Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 488 The Sea of ​​Demonic Light (Part 2)


At the edge of the bay covered by the night, Xia Long looked at the Peace flying overhead and stepped onto the reef.

This day was not peaceful. The glowing spheres flying out of the sea were scattered everywhere. GUARD branches in various countries frequently went out to destroy the spheres. It was not until midnight that all the spheres that appeared were destroyed.

Xia Long also followed this kind of sphere to many places and even collected some fragments.

But after all, he was not a scientist and could not see anything on the fragments.

After returning to his residence in Tokyo, Xia Long contacted Tabata early the next morning.

"Yes, I found something, that is, the fragments of the glowing sphere that appeared yesterday."

"What? Are you telling the truth?" Tabata hurriedly said on the phone at KCB TV station, "Along, come to the station now!"

"I'll be there right away."

Xia Long hung up the phone, wrapped the sphere fragments and put them in his pocket, and then hurriedly packed up and left.

Lun Wen, who was awakened by the noise, opened the door in a daze and asked curiously, "What? It's so noisy so early in the morning..."

"Lun Wen, make yourself some food today."


"Bang!" Before Lun Wen could react, Xia Long had already closed the door of the entrance and rode away on his motorcycle in a blink of an eye.

"What happened?" Lun Wen touched the back of his head in confusion, yawned and went back to the bedroom to continue sleeping.

"I finally got a rest, I won't get up today..."

In the underground parking lot of KCB, Xia Long stopped the motorcycle and ran down the stairs to the KCB building.

"Along!" After seeing Xia Long, Tian Duan immediately asked Xia Long for the fragment sample.

Looking at the coral reef-like fragments, Tian Duan nodded to Xia Long and said, "Okay, I'll find someone to analyze it now, and there should be results soon."


After Tian Duan left, Xia Long stood in the lobby for a while and saw Lingzi coming out of the elevator with a bag.

"Reiko," Xia Long shouted, noticing that Reiko was a little absent-minded, "What are you doing..."

"Ah?" Reiko came back to her senses, saw Xia Long, and said in surprise, "Along, didn't you ask for leave?"

"I need Tabata's help with something," Xia Long asked with a smile, "I heard that you are investigating Fujimiya Hiroya?"

Reiko was a little restrained, clenched her fingers and said, "I just want to see that person again, even once, so..."

After a pause, Reiko looked at Xia Long expectantly and said, "Along, can you help me?"

Xia Long faced Reiko's gaze and smiled bitterly, "Maybe I will know where he is. I can ask him next time I have a chance."

Reiko said happily, "I will? Is it Mr. Takayama I will from XIG?"

"What's wrong with Takayama I will?" Tabata hurried over, saw Reiko, and said hurriedly, "Reiko, put other things aside for now, we have a new mission."


In Hayami City, Xia Long and his group were driving on the seaside highway in a broadcast vehicle.

"Why did you bring me here too?" Lun Wen yawned in the driver's seat and complained with a bitter face.

"Don't talk nonsense," Tabata scolded, "You have to come here even if you are on vacation!"

Looking at the sea outside, Tabata said in a deep voice: "If the analysis of the fragments is correct, the information on the Internet that the luminous sphere will cause the oxygen in the atmosphere to disappear may be true. Maybe someone wants to use this thing to turn the earth into a planet without oxygen."

"No way?" Lun Wen's sleepiness disappeared and he was surprised, "Who would do such a thing?"

Reiko's face was pale: "If oxygen disappears, all creatures will become extinct, right?"

"Not all creatures on Earth need oxygen," Tabata shook his head, "A long time ago, the earth was an oxygen-free world, and the creatures living on Earth at that time were anaerobic creatures."

"But isn't the earth an oxygen planet now? There should be no anaerobic creatures, right?"

"No, there are still anaerobic creatures living in the deep sea."

Xia Long didn't say anything on the side, just silently thinking about what Fujimiya said yesterday.

This crisis was caused by humans. It is not only the task of GUARD but also the responsibility of their media reporters to make humans realize their mistakes.

The report of this incident is much more important than the previous ones...

After the broadcast car drove to Shirai Bay, several people found a red car parked on the beach.

"Huh?" Xia Long looked from a distance and found that it was Imeng wearing XIG uniform, and there were several other young people. The witness of the glowing sphere was also present.

"What are they doing?" Tabata looked over in confusion. Just as he was wondering, Imeng and others gestured to the sea for a while and then got on the red car.

"Lunwen, follow up!" Seeing the red car leave, Tabata shouted hurriedly, "We must dig something out no matter what!"


Lunwen accelerated and hung behind the red car, chasing all the way to downtown Tokyo, and finally arrived outside Johnan University.

"Huh?" Just as Lunwen was about to catch up, a group of strangely defeated pedestrians suddenly appeared at the fork in the road ahead.

These people looked like monks but not monks. They held wooden sticks and shouted "root". Every time they shouted, they stopped and hit the ground with the sticks.

"What are you doing?"

Lun Wen stopped the car, and a man in the group immediately ran out and handed him a flyer.

There were several groups of people like this along the way. Most of them believed in the root destruction body and believed that root destruction was the real salvation.

"Why are there more and more flyers like this recently?" Lun Wen complained.

"There's nothing we can do about it," Lun Wen sighed, "The world is unstable now. Since the emergence of the root destruction body, although everyone is calm on the surface, who can tell what's going on in their hearts?"

After entering the parking lot of Chengnan University, Tian Duan got out of the car and said, "Let's go. This is a rare opportunity. We must reveal the truth!"

Xia Long picked up the equipment box, glanced at the several flyers on the side, shook his head, and followed Tian Duan and others to find Wo Meng and his group.


"point216s9?" In a research room at Chengnan University, when Tian Duan heard Wo Meng mention the source of the luminous sphere, his face suddenly became ugly.

"Is it the place that those marine research institutes warned about 8 years ago?"

Tabata murmured, holding the table beside him: "How could this happen?"

Reiko asked curiously: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with Point216s9?"

"That place," Tabata said tightly, "was predicted to be the last gathering point of human waste discharged into the sea 8 years ago..."

"Due to the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus in the waste, a large number of oxygen-absorbing organisms appeared, turning the seabed into an oxygen-free world," Ameng continued, "I believe that the main reason for their mutation is caused by us humans."

Tabata heard this and clenched his fingers and said: "In other words, this time, it is a disaster caused by us humans ourselves?"

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