Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 519: Natural Control Machine, Forest Green

On the coast of Tokyo Bay in the afterglow of the setting sun, Imeng happily found Xialong after coming out of Geo Base.

"Senior, GUARD has confirmed that the planet is just the habitat of Gob and others, so he decided to disassemble the ultimate missile."

"I am afraid that human actions have always been controlled by the destruction body. It is just a luxury to find clues about the other party through the wormhole. GUARD is right to choose to disassemble the missile, otherwise it will be used by the enemy.

"However, this also means that mankind has lost a hope." Xialong stared at the sea and said, "The current society is already very chaotic, and we don’t know what will happen next. If people’s hearts collapse, that would be a truly terrible thing."

Imeng was silent for a while, and said firmly: "I think we will definitely find new hope in the future!"

"Then work hard, Imeng," Xialong said with a smile, "I also believe that mankind will definitely find hope."

Since the emergence of the root destruction body, various extreme societies have also been born among humans. In Tokyo, many believers can often be seen marching on the streets and distributing leaflets.

"Accepting destruction and dying more perfectly is the best choice for humans on Earth! "

"Only the root of destruction is the real salvation!"

When Xia Long passed by Gangbei Square, another round of shouts of "root" came, and a large group of people were holding flags in front of the pool in the middle of the square.

Seeing the leader shouting in the crowd, Xia Long shook his head and turned to walk to the other side, when a female voice suddenly appeared in Xia Long's ears.

"Ultraman, you saw it all, right?"

"Who?" Xia Long turned his head and his eyes collided with a young woman who was laughing in the crowd.

"Humanity needs the guidance of the root of destruction," the woman said with an undisguised smile, "Just wait for destruction quietly!"

Xia Long used his telekinesis to look over carefully, only to find that the woman was just an energy body mimicry, but for some reason her breath was the same as that of humans.

"No matter who you are," Xia Long said in a deep voice, "Humanity will never accept the guidance of any root of destruction, and will never choose to perish!"

"Really? "The woman smiled even more brightly, stood up and took the initiative to walk towards Xia Long.

"You don't understand anything at all. Why would an alien interfere with human choices?"

As the woman moved, everyone at the scene looked at Xia Long at the same time, and the believers surrounded him under the leadership of the woman.

"These people are just bewitched by fear." Xia Long snorted coldly, his eyes gleaming, and the believers around him were instantly pushed away by an invisible force.


"What's going on?"

With Xia Long as the center, the crowd in the square fell to the ground like dominoes, crying out in pain.

Xia Long looked around and continued to convey his thoughts to the woman: "No matter where I am, the earth is my hometown. If the root of destruction wants to destroy mankind, come to me first!"

The woman's smile solidified, and the aura on her body fluctuated and connected with the earth, and suddenly a slight shaking came.

"Hmm? "Xia Long frowned and looked at the ground behind him. Suddenly, he sensed that a huge energy was rising rapidly underground, and he could faintly hear a strange music.


The gentle sound of the wind echoed in the square, and even the believers felt the abnormal atmosphere.

The leader in the middle said excitedly: "Here it comes! The root of destruction, guide us, save us!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Under the gaze of everyone, the earth exploded, and a huge black shadow emerged from the ground among the splashing soil and rocks, followed by countless thick tree trunks that rushed up one after another and quickly spread to the surroundings.

All the buildings and streets were torn into pieces in an instant. In the short reaction time, the believers had no time to escape and were swept into the woods.


At the XIG air base, Dunzi urgently reported: "The trees are growing!"

"The trees have destroyed the Gangbei area and are occupying Gangbei!"

"It's just like a forest. What's going on? ”

In the affected area of ​​Gangbei, the forest area is still increasing, but the center has stabilized. Looking from the sky, it is all green. If it were not for the city ruins, it would be a forest.

The center of the forest is where Gangbei Square was originally located. At this moment, a huge building stands, which is somewhat similar to the "heaven" that appeared before, but it says "forest green".

Xia Long walked in the quiet dense forest, and after sweeping his eyes over the believers who fainted on the ground, he fell on the "forest green" in front.

The forest is through this Something is spreading...

Ignoring the believers who woke up one after another, Xia Long walked through the woods and went straight to "Forest Green".

The internal space of this machine is not small, and it is also very humid, covered with vines.

Xia Long looked around all the way, walked up a few steps to enter the core part, and found that the woman was standing in front of the lotus-like column in the middle, silently looking at a glowing flower on the column.

"When we knew that the earth would be forced into a crisis of extinction by humans in the near future, and humans would not be able to escape this disaster even if they exhausted all scientific and technological means, we made a decision."

The woman slowly turned around and said to Xia Long: "We want to purify the air, melt the ice and snow, wash the earth, and then eliminate humans and sow new seeds!"

The quiet piano sound echoed in the space, repeating over and over again.

"This is a requiem to appease the souls of the dead," seeing that Xia Long did not respond, the woman continued to laugh, "The root of destruction is guiding us in this future, and the purpose is to make humans perish faster."

"Is that what you want to say?" Xia Long said, "There are countless possibilities in the future, and everything is likely to change. What you call the future of the earth is just a ridiculous lie of the root of destruction."

Without saying more, Xia Long took out the Sun and Moon and held it in his hand, but before he could move, a figure suddenly rushed out from behind and blocked him.

"What do you want to do to Miss Yabuki?"

Xia Long frowned and looked at the person who came, and found that it was Sato, the college classmate in my dream. This guy was indeed seen among the believers just now.

"Get out of the way!"

"You are not allowed to bully Miss Yabuki!" Sato grabbed Xia Long's arm and hurriedly said to the woman, "Miss Yabuki, go!"

The woman laughed and said indifferently: "It's useless. You can't transform here."

"Huh?" Xia Long's palm tightened, and he found that the Sun and Moon could not call for energy.

This is...

Narrowing his eyes, Xia Long quickly scanned the surroundings, and finally looked at the glowing flower on the middle pillar.

"Is it this thing? No wonder you led me in!"

"Yes," the woman grinned, "Your power is too strong, only in this way can I have a good talk with you."

"Hey?" Sato let go of Xia Long and said confusedly, "Miss Yabuki, what are you talking about?"

Foundation Building 00

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