Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 490: Wings of Stone

At dawn, the temperature was still a little low.

Xia Long walked along the roadside of the community and occasionally heard people getting up.

With the arrival of a new day, the deserted residential streets gradually became lively, and many housewives could be seen busy making breakfast for their children.

"Sorry!" A little boy carrying a big bag ran past Xia Long carelessly and almost bumped into Xia Long.

Following the boy, a housewife shouted worriedly: "Hongxi, what are you doing?"

"To the Stone Wing!" The boy disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye, "I'll be back soon!"

The housewife looked at the direction the boy left and said helplessly, "This child..."

Seeing Xia Long looking at her, the housewife greeted enthusiastically: "Mr. Along, are you up so early?"

"No, I just came back." Xia Long glanced at the direction the boy left, chatted with the housewife for a while, and then returned to his residence.

After a simple breakfast, Xia Long did not rest, but rode a motorcycle to KCB as usual.

The originally scheduled vacation ended early because of the underwater monster incident. In fact, he didn't have to go to work today, but now the TV station has a lot of things to do, so he came to help.

"Good morning, Aaron!"

"Good morning!"

After greeting several colleagues, Xia Long looked around but didn't see Tabata and Renwen. Instead, he found that Lingzi had already started broadcasting the morning special news, which was the material that Tabata and Renwen had rushed to finish last night.

"Humans should treat the planet they live on well, and don't..."

Lingzi reported very seriously, and even added her own words from the bottom of her heart.

"The earth and Ultraman must also hope so!"

"It's amazing, Aaron," a senior saw Xia Long outside the exhibition room and exclaimed, "I heard that you and Tabata have caught a lot of big news recently!"

"No, I'm just helping."

After exchanging a few words with the senior, Xia Long went all the way back to the office, sat on the chair and stretched for a long time, and then began to deal with the information on the table.

The work of sorting out the documents has now been assigned to other people. Relatively speaking, he is now relaxed and has regained his freedom.

The reason for this is that, on the one hand, he has been following a lot of news recently, and on the other hand, the important task assigned to him by Tabata, the investigation of Ultraman, is also of great interest to the top management of the TV station, and they have given him a lot of convenience.

In fact, for this task, as long as the news that Ultraman is a human is reported, it is basically enough to explain, but Xia Long will definitely not do so.

Although he promised Tabata, he felt that it was not the right time to report.

If the identities of Memu, Fujimiya, or even himself were exposed, it would be quite troublesome.

Putting down the plan in his hand, Xia Long picked up a cup of hot water. When he passed by Reiko's desk, he suddenly saw a document about Ultraman on it.

Putting the cup aside, Xia Long curiously opened the file and found that it was a summary of some Ultraman reports and some collected materials.

The contents of the reports were similar. The most was Gaia, followed by him, and then Aguru, but the latter information was almost all about him.

After all, he has shown many more forms than Gaia and Aguru.

There is also a photo of him in a Tang suit and a brief profile of Fujimiya Hiroya in the information...

"Why did Lingzi collect these?"

Xia Long was wondering if he could continue to flip down. Lingzi, who had just returned from the showroom, pressed the information and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you doing, Aaron? Don't just flip through other people's things, okay?"

"Sorry," Xia Long said awkwardly, "Because it's Ultraman's information, I want to see it..."

Lingzi hugged the information and said with a puffy face: "I finally sorted it out!"

Looking at the busy surroundings Reiko pulled Xia Long out of the office again and whispered, "Along, can you not investigate Ultraman's matter first?"


"If Ultraman is really a human, wouldn't it be too dangerous for them?" Reiko worried, "Ultraman probably doesn't want his identity to be known?"

As she said that, Reiko looked at Xia Long expectantly: "Along, please!"

Xia Long touched his nose and nodded: "Don't worry, I will know my limits."


That day, a strange thunderstorm cloud appeared over Tokyo.

"How can there be thunderstorm clouds in this season?" After receiving the weather report, the staff of the reporting department were a little surprised.

Xia Long walked to the window and looked at the sky in the distance.

For the time being, I can't sense what's wrong with the thunderstorm cloud, but I always feel that something is wrong.

"What's wrong?" Reiko walked over strangely.

"Ah, nothing," Xia Long came back to his senses, suppressed his doubts and asked, "By the way, where are Tabata and the others?"

Reiko said sullenly, "Hasn't Tokyo been holding summit meetings recently? Both of them were arranged to go there."

"Summit meetings of various countries?" Xia Long muttered, probably about the root destruction body again, and the countries were getting a little impatient.

Without paying too much attention, Xia Long returned to the office and continued to work.

But not long after, the reporting department received news that the thunderclouds were rapidly expanding.

"What's going on?"

Xia Long took a document handed over by a colleague, his eyebrows jumped, and he hurried to the window.

From a distance, the whole sky was dark, and lightning flashed in the clouds.

"What is that?" Xia Long held the glass, his eyes slightly condensed.

There was actually a wormhole gradually taking shape in the clouds, just above the area where he lived.

The strange phenomenon soon attracted the attention of the TV station, and Xia Long and Lingzi were temporarily arranged to go to the scene to collect materials.

After a while, Xia Long drove to the bottom of the thundercloud. There were already many GUARD troops on the street guiding the crowd to take shelter, but it looked a little chaotic.


"Everyone, take shelter!"

"Why is this happening?" Xia Long adjusted the instrument, but found that he could not connect to the satellite signal, and even the communication with the TV station could not be connected, and the camera shooting picture was also seriously interfered.

Lingzi had just finished her makeup, and when she saw this situation, she anxiously said: "Along, what should we do now?"

Xia Long simply gave up the broadcast and said: "Let's take it first!"

After recording the chaotic crowd, Xia Long aimed the camera at the sky again.

At this time, the thunderclouds have become very dense, getting closer and closer to the ground. You can see a huge vortex in the middle that is slowly expanding.

"The wormhole is about to open..." Feeling the breath gathered in the thundercloud, Xia Long didn't care to continue filming, and hurriedly pulled Lingzi back.


Almost at the moment Xia Long moved, a black shadow like Mount Tai fell from the sky and suddenly hit the ground. With a roar and explosion, the whole ground shook violently.

Xia Long looked up and saw a stone lion that looked a bit like a modified one. Its thick legs easily trampled down a large area of ​​the street. The pair of horns on its head looked like cow horns and goat horns, and it could actually change its shape to send out different lightning attacks.

"Zizi!" Under Xia Long's gaze, the electric current several meters thick radiated in all directions, and finally formed a violent thunderstorm.


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