rest.

The incident caused by the red ball has been subsided, the monsters have been eliminated, and even my dream has disappeared from this time and space, but the initiator, the red ball, is still there, and has been taken to an unknown place by those naughty kids.

Xia Long couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of Xiao Hao's words at school about continuing to summon monsters.

It happened that I summoned monsters after my dream disappeared. These kids are too troublesome, and he can't transform now.

"I shouldn't have changed anything about the plot, right?" Xia Long thought with a frown.

He just wants to solve the mysterious man's matter. There is really no need to have too much involvement with this time and space, but the red ball looks too dangerous and he must not let it go, otherwise he doesn't know what will happen if the mysterious man gets it.

After recalling his vague memories and still not finding any useful information, Xia Long picked up his schoolbag and continued to search using sensors.

It took too long, and he only remembered that the red ball disappeared in the end, and it seemed that Tiga and Dyna had appeared. As for the details in the middle, he really had no impression.

"Classmate Xiaotian!" At this time, a female voice called Xia Long. He looked back and found that it was the female teacher.

He doesn't know his name yet, but he is quite kind and knows how to manage the primary school students in his class.

"Ah, teacher." Xia Long responded with a smile. He looked around and found that he was back near the school unknowingly.

"Classmate Xiaotian hasn't come home yet?" the female teacher walked over and knelt down and asked worriedly, "Did you quarrel with dad again?"

"No, it's not." Thinking of his uncle who was still on the mission, Xia Long shook his head awkwardly and said, "Anyway, I'll go back later. Bye, teacher."

Xia Long turned around and ran away.

Acting like a child all the time is actually quite tiring, and Xia Long feels uncomfortable.

Passing by an overpass, Xia Long was thinking about where to look when he suddenly saw the three figures of Xiao Mian.

Taking Nanase Risa and Xiaoyu with them, the three of them hurried into the school.

"They..." In doubt, Xia Long sensed a faint energy fluctuation, located inside the school.

It’s a craft classroom!

With his eyes fixed on a window of the teaching building, Xia Long also ran towards the school, but at the next moment a strong crisis suddenly surged into his heart.

"Huh?!" Without hesitation, Xia Long rolled on the spot at the critical moment of life and death.


"Whoosh!" Following Xia Long's movements, two consecutive light bullets passed through the air one after another. One was avoided by Xia Long in time. The light bullet that was supposed to penetrate the heart only tore the schoolbag apart, but the other hit Xia Long directly. In the arm, the evolution device that had just been condensed was knocked away before it had time to unfold the shield. The arm was in extreme pain, and the tearing feeling spread throughout the body.



In almost an instant, Xia Long walked through the gates of hell. Seeing the evolution device wrapped in electric current and the scattered paper on the ground, Xia Long's back was covered with cold sweat.

If he reacted a step slower, not only would Xiaotian die, but he would not be much better off.

"Damn it!" With a high degree of concentration, Xia Long suppressed the pain in his arm and looked in the direction of the light bullet with his body tensed. A woman's dress first caught his eye.


"Old... teacher!" As the enemy's figure appeared, Xia Long's pupils shrank suddenly.

The one who attacked him was the female teacher who had just separated!

"How could it be?" Xia Long's eyes were condensed, looking at the round arm guard on the female teacher's arm, his face changed slightly, "It was you?"

This guy was hiding so deeply! There was no sign at all beforehand!

The female teacher showed a smile that was completely different from usual: "Yes, it's really interesting. I didn't expect there would be such a world, and we met in such a situation."

Glancing at the evolution device that fell to the side, the female teacher raised her lips and said: "It seems that I won."

Seeing the energy condensed between the fingers of the other party and walking towards the evolution device, Xia Long's eyelids twitched and his teeth clattered.

With the distance between the evolution device and him, if he moved, he would probably be shot into a honeycomb before he took the evolution device back.

Is it really over? In such a strange time and space...

Enduring the discomfort, Xia Long hurriedly gathered his mind power to reconnect with the evolution device.

The female teacher didn't care at all and continued to walk towards the evolution device: "I had prepared a gift for you, but it seems that it is no longer necessary..."

"Hey, stop!" On the other side, a shout suddenly interrupted the female teacher, "I told you to stop, did you hear me!"

"Uncle?" Xia Long looked out of the corner of his eye and was surprised to find that it was the uncle who came over at some point.

Isn't the uncle still on duty?

"Hmm?" The female teacher possessed by the mysterious man stopped and frowned at the uncle, "Human, this is none of your business!"

"Why are there so many strange things recently? The teacher has become a terrorist," the uncle gradually walked in front of Xia Long, pointing his pistol at the female teacher, "Bastard, I told you not to run around, now something happened, right?"

Listening to the uncle's muttering, Xia Long's palms were sweating: "Uncle, he is not an ordinary person, go!"

"You should go!" The uncle pointed the gun at the female teacher who continued to approach, and scolded in a deep voice, "This is an adult's business! Little ghosts, go home obediently, understand!"

Xia Long said anxiously: "Uncle! This matter has nothing to do with you, you can ignore it, go..."

"Why is it okay?" The uncle suddenly got angry and cursed, "I am a policeman, you are my son!"

"Bang bang bang!" Facing the approaching female teacher, the uncle fired continuously with sweat.

"Stop! Did you hear me, bastard!"

"Uncle..." Xia Long looked up at the not-so-broad shoulders in front of him.

In front of the female teacher, several bullets were fired with explosions, but they were blocked by an invisible barrier. Seeing this, the uncle fired several more shots unwillingly.

"Bang! Bang!"

"Get out, you little bastard, I'll tell you about calling me uncle later..."

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the gunshots stopped abruptly.

"Uncle?" Xia Long came to his senses and staggered to his feet.

"Hey, uncle..."

"Bang!" In Xia Long's tightened eyes, the uncle suddenly fell straight on his back, revealing the figure of the female teacher who raised her finger in front of him.

"Uncle..." Xia Long trembled and grabbed the uncle's arm, "Uncle!"

In the past two days, the uncle's rough figure collapsed in front of Xia Long.

Workaholic, beating and scolding his son...

This strange and familiar man fell in front of him.

"Uncle..." Xia Long's eyes were red.

"Fragile human, tsk tsk," the female teacher shook her head and laughed, "How can a human be worthy of having No. 1? You can die too!"


Xia Long turned to the female teacher, looked at the light bullet condensed between her fingers, and clenched his fists tightly.


"Wow!" At the same time as the light bullet from the female teacher's fingers was released, the evolution device suddenly turned into a beam of light and automatically jumped towards Xia Long's arm. The light blue light curtain barrier was deployed at the moment of the attack.



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