Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 441 Appearing in Makuta City

"Bang bang!" On the coast of Makuta City, the monster Eye Q continuously fired beams of light from its big eyes, and the factories on the shore suddenly exploded and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Sure enough!" I dreamed, looking at the land completely covered by flames, and said in a deep voice, "This guy deliberately sucked down the missiles, and used the captured missile ammunition and rocket propellant as its energy source, so that his body can do physical movements!"

"Please note that the attack should be centered on the metal part of the monster's body! I think this monster may use metal as a binder in order to fuse the rocks on its body."

On the shore, Xia Long silently watched I dream contact the Lightning Team to attack the monster.

There are a large number of factories in this area. The flames formed by the destruction of several huge fuel tanks by the monster jumped up dozens of meters, but soon these flames were sucked into the big eyes by the monster through a purple light. If this continues, this monster may continue to become stronger.

Xia Long stared at Eye Q standing on the flat ground. When the huge body moved, everything around it seemed like a toy display. In contrast, it felt more powerful than the past few.

Over the coast, Peace and several Lightnings circled around Eye Q and launched an attack. All missiles were concentrated on the metal bonding part of the monster according to Wo Meng's opinion, but before the attack was effective, Peace was captured by the light of Eye Q.

"No, it can't be controlled!"

After being wrapped in purple light, Peace not only lost its function, but also kept moving towards Eye Q under the pull of the light.

The monster wanted to absorb the fighter plane as a whole...

Xia Long turned his eyes to Wo Meng. After a struggle, Wo Meng resolutely took out the blue gem cone and transformed into Gaia. The light burst out from the ground, and the red and silver body flashed over Xia Long's head and rushed towards Eye Q at a high speed.

"Gaia..." Looking at the giant on the opposite side who rescued the fighter plane and fought with the monster, Xia Long paused and looked at the sky of the battlefield.

There was still no movement, but the evolution instrument on his arm lit up spontaneously.

Dots of fairy-like light particles swirled around the evolution instrument, and the streams of light intersected and expanded. Even though the system was still in a state of collapse, the evolution instrument still regained a bit of vitality because of the light of the sky.

The scenes after coming to the Gaia world flashed through Xia Long's mind. Starting from the first cosmic battle beast Gob, he seemed to have established an indissoluble bond with the sky of this world. First, he found the lost evolution instrument, and then got the light of the planet from the sky, and found the hope of restoring the system.

But now, this rare hope has a little accident. If the cause is not found as soon as possible, repairing the system is just a luxury.

Xia Long raised the evolution instrument and turned his eyes to the battlefield across the coast. Not long after Gaia rescued the Peace, he was also sucked into the big eye by a purple beam of light by the monster.

Frowning, Xia Long clenched his fists, and the light flowing in the evolution instrument burst out completely, carrying Xia Long across the sea and rising up.


"What is that?" The Lightning Team, who were worried about Gaia, suddenly noticed a strange light circle in the sky above. The light in it continued to gather. After a short moment, the dazzling and strong light turned into a light blade and fell down, smashing into the battlefield.

"Bang!" The exploding earth wave made the Lightning Team stop attacking and looked at the field in surprise.

Not only them, but also the commander of the stone room on the air base and others were shocked. The peak value of the energy intensity in the detection screen was simply unbelievable. Fortunately, it quickly returned to normal.

"Is it that armored Ultraman? It's coming again!"

As the dust and fog dispersed, the streamlined armored giant stood up and faced the monster that had just sucked Gaia into its eyes. For some reason, when the XIG people saw the figure of the armored Ultraman, they all breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, as if the crisis had disappeared.

Shishi woke up with a change of expression, and felt dangerous about his thoughts.

"How could this happen?"

At Tokyo KCB TV, after Tabata learned about the monster, he wanted to find Xia Long but couldn't find him.

"Reiko, have you seen A-Long?"

"No, isn't he in the editing room?"

"Strange, where is A-Long at this time? I can't get through on the phone..."

Tabata frowned and looked at the TV report. After the monster appeared in Makuta City, the local TV station had already started broadcasting the scene live. Although the distance was too far and only a rough picture could be seen, the battle between Ultraman and the monster could be barely seen.

"That Ultraman..."

"Shock!" On the battlefield of Makuta City, Xia Long focused his attention on Eye Q after completing his transformation, not giving the monster too many opportunities. After flashing several light bullets in a row, Xia Long came to the monster in a flash, and raised his fist with a scorching red light.

Almost as soon as he transformed, his red light began to flash, but the lack of energy did not affect his combat effectiveness. A quick battle was enough. An ordinary monster did not need to waste too much effort.

As Yan Q screamed in fear, Xia Long's iron fist burning with blazing flames came in an instant, but just when Yan Q was about to squint his eyes in fear, his fist suddenly stopped in mid-air.

It's not that Xia Long didn't want to get rid of the monster, but he just sensed the state of my dream. After being sucked into the eye, my dream fell into a strange situation, with a very chaotic breath, and it seemed that a demon appeared in my heart.

Although killing Yan Q like this can indeed save my dream, it is not a good thing for my dream.

Letting go of the monster, Xia Long retracted his fist and stepped back a few steps to stand in front of the monster.

"What happened?" XIG looked at the scene in confusion, not knowing what the Armored Titan was going to do, and even Eye Q in the battlefield was confused.

After a moment of hesitation, Eye Q felt that he was being looked down upon, and angrily opened his giant eyes and sent absorbing rays to Xia Long.

"Ultraman was also..."

Several Lightnings surrounding the battlefield attacked the monsters one after another, trying to help Xia Long, but it was of little use. Xia Long did not resist and was directly sucked into the giant eye by Eye Q.

The inside of the eyeball was a very strange red space, with eyeballs everywhere. After Xia Long entered, these eyeballs made a series of weird laughs and continuously launched mental attacks on him.

Xia Long was not affected, but Imeng, who was also in this space, looked very bad. Even in the Gaia form, he still rolled on the ground with his head covered in pain, and the red light kept ringing.

"I'm not afraid, I have no reason to be afraid of you!"

In the laughter of Eye Q, Imeng kept struggling, and when he saw Xia Long standing in the air, his whole body trembled.

"Wo Meng," Xia Long glanced at the rapidly flashing red light on his chest, then flashed in front of Wo Meng and said in a deep voice, "Believe in yourself, Wo Meng!"

Holding down the painful Wo Meng, Xia Long's arm lit up with a circle of soft light to help Wo Meng calm down.

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