Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 418: Shield of Balaji

"How is that possible?" Philo looked at the lightsaber piercing his chest in disbelief.

He actually lost, to a mere human being...

"Impossible!" Clenching his fists, Philo roared and exploded with all the remaining energy, and an energy core surged and expanded from his body, "Go to hell, human!"

Xia Long retracted his lightsaber, his right arm flashed with light, and his fist struck out with swirling flames, piercing the space and forcibly dispersing the energy core that was ready to go out.


"Ugh!" Along with the violent force coming out of his body, light flow spurted out from Philo's chest, and finally his body blurred, and he fell weakly onto a star fragment.


In the huge crater created by the smash, Philo struggled to stand up, but a simple movement in the past was extremely difficult now, and he no longer had the strength to support his body.

Xia Long landed in front of Philo with a flashing red light. In the dim light, his figure broke away from the super fusion and returned to the armored Kallio form. Although super fusion can greatly increase combat power, the load is also very heavy. Even if Unlike before, it can only be used for 3 minutes, nor can it be kept for too long.

Maybe one day this power will become the norm, but he can't do it now.

"Human," Philo gasped and raised his head, looking at Xia Long with resentment, "You can't escape, the king will find you soon!"

The Supreme King has the power closest to Noah, and is the ultimate life form of light that is absolutely unattainable. Even he is far from being able to see through the depth of the King.

Thinking of the king's power, Philo smiled pitifully: "That's right, you will definitely not be the king's opponent. Enjoy the rest of your time!"

"Hey, the information transmission source has been detected!" At the same time, the 001 prompt sounded in Xia Long's mind, "Unknown universe time and space... The transmission coordinates are being established..."

Xia Long looked down at the crazy-looking Philo. While letting 001 track the coordinates, he said to Philo: "No one is invincible, just like your king!"

Now that the system has found the coordinates, even if the other party doesn't come to him, he will definitely go there. Whether it is to find Ayumi or to escape the crisis of being obliterated, these are the reasons why he must go.

"You are too naive, human being," Philo struggled in the passing light spots, "You have no idea how powerful the king is! The king's power is inherited from the legendary giant Noah..."

"Boom!" Before Philo finished speaking, the surroundings suddenly trembled violently. As his body's energy dropped to the freezing point, the domain space gradually melted away to reveal the fierce battlefield outside. A line of red lights sounded suddenly across the space. into Xia Long's heart.

"Huh?" Xia Long ignored Philo and turned to look outside.

Outside the domain, the battle between Zero and his team and Belial reached the final stage. After Belial absorbed a large amount of Emerald ore and transformed into a super giant monster, the Iron Warrior, Flame Warrior, Mirror Knight and Zero They were no match at all. When Xia Long sensed it, he saw several people forming a barrier to block the super crimson light wave ejected from the mouth of the beast-turned-Belia.

The image of the beastly Beria was the same as what he had seen in the movie. It was a red and black super giant monster with a colorful timer on its chest. With its narrow eyes, it was vaguely identifiable as Beria, and there was a protrusion on its back. The Emerald Mine has amazing energy.

Sensing the terrifying power possessed by the beast-turned-Beria, Xia Long's eyes tightened and his gaze turned to Zero, who had exhausted all his energy.

Now he is temporarily unable to continue using super fusion fighting, and can only rely on Zero himself...

"We must not lose!" As the light in Zero's eyes dimmed, a voice suddenly sounded in Xia Long's heart.

It's Zero's voice!

Xia Long stepped forward and looked at the group of people surrounded by the red light wave with confusion. Not only the voice of Zero, but also the voices of Xiao Zhi and everyone.

"Can't lose, absolutely can't lose! Can't lose--!"

"Brother, can you hear me? At that time, I heard my father say that we are all fragments of the Shield of Balaji. As long as we work together and fight side by side, the Shield of Balaji will be born. The power exists in everyone's hearts..."

Xiao Zhi, the Iron Samurai, the Mirror Knight, the Fire Warrior, the people on the planet Esmeralda, and even countless civilized fleets who came to support...all of it was transmitted to Xia Long's heart one by one.

"Is this?" Feeling the strength in everyone's hearts, Xia Long looked closely at the battlefield.

Where is Noah? If there are no accidents, Noah should appear next with the fusion of everyone's heart light, and finally give the Shield of Balaji to Zero.

Seeing that Zero and his team reached their limit under the continuous attack of Beria's light waves, Xia Long never saw Noah appear.

"What's going on? Where's the Shield of Balaji?"

"Humans, don't you understand?" Philo laughed, holding on to his already insubstantial body, "Noah no longer exists, so of course the Shield of Balaji will never appear again!"

"What did you say?" Xia Long faced Philo in a deep voice.

"Thirty million years ago, Noah had completely disappeared, haha!" Philo said in a distorted voice, "It seems that there is no need for the king to take action, you will all die!"

On the silent star fragments, Xia Long's body paused, Xiao Zhi's cries and calls kept echoing in his heart...

After looking at the evolution device on his left arm for a while, Xia Long clenched his fist and said solemnly: "Even without the Shield of Balaji, as long as everyone works together, we will definitely win!"

Raising his head, his body shook, and he rushed toward the battlefield with explosive energy.

Although he didn't know what happened, he couldn't watch Zero sacrifice now.


Gathering the energy around him, Xia Long shouted in the rotating stream of light and unfolded the evolution instrument.

"Super fusion, transform!"

As the light of the evolution instrument emerged, Xia Long forced himself to transform into the wingless Noah form again, suppressing the pain of his body almost collapsing, and instantly blocked Zero and his group with a strong brilliance.

After the extremely high-intensity battle with Filo, he has reached his limit and must end the battle before the super fusion collapses...

"What is that?" In the body of the steel warrior, Xiaozhi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and looked in surprise at the giant of light who blocked the death light wave of the beast Belia in front of him.

The silver shining body gradually appeared in the light, and a diamond-like shield firmly blocked the red energy light wave.

"Noah!" Seeing the giant's figure clearly, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but exclaimed, "The legendary giant, Noah!"

"What?" Filo supported his vague consciousness and wanted to see the scene where Xia Long was defeated like himself, but the next moment he found that golden light streams suddenly appeared in the universe.

A large amount of heart power surged from all the fighting people, and the golden color illuminated the entire space. Finally, countless light streams gathered on Xia Long and turned into a huge energy light ball.

"Why, why? King..." With a trace of confusion and unwillingness, Filo could no longer hold on when the light ball bloomed with a halo, and his body collapsed and turned into dots of light and merged into the void.

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