Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 479 My dream of becoming stronger

In the early morning of the next day, Xia Long washed up early and rushed to KCB with Lun Wen.

Since last night, Lun Wen has always looked at him with resentment.

"Aaron, did you and Reiko go out for dinner yesterday?"

After entering the KCB building, Lunwen couldn't help but ask, looking disappointed.

"Yesterday? No, Reiko went back by herself." Xia Long shook his head. Lunwen liked Kuroda Megumi not long ago, but now he has turned his attention to Reiko.

He obviously always hates Reiko asking him to do chores, I really don't understand.

However, Reiko probably likes Fujimiya, and as for Renwen...

Seeing Lun Wen's silly look, Xia Long shook his head.

No chance at all.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xia Long looking at him with a strange look, Lunwen subconsciously avoided it, "I was just asking..."

"Lunwen, let's give Miss Kuroda a try. Maybe, it might be possible." Xia Long patted Lunwen on the shoulder encouragingly, turned and walked into the office.

Lunwen touched the back of his head in confusion: "What's wrong with Miss Kuroda?"

The office of the KCB reporting department was still in full swing. When Xia Long walked to his desk, he found that Reiko had arrived early.

"Morning, Aaron!" Lingzi greeted Xia Long happily, which was completely different from her mood when they separated last night.

"Morning!" Xia Long responded and sat down in his seat with a hint of confusion.

The desktop was piled with papers, almost burying his body in them.

"Why are there so many today?" After browsing, Xia Long couldn't think about Reiko and picked up a form with a headache.

"Please do this!" Reiko handed a videotape to Xia Long.

"What is this?" Xia Long asked curiously as he took the belt.

"What Tabata gave you is GUARD's interview materials," Reiko explained, "Well, there are also these materials. It says that you always don't work seriously. I will leave these to you to organize from now on."

Xia Long stared: "Huh? Why am I not working seriously?"

"Then you always can't find anyone at critical moments?"

"I was..."

"What is it?" Reiko bent down and asked curiously close to her face.

"Of course there is a reason," Xia Long said in frustration, "Can't I do it?"

Looking at the mountain of documents, Xia Long sighed softly and resignedly organized them according to the form.

"Okay, don't be upset," Lingzi held back her smile and picked her up halfway, "In the worst case, Lunwen and I will help you solve some problems."

Lun Wen raised his head with sharp ears and said excitedly: "Are you calling me?"


While Xia Long was busy at KCB, a stream of light suddenly crossed the sky and shot into the XIG air base above the equator.


In the base, I was lying on the repair table and fell asleep. I opened my eyes in a daze, looked at the flashing instruments in front of me, and quickly turned back to turn on the computer.

"Is there an intruder?"

"Huh?" KCB, Xia Long raised his head thoughtfully.

It's Agur's breath of light, and Gaia...

Putting down the documents in his hands, Xia Long stood up and walked outside the office, looking at the sky through the bright windows of the building.

He could sense the energy conflict between Aguru and Gaia, and the two guys actually started fighting again.


A glimmer flashed in Xia Long's eyes. He looked through the clouds and through the XIG air base, taking in the perspective view of the XIG command room in the distance.

Inside, Fujimiya and Gamu both turned into human-sized Ultraman, fighting in the small space of the command room.

"Does this guy Fujimiya want to destroy the air base?"

"Aaron," Lun Wen followed with a grimace, "I've finished sorting it out. Can you please don't ask me to do this kind of thing again in the future..."

Xia Long looked away and quickly said to Lun Wen, "Lun Wen, I have to go out for a while. I'll leave the rest to you!"

"Ah?" Lun Wen was stunned for a moment. He waited for Xia Long to turn around and leave before reacting, "Hey! Aaron, you can't..."

"Please, I'll treat you to dinner!"

After hurriedly walking out of the KCB TV building, when Xia Long sensed it again, he found that Gaia was punched out of the sky by the giant Aguru outside the air base.


In a factory on the ground, a small Gaia slammed into the concrete floor, and the red light on its chest kept blaring.

"Hmm!" Standing up from the cement fragments, Gaia looked closely at the giant Agur who followed him to the ground. After hurriedly avoiding Agur's continuous light bullet attacks, he found that his energy was no longer enough to support his enlargement.

"Damn it!" Facing Aguru's pressing pressure, Gaia had to retreat into the factory.

Seeing this, Aguru took the initiative to shrink his form and followed the sound of the red light to find Gaia.


After the two met in the factory, they started fighting again like enemies meeting each other.

"Bang bang bang!"

When Xia Long turned into a middle-aged man and appeared at the factory, the sounds of fighting echoed in the factory room.

His mind swept over them, and the locations of Gaia and Aguru clearly appeared in his induction.

After the fierce battle, both of them had little energy left, and finally they collided with flying kicks with all their strength.

"Bang——!" The moment the two lights collided, energy burst out violently, and the bright light rushed out of the factory, making Xia Long unable to help but avoid sight.

Is it over yet?

"Wow!" The impact went away as quickly as it came. After the light dissipated, Xia Long looked at the factory that had returned to calm, paused, and stepped inside.

At a glance, in the middle of the factory, Fujimiya and Gameng had exhausted their energy and fell to the ground without strength.

"You have become stronger, my dream! But..." Fujimiya struggled to stand up and said fiercely, "But, I will defeat you! Anyone who hinders me must be eliminated!"

"Da da!"

Fujinomiya staggered to the door. When he saw Xia Long, his face changed slightly, but he did not stop. He snorted coldly and passed Xia Long with a calm face.

"Fujimiya!" I Meng knelt on the ground with his back turned, covering his abdomen with difficulty, "Why did the earth use Aguru's power...why?"

Xia Long looked at the painful dream in silence.

Fujimiya and Gamu are fighting so hard now, and I don’t know how they will become life and death partners in the future.

Shaking his head, Xia Long turned and left.

"Fujimiya!" I called in my dream when I heard the movement behind me. When I turned around, I found it was Xia Long, "Senior? Why are you here, senior?"

I stood up in surprise.

"I thought something happened to you again." Xia Long stopped and responded, then paused and said, "I dream, some things must have their meaning. What will happen to the earth that will destroy Aguru's power?" To Fujimiya, we have to find the answer ourselves.”

"Meaning?" A look of doubt flashed in my dream eyes. When I came back to my senses and saw Xia Long walking away, I shouted anxiously, "Senior!"

Gritting my teeth, I Meng dragged my body and staggered towards Xia Long.

"Senior," Wo Meng said tightly as he struggled to keep up with Xia Long, "I want to become stronger!"



"When you find the answer, come back to me." With a smile, Xia Long stopped staying and disappeared directly into my dream's field of vision.

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