Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 391: Transcendence

"Bang!" The sound was like a bombardment, and the whole city was shrouded in despair.

"What are we going to do?" Dongma Kaito walked silently through the ruins and looked at Ye Fu who was roaring in the flames uncomfortably. "How can we defeat that guy..."

"Roar!" Under the fiery red night sky, Ye Roo's blood-red eyes became even colder. A huge energy ball gradually gathered on the tentacles above his head, creating a terrifying whirlwind among the ruins of doomsday.


"Monster," the nearly desperate DASH team members looked at Ye Fu's terrifying figure in horror, and trembled, "Are they trying to destroy the earth? Human beings..."

"Yazi, Yazi, where are you?" Amidst the crackling flames, a scream reached Xia Long's ears from afar.


Slowly opening his eyes, Xia Long looked through the firelight to Ye Fu, who was expanding the ball of light, and to the completely destroyed city.

It has actually reached this point. If it continues, not only this city, but also the entire earth will be destroyed by the destruction of leaf rot.

"Hmm!" Xia Long struggled to push away the rubble on his body and climbed up with a groan.

The target of the energy source is him. The world cannot be implicated. We must find a way to eliminate Ye Fu. If that doesn't work, we must lure Ye Fu out of the earth.

Holding his chest, Xia Long gritted his teeth and moved forward, stepping on the puddles and walking through the burning ruins towards Ye Ru.

At this time, suddenly a girl cried.

"Huh?" Xia Long followed the voice and saw a small figure walking from the ruins on the other side.

In the midst of the blazing flames, with disheveled hair, bare feet, and scars all over her body, was a little girl of seven or eight years old, crying and walking among the ruins. In front of her was Ye Fu's huge body.

"Don't go there!"

Seeing the girl keep approaching Ye Fu, without noticing any danger, Xia Long's expression changed. He turned around and rushed towards the girl in a hurry, but the ruins beside him suddenly exploded.


Before he had time to dodge, the violent impact knocked Xia Long away and hit him heavily in the puddle.



The severe pain made even Xia Long feel dizzy. He was stuck in a puddle and couldn't get up for a while.

"Ang!" Ye Fu looked at the ground thoughtfully, his huge red eyes turning back and forth, and even the energy light ball paused to condense.

"Mr. Monster, you are here..." The girl stopped when she heard the movement, "Mr. Monster, does he hate music? I like music the most..."

As the little girl sobbed, intermittent piccolo sounds spread among the ruins.

The crisp sound of the flute echoed in the night sky, distant and quiet, incompatible with everything around it.

"Roar!" Ye Fu moved his huge body, and his cold eyes fell on the little girl. It seemed that he was affected by the sound of the flute, the blood color shimmered and faded, and his movements slowed down, but before he could hold on, Ye Fu For some unknown reason, the intense fluctuations in his eyes returned to wildness, and the energy light balls began to gather again.

"Just now..." Xia Long climbed out of the puddle with difficulty, stood up unsteadily, glanced at the girl in the sound of the flute, and the evolution device reappeared thoughtfully.

Although it was short-lived, Ye Fu was indeed affected by the sound of the flute just now...

"Ang——!" Ye Fu roared, and a strong energy shock came with a halo, interrupting Xia Long's thoughts.

Xia Long looked up at Ye Fu, who was roaring in the fireworks, and saw that the huge ball of energy had gathered at the top, and bursts of tearing lightning sputtered. Under the powerful energy fluctuations, the entire ruins began to shake.

"Is there no way?" The DASH team members looked desperately at the exaggerated energy ball on the screen, and some even couldn't help but close their eyes.

Yefu has far exceeded the ability of the earth to handle it. Even Ultraman is no match at all...

"Yazi!" Ruixi drove to the scene and exclaimed anxiously when he found the little girl. He quickly got out of the car and hugged the girl.

Xia Long glanced at the two of them, and the arm evolution device condensed and took shape amidst the sound of the piccolo.

There is absolutely no enemy that cannot be defeated. No matter whether Ye Fu has limits or not, there should be a way to defeat him...

"I'll leave this child to you!" Facing the light wave, Xia Long nodded and said a word before he unfolded the evolution device.

Following a buzzing sound, three light groups appeared on the evolution device, and suddenly light burst out violently among the ruins.

"That..." Ruixi, who was holding the girl, stared at the halo blooming in front of her with wide eyes.

"Diga, Camilla, Gauss!" Pulling the power of three rays of light to merge, Xia Long jumped up and turned into a stream of light and flew out of the ruins.


"Super Fusion!"

In the dazzling light, the power of light gathered and took shape, surrounding Ye Fu with a light shield and then rushed into the night sky.


"That's that?" The DSAH team members came back to their senses and looked at Ye Fu and the light group disappearing in the night sky in surprise.

"What happened?"

"Ellie, switch to the satellite universe screen!" Captain Hijikata reacted and said hurriedly.


"Drink!" Shrouded in the light, Xia Long held on to the violent energy impact. After leaving the earth, he threw Ye Fu away. The energy that suddenly lost control exploded and formed a circle of terrifying shock light waves in the universe. .

"Bang!" The dazzling fire radiated, and the approaching satellite was affected and smashed to pieces. The DASH team that had just connected to the signal suddenly lost the picture again.

However, several people soon detected space conditions from a distance through other satellites.

"Is that Ultraman?" The team members stared at the armored giant that appeared on the screen.

"He's not dead!"

Hijikata said in a deep voice: "It's useless. Such monsters will only become stronger and stronger..."

"Wow!" In space, Xia Long rushed towards Ye Fu first in the face of the flames.

After super fusion, his strength will increase explosively, which also means that Ye Fu who is attacked will become more dangerous...

Dodge, punch, Xia Long concentrated all his attacks on one point and came in front of Ye Fu in an instant.


After easily blocking the skills copied by Ye Fu, Xia Long blasted through Ye Fu in one fell swoop, and the burning flames instantly turned him into a molecular state, but soon Ye Fu reorganized in the aperture, and his breath also improved.

Not too unexpected, Xia Long did not change his moves, and continued to chase and punch.

"Come again!"

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The battle went from space to the atmosphere. In the eyes of everyone who was incredulous, the powerful Ye Fu was unable to fight back under the attack of the armored giant. He was blown up again and again, and his body collapsed. Although he could still reorganize and become stronger, the reorganization speed was getting slower and slower, and he did not completely absorb the giant's attack power like before.

"Ye Fu seems to have reached his limit!" The DASH team members said in disbelief, "It can actually exceed Ye Fu's absorption capacity!"

"Boom!" Above the ruins, Xia Long split Ye Fu's body in one fell swoop. At this time, Ye Fu's reorganization speed had slowed down to the point where it was visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Xia Long took advantage of the gap when Ye Fu was reorganizing in the explosion, and a light blue light poured out from the evolution instrument.


As the energy was running, Xia Long raised his hand and pushed the special Moon God light wave directly towards Ye Fu. Suddenly, a tiny ball of light was separated, and after a strong wave, it flashed and disappeared.

Energy source!

"Shock!" Without bothering to track him, Xia Long's gaze returned to Ye Fu again, and the Moon Goddess Light Waves in his hand were continuously released.

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