Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 374 Desert Planet

In the time and space of the Kingdom of Light, a remote planet in the endless universe.

Unlike the Earth, this planet is covered with deserts over a large area. Any strong wind is enough to bring about a terrible sandstorm. The environment is harsh. If it were not for the many ancient civilization relics hidden there, almost no one would be willing to stay on this planet.


In the center of the desert, above an ancient city that had just emerged from the wind and sand, the sky suddenly tore apart with lightning interweaving, and disappeared quietly after a moment, without attracting anyone's attention. Only a figure fell on the ancient city, awakening this ancient city that had been dormant for who knows how many years.

Wearing a windbreaker, Xia Long walked slowly to the city wall and swept his eyes around.

After the system was upgraded, he chose to leave the Dyna world directly and did not contact anyone other than Xiao Wu.

Many ties gave him power while also giving him a heavy emotional burden, but he found it difficult to deal with the emotional aspect for a while.

He could only bury it in his heart and silently guard this bond.

After standing on the city wall for a while, Xia Long gathered his thoughts and turned on the evolution instrument.

This upgrade may be due to the fusion of the mysterious man's device, the system has changed a lot.

It's like it was just a defective product before, but this time it has been improved a lot.

First of all, the database has been enriched a lot, and the plot information that was not available before can finally be found, so he doesn't have to rack his brains to test his memory.

Secondly, in terms of functions, I don't know whether it is because of his fusion transformation in the battle with the mysterious man, or because of the mysterious man's device, the system has added a super transformation function.

This function replaces the previous overclocking. Not only does it take 3 minutes, but it also does not have side effects like overclocking.

According to 001's instructions, he can only fuse the light power of two Ultramen on the basis of Kalio. If he wants to fuse the power of 6 Ultra Brothers like Mebius, the system needs to be improved to a certain extent.

However, despite this, his explosive combat power has reached the same level as Anperla Starman. If he fights Anperla Starman again, he has a chance of winning at level 7.

In addition, the system mode has also changed after the upgrade and entered the "recovery mode".

Xia Long wanted to find out what the recovery mode was, but he couldn't find any relevant information on 001. He only knew that the improvement of the system needed to find an energy source that could be fused.

The only clue was the pictures he saw during the previous system upgrade.

If those pictures were true, the origin of the fighting evolution device might be well explained.

Xia Long still clearly remembered the decomposition picture of the evolution device at the end of the video.


Looking at the cosmic space-time navigation map that appeared after the evolution device turned on the "recovery mode", Xia Long's thoughts fluctuated.

For some reason, after this system upgrade, he felt a sense of crisis and urgency in his heart, as if something terrible was staring at him in the dark.

Xia Long exhaled lightly.

Perhaps when he perfected the evolution device to the end, he would be able to know everything, not only the secrets of the evolution device, but also the reason why he entered the Ultraman world.

"Ding!" Enlarging the navigation map, Xia Long's eyes locked on the aperture showing his position, and then looked at a small light spot not far from the aperture.

"It's this."

Xia Long's eyes flickered as he found a fusion energy source so quickly.

After magnifying the location of the small light spot, Xia Long found that the coordinates were a planet called Hama, which was not far from the galaxy where he was now.

Almost at the same time when Xia Long checked the coordinates, relevant information about Hama also flooded into his mind.

At first, Xia Long thought it was just an ordinary planet. After getting the information, he couldn't help but frown.

This planet was actually related to the ultimate life form Rebrando who once dominated the universe. According to the system data, the second half of the special drama "Ultra Galaxy Big Monster Fight" that he had not seen took place on this planet. It was the stage where Rebrando manipulated Leonix to fight in order to resurrect.

Not only that, even the dark armor and weapons of Anperla were sealed on this planet by Seven.

"Captain?" Xia Long was slightly surprised to learn that Seven himself was sealed with the dark armor.

Whether it was to find an energy source or to save Seven, it seemed that he had to go to Hama.

After making the decision, Xia Long put away the navigation map and turned on the evolution instrument to transform.

However, before he could move, there was a sudden vibration in the distance, followed by a violent sandstorm, mixed with strange roars and even chaotic shouts.

"Huh?" Feeling a strong energy breath, Xia Long stopped and looked in the direction of the sand.

"Jilant, why do you always have a bad mouth?"

"I told you a long time ago that something was wrong. I told you not to go to that ruin, but you insisted on going!"

In front of the raging storm, two cosmic people desperately ran away, cursing, and a black line loomed in the sand behind them.

Jilangte and Leitra are among many interstellar hunters. This time they accepted the commission to this desert planet, but who knew they would encounter a magnetic monster Antola.

This monster is definitely a nightmare for interstellar hunters. It is powerful and can emit strong electromagnetic waves. Not only can the weapons they rely on completely fail to deal with Antola, but many of their equipment have also been scrapped. Otherwise, as elite hunters, they would not have to be so embarrassed.

"Damn it!" The tall Letra looked back and quickened his pace again.

"Hurry up, there is a relic ahead, go there and hide first!" Jilangte panted.

"Idiot, how do you know there won't be other monsters?"

"Look, there is another person there, anyway, go there first, just delay a little time!" Jilangte's eyes flashed with cruelty, if it doesn't work, he can transfer the monster's target to the other party, so that he can buy them enough time.

On the wall, Xia Long noticed two fully armed cosmic warriors approaching him, and immediately put away the evolution instrument, frowning and looking at the two.

One is Babar, and the other is Baltan.

Babar is okay, but the appearance of Baltan surprised him a little.

He remembered that the Baltan in the Kingdom of Light seemed to be extinct, but he didn't expect to meet one here.

"Hoo!" The two cosmic people jumped onto the wall, first looked at Xia Long warily, and then turned around and looked at the sand.

As they approached the city, the wind and sand stopped, and the monster Antonra also disappeared strangely, as if giving up the pursuit. However, the two did not dare to be careless and still looked around nervously.

"Huh? You are not an interstellar hunter?" During the break, the Babar star Jilangte looked at Xia Long as if he had seen a ghost.

At first, he thought Xia Long was also an interstellar hunter, but when he got closer, he found that Xia Long was not wearing any weapons or equipment, and appeared alone in the center of the desert in ordinary clothes.

This is really incredible. Even if there are no crises, food and water are also necessities.

"No." Xia Long stood quietly aside, looked at the two, and turned his eyes to the desert.

"No?" The Babar star looked around in doubt, and indeed did not find any equipment.

"You should be a victim. After we deal with that Antonra, we will take you to the federal transfer station." Without waiting for Babar to continue speaking, the alert Baltan star buzzed.

Accidents are common in the universe. In his opinion, Xia Long is probably one of these people. If conditions permit, he doesn't mind helping out and making some extra money.

"No, thank you." Xia Long looked closely at the desert.

This time he went to Hama Planet. Before finding the energy source, he didn't want to expose himself easily. It would be best if he had a cover identity.

Feeling the energy of the monster Antonra, Xia Long paused and ignored the two people beside him and jumped off the wall.

If there was a monster, it would be just right to disguise as Leonix.

"What is he going to do?" Seeing Xia Long running towards the desert, the Barbar star screamed, "Antonra is still there. This guy is going to die! If Antonra is lured here..."

The Baltan star pressed Babar's shoulder, shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The support will arrive in a while. There is no need to be afraid. Antonra coming here will make it easier for us to hunt!"

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